Sarah Chandler
● Black, gray, and skin-colored yarn--I used Red Heart in Black, Grey Heather and Buff. Embroidery thread in black and white. ·Set of five #3 double-pointed needles. Tapestry needle and embroidery needle. ·Toy stuffing. ·2 pipe cleaners, preferably in a dark color. ·2 markers. Gauge: Approximately 22 sts and 32 rows over 4 inches of stockinette. The exact gauge isn't that important, as long as the stuffing won't show through. Yardage: 60 yds gray 30 yds black 10 yds skin-tone
Random Notes:
● Don't hide the wraps, except on the head. It's not worth the trouble. Adjust the pipe cleaner size or limb length if desired; just make sure that the ends aren't pointy enough to stick out. ●The ankles may come out a bit thick. Just stitch all around and pull tight. · I haven't always marked where to stuff, so don't forget. · Pay attention to the little arrows.
Sweater body:
CO 45 sts in gray, divide between 3 dpns and join in round. Rnds 1-5. (K4, P1) around. 6. (K2, M1, K2, P1) 9x, 54 sts. 7-11. (K5, P1) around (5 rnds). 12. (K1, M1, K1, P1) 18x, 72 sts. Divide sts among 4 dpns and knit with 5th. 13-22. (K3, P1) around (10 rnds). Short rows Work (K3, P1) rib ptrn 8x, PM, W&T. Work (K1, P3) reverse ptrn 7x, PM, W&T. \*Work rib ptrn to 1 st before marker, yf, sl1, RM, sl 1, P2 slipped sts tog, PM, W&T. Work rev ptrn to 1 st before marker, sl 1, RM, sl 1, P2 slipped sts tog, PM, W&T.\* Repeat between (\*) 2x. Repeat first line once more, borrowing a stitch from the next-door needle to wrap. The marker now sits between the 2nd and 3rd needle. If you can remember that, you don't have to keep it there; however, I will continue to refer to this point as the “marker." Now repeat the second line of the (\*), borrowing a neighboring stitch to wrap. You may remove this marker too, since it only marks the beginning of the round. There should now be a total of 64 sts on 4 needles. Return to rounds 23. Work rib ptrn to marker, (K2tog, K1, P) to end of rnd, 55 sts. 24. (K2tog, K1, P) to marker, (K2, P1) to end of rnd, 48 sts. 25. (K2, P1) to marker, (K2tog, P1) to end of rnd, 39 sts. 26. (K2, P1) to marker, (K1, P1) to end of rnd. 27. (K2tog, P1) to marker, (K1, P1) to end of rnd, 32 sts. 28. (K1, P1) to end of rnd. BO in (K1, P1) pattern. Legs About 3 rows above CO of sweater, on reverse (purl) side, PU&K 28 sts with black. Rnds 1-3. K. Divide sts:

point on diagram, then forget all the stitches except the six on the next needle Work 12 rnds stockinette with these six sts. Break yarn, leaving long tail, and graft these stitches with the six opposite ones. There should now be two holes for the legs. Insert pipe cleaner for leg bones, bent like this:- Pick a hole to start with. Leg Join yarn at set of 8 sts. Knit these 8 sts. PU&K 10 sts with black around hole for leg. Divide between 3 dpns, join in rnd. The pipe cleaner should remain inside the leg at all times. Stuff as you go. Rnd 1. K. 2. (K2tog, K4) 3x, 15 sts. 3. K. 4. (K2tog, K3) 3x, 12 sts. 5-7. K. 8. (K2tog, K2) 3x, 9 sts. Knit 17 rnds. Foot - fold rest of pipe cleaner in half and twist - don't stuff the foot, just the heel. Divide sts between 2 dpns, 6 for heel and 3 for top of foot. If necessary, knit to set of 6 sts (new beginning of round). K5, W&T. P4, W&T. \*K4, W&T. P4, W&T.\* Repeat between (\*) once more. Knit 2 rnds. Last chance to stuff. (K2tog, K1) 3x, 6 sts. Put all sts onto one dpn and knit 3 rnds of I-cord. (K2, K2tog, K2), 5 sts. Knit one rnd. (K, SK2P, K), 3 sts. Knit one rnd. (SK2P). Break, leaving a long tail if gaps must be sewn up, and draw through single stitch. Return to O. Work other leg. Arm bone--Shove pipe cleaner through both shoulders, adjust until both sides are equal. Knit around it. Arm PU&K 12 sts with gray in shoulder circle (see picture).

Knit 5 rnds. (K2tog, K2) 3x, 9 sts. Knit 13-ish rounds (remember the number so you can make the other arm the same length). BO. Hand--PU&K 6 sts with skin color, just inside cuff of sleeve. K 2 rnds. Put all sts onto single dpn for I-cord. (K2, K2tog, K2). Knit one rnd. (K2tog, K1, K2tog). Break yarn and draw through 3 remaining sts. Return to . Work other arm.
As you come to wraps from previous rows, pick them up and knit together with the st being wrapped. The beginning of the round will move around some, so follow instructions carefully. Use 4 dpns and keep 8 sts on each until the decreases. PU&K 32 sts in neck of sweater (one in each st of neck) starting at right shoulder (cast-off). Rnd 1. K. 2. K1, PM, K14, PM, W&T. 3. P to marker, RM, P1, PM, W&T. 4. K to marker, RM, K1, PM, W&T. 5 & 6. Repeat rnds 3 and 4 once more. 7. Repeat rnd 3. 8. K2, MB, K13, MB, K2, K2tog, K9, SSK. We are now pretending that the first marker is the beginning of the round. :. There should be 30 sts, 11 in the front between markers and 19 in the back. 10. K18, W&T. 11. P17, W&T. 12. K. 13. (K2tog, K1) 3x, (K1, SSK) 3x, K to end of round (first marker, remember?) 14. K12. W&T. 15. P11, W&T. 16. K1, K2tog, K6, SSK, K4, SSK, K1, K2tog, K3. There should be 20 sts at this point. 17. K10, W&T. 18. P9, W&T. 19. (K2tog) twice, (SSK) 5x, K1, (K2tog) twice, 11sts. Stuff. 20. K. 21. (SSK) 4x, SK2P, 5 sts. Place sts on one needle for I-cord. 22. K. 23. K1, K2tog, K2. 24 & 25. K. 26. K1, K2tog, K1. 27. SK2P. Break yarn, leaving a long tail to tighten up any loose sts, and draw through st Embroider face using white for sclera (white part of eye) and black for everything else.
CO 4 sts in gray. \*Knit row purl row gray, knit row purl row black.\* Repeat between (\*), making sure to bring yarns up from beneath and not pull too tight. Work to roughly 16 inches. End with two gray rows,Bo.
beg - beginning BO - bind off CO - cast on dpn - double-pointed needle K - knit K2tog - knit 2 together Kfb - Knit into front, M1 - pick up bar then back of stitch between sts and knit MB - Kfb, turn, P2, P-purl PM - place marker ptrn - pattern turn, K2tog PU&K - pick up st rev - reverse RM - remove marker rnd(s) - round(s) from existing work, K SK2P - slip st, K2tog, sl st - slip stitch SSK - sl2 sts, K2 sl st(s) - stitch(es) pass slipped st over sts together W&T - wrap and turn yf - yarn forward Techniques irafting (kitchener stitch) - A sewn bind-off that mimics a row of stockinette. I-cord - Place all sts on one dpn. Knit across sts. Without turning, continue to knit sts, carrying yarn behind work. Short rows - Working only some of the stitches in a row in order to