Easy Crocheted Flowers
Flowers are an easy way to get through your yarn scraps, and can be used in a variety of ways. Three different styles of flower are included here, along with 50 ideas on how to use your new crochet bouquet.
Pattern Information
Difficulty BEGINNER
Any fiber and variety of colors will work. Sample flowers crocheted with Debbie Bliss Pure Cotton (Solid-Centered, Skimper, and Double-Petaled Flowers), Classic Elite La Gran Mohair (OpenCentered Flower), Sirdar Salsa DK (Open-Centered Flower), and Plymouth Baby Alpaca Brush (OpenCentered Flower).
Crochet hook. The hook size recommended on the ball band is a good starting place, but you can experiment.
Not important to this project. You may experiment with hook sizes to get a frilly or flat flower. Finished Size Approx. 4"x 18" (10 x 45cm) License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses /by/3.0/us/.
Patterns are test-crocheted and checked for accuracy. However, if you find a discrepancy, please email any corrections to kreations@ kastroll.com.
You will need to use a magic adjustable ring (mar) for these fowers. A good tutorial is available on CrochetMe's site at http://crochetme.com/Dec_Jan_0405/reads_round.html.
Solid-Centered Flower (shown above)
Center. Mar, sc 15 into mar, join to 1st sc, close mar. Petals. \* Ch 3, tr in next 2 sc, ch 3, sl st in next st \* rep 4 times, fo. Weave in ends.
Open-Centered Flower (shown on next page)
Center. Ch 6,join in ring. Sc 15 into ring, join to Ist sc. Petals. \*Ch 3, tr in next 2 sc, ch3, S st in next st \* rep 4 times, fo. Weave in ends.
Double-Petaled Flower (shown above)
Work the fower center of your choice (open or closed). Petal Rnd 1. In front Ips only, $^{*}\,{\mathrm{Ch}}\,_{2}$ , dc in next 2 sc, ch 2, sl st in next st \* rep 4 times, fo. Petal Rnd 2. Join yarn 2 st from end of Petal Rnd 1. In back Ips only, $^*\,{\mathrm{Ch}}\,3$ , tr in next 2 sc, ch 3, sI st in next st \* rep 4 times, fo. Weave in ends.
Skimper Flower (shown above)
Ch 3, \* dc in 3rd ch from hk ("center"), ch 2, sl st in center, ch $2^{*}$ rep 4 times, dc in center, ch 2, sl st in center, fo. Weave in ends.
Extra Large Flowers: Double or triple your fiber and use a larger hook to make extra large fowers. Contrasting Colors: Make the fower's center or petals contrasting colors for added effect. Button Center: Sew or glue a vintage button to the center of your fower for an extra special accent. Felted Flower. Make your fower with a feltable fiber and a hook 2 sizes larger than the one recommended by the ball band. Felt in the washing machine or by hand. 1) Sew on your tote to give it a new look 2) String onto a chain and wear as a necklace 3) Glue onto some plain note cards for one-of-a-kind stationary 4) Weave on some ribbon and tie it on as a choker 5) Attach French wires and wear as earrings 6) Twist on a green pipe cleaner and pop it in a vase 7) Glue onto a hair lip for a feminine accessory 8) Tie on a cord and wear as a bracelet 9) Glue to a pin back and wear it as a brooch

10) Skewer it through a hairpin to secure your shawl 11) Send it to a friend to say, "I love the way our relationship grows" 12) Pin it to a hat to dress it up a bit 13) Mount it on a ring to faunt our soft. foral side 14) Glue it onto cuff links to show off his feminine side 15) Sew it on a button to give it some pizzazz 16) Applique it to your denims to give them that de signer look 17) Throw it in the wash to make it a felted fower 18) Needl-felt it onto that felted bag you bring out each winter 19) Place it in your scrapbook to make a warm, unique theme 20) Pin them to your Mary Janes for fashback-to grade school fair 21) Wire them onto bobby pins to accent your perfect do 22) Place them in your wedding favors to share your handmade bliss 23) Attach them to wine glass charms so everyone can find their drink 24) Dip in dried catnip and tie to a string for a unique cat toy 25) If you sell something, use them as free gifts for your clients 26) Sew it onto your dog's collar for that boutique look 27) Add to a cell phone charm

and fHaunt your handmade-lovin' personality 28) Thread a ribbon through a petal and hang from your rearview mirror 29) Applique onto a plain baby onesie for instant bou tique couture $_{30})$ Glue onto your doorbell plate so guests have to press the pollen 31) Attach to your favorite coffee mug so people stop stealing it 32) Mount around your door's peephole and peer through the center 33) Slip onto your shower curtain rings to brighten up your bathroom decor 34) Wear on your keychain for a fower-power boost 35) Hang several over your baby's crib for an instant mobile 36) Attach to your ceiling fan's chains to brighten up the fixtures

37) Glue to your drawer knob pulls for one-of-a-kind accents 38) Mount onto magnets to hold up that Chinese takeout menu 39) Applique onto an old throw pillow to give it new life 40) Mount onto thumbtacks to make a fowery bulle tin board 41) Weave onto your shoelaces to make a bold state ment 42) Pin onto your bike basket for added mobile fair 43) Sew onto soft blocks for a textured baby toy 44) Get some body adhesive and use them as pasties 45) Incorporate them into vour mask for vour next mas-

$46)$ Glue onto your flip-fop straps for a summery foot accessory. 47) Wire into a circlet for your head for a medieval coronation $_{48)}$ Sew onto a strip of cardstock for a lovely new bookmark 49) Tie on top of a gift-wrapped package for an extra little bonus $50)$ Place it on your desk and enjoy it just like it is