In honor of and inspired by my Dad, Tom Weaver Yes, you may use a wheelchair to get around, you may use your arms as both your legs and your arms, but that does not make you less FIERCE. This hat uses intarsia, and is therefore worked flat and seamed up the back after completion. It is recommended for intermediate and adventurous knitters. Materials: 1 skein Malabrigo worsted-weight yarn in Black (Main Color) 1 skein Cascade 220 color 8891 (turquoise) (Contrasting Color 1) 1 skein Cascade 220 color 8505 (white) (Contrasting Color 2) 1 pair of US size 3 knitting needles (straight or circular, it doesn't matter since the hat is worked flat) Gauge: 22 stitches and 32 rows to 4 inches/10 centimeters The hat is designed to fit snugly on an average head (about a 21-inch circumference). It is easy to make the hat larger or smaller; simply work the intarsia design on the middle 28 stitches, and add or subtract from the stitches that border it. You can even make the hat from yarn that is an entirely different gauge with very little calculation, as long as you don't mind your intarsia design being proportionately larger or smaller! Notes on Materials: You will only use a small amount of Cascade 220 8505 (white). Feel free to substitute any worsted-weight white yarn that you may have around. I chose to use Malabrigo wool for the main color since it is far softer than the Cascade 220, but knits to the same gauge. You may choose any worsted-weight yarn for your hat; just be sure to swatch first, since the intarsia makes the hat less elastic than it otherwise would be. All images and content @2007 Weaverknits. It is illegal to reproduce this pattern or design for profit. For more information, contact Weaverknits at weaverbergh13 @ verizon.net http://weaverknits.blogspot.com Directions: Cast on 116 stitches with the main color. Row 1: K1, then work in K2, P1 rib until you reach the last stitch. K the last stitch. Row 2: P1, then work in P2, K1 rib until you reach the last stitch. P this stitch. Repeatrows1and 2untiltheworkmeasures1.5inches. On the next row, K 44, place marker, K28, place marker, K44. Purl 1 row. Now, begin the intarsia design. It is worked on the 28 stitches between your two markers. Begin at the lower right-hand corner. On either side of the design, continue to work in stockinette stitch in Main Color. When you have finished the 35 rows of the intarsia chart, work 5 more rows in stockinette. Then decrease for the crown as follows: 1" decrease row: (K5, K2tog), repeat to end of row (don't worry if your stitch count doesn't fit perfectly, just stop whenever in the sequence of this repeat you happen to be). Work 3 rows stockinette. 2"d decrease row: (K3, K2tog),repeat to end of row Work3rowsstockinette 3"d decrease row: (K2tog), repeat to end of row Work 3 rows stockinette 4" decrease row: (K2tog), repeat to end of row Cut yarn and draw through remaining stitches. Pull tight. When you cut the yarn, leave at least an 18-inch tail, and use this to sew up the back seam of the hat using mattress stitch. Now it's time to embroider your...
For the flames in the photo, I used simple free-form embroidery stitches using three different types of red and reddish-orange yarn. One of the yarns I used was Handmaiden Sea Silk, which gave the flames a lovely sheen. Feel free to improvise! Basic embroidery instructions can be found at Sharon b's “in a minute ago" stitch dictionary: http://inaminuteago.com/stitchindex.html I used primarily the chain stitch, back stitch, and satin stitch. You don't need to be particularly good at any of these to make your flames... just experiment and make your hat your own.
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Key: Contrasting Color 1 (Turquoise) 只 Contrasting Color 2 (White) 0 Main Color (Black) The lines signify the basic area in which to embroider your FLAMES! \*Remember, everything but this design is worked in main color!