Trade Winds Knitting Pattern for Shawl and Mitts with Detailed Charts and Instructions

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Suggested Yarn: s n ia b so (a) a -
Finished Size:21"x 80"blocked. Size can be modified by adjusting needle size. However, additional yarn may be needed.
Yarn Requirements:
1100 yards
Gauge:24 sts and 36 rows= 4 inches instockinettestitch unblocked 20sts and 32rows= 4 inches in stockinettestitchblocked
Needles:Size 4 US (3.5mm) circular needle (24 inch) or size to obtain correct gauge
Size 2 US (2.75 mm) double pointed needles
Beads:Size 12 (1.00 mm) Crochet Hook
808- Seed Beads; 8/0 Metallic Gold Iris (8-462)
Misc.Materials8 stitch markers
Tapestry needle

k =knittbl=throughbackloopyo=yarnover
μnd = dpsso=passslipstitchoverk(p)2tog-knit(purl)2togetherasone
m1=make 1PM=placemarkerst(s)= stitch(es)
s1 = slip 1SSK=s1knitwise,s1knitwise,thenknit those 2 sts tog tbl

Trade Winds - Shawl

Shawl Body

With larger needles, cast on 111 sts using a provisional cast on method. Beginning with Chart A (page 3) and work as follows: Work Rows 2 thru 10 Next, work Rows 14 thru 34 Next, work Rows 11 thru 34 Next, work Rows 11 thru 16 Next, work Rows 35 thru 44 Next: Work Chart B (page 5) as follows: Work Rows 1 thru 50 Next, work [ Rows 3 thru 50 ] 6 times Next, work Rows 3 thru 52 Next: Work Chart A (page 3) as follows: Work Rows 1 thru 10 Next, work Rows 14 thru 34 Next, work Rows 11 thru 34. Next, work Rows 11 thru 16 Next, work Rows 35 thru 44

Shawl Edging

Edging to be worked on smaller needles over the 111 stitches of the entire hem edge using Chart C (page 8) Notes: 1.At the end of each odd numbered row work the ssk using the remaining edge stith along with the next shawl stitch waiting on the left-hand needle. One stitch from the shawl body will be used for every two edging rows worked. 2.In order to have 16 comlete repeats of the edging paten, you will need to pickup anadditional 2 stithes along the shawl body. These should be evenly distributed across the work. With WS facing, loosely cast on 13 sts using a knit-on method. Next: Work [Rows 1 thru 14] 16 times Next: Work Row 1 Bind off Secondhalf ofShawl: Remove the provisional cast on from the first halfof the shaw, placing 111 sts on the larger needle. With WS facing attach working yarn and losely cast on 13 sts using a knit-on method. Next: Work [Rows 1 thru 14] 16 times Next: Work Row 1. Bind off


Weave in allose ends on WS of fabric. Soak shawl in lukewarm water with wool soap for approximately 60 minutes to completely saturate the fabric. Squeeze out excess moisture by rolling the piece in a towel. Stretch and pin the shawl to the finished measurements on page 1. Allow to dry completely before unpinning.Piece will relax slightly.

k = knittbl=throughbackloopyo=yarnover
μnd = dpsso=passslipstitchoverk(p)2tog-knit(purl) 2 together as one
m1=make 1PM=placemarkerst(s)=stitch(es)
s1 = slip 1SSK=s1knitwise,s1knitwise,thenknit those 2 sts tog tbl

Trade Winds - Shawl

Chart A

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Chart A - Written Instructions

Notes: Directions for Inc 1 and Central Double Increase are located in the Chart A Legend (page 3). R1: RS - Knit across row to last st, wyif slip last st purlwise R2: Knit 6, p1, k across row to last 7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R3: Knit across row to last st, wyif slip last st purlwise R4 Knit 6, p1, k across row to last 7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R5: Knit across row to last st, wyif slip last st purlwise R6: Knit 6 sts, p1, pl then slip bead onto completed st, [p2, p1 then slip bead onto completed st 32 tmes, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purwise R7: Knit across row to last st, wyif slip last st purlwise R8: Knit 6, p1, kacross row to last7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R9: Knit across row tolast st, wyif slipast st puise R10: Knit 6, p1, k across row to last 7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R11: Knit7,k,tyystg y, s,isst t p R12: Knit 6, p5,k5, p3,[p4,k5, p3]7times; p2, k5, wif sliplast st puise R13: Knit 7, yo, [k3tog, yo, p7, yo, ssk, yo] 7 times; k3tog, yo, p7, yo, ssk, yo, k2tog, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R14: Knit 6, p4, k7, p2, [p3, k7, p2]7 times; p2, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R15: Knit6, ,y,[ss,y,,s-, yj7tme; ssk, y, p, y, s-sso, y, , wif sliplast st p R16: Knit 6, p4,k7, p2, [p3, k7, p2]7 times; p2, k5, wyif slip last st purise R17: Knit 7, yo, [s-,yo,p, yo,ktog, y]tmes; s21-psso, yo, , (yo, k2to) twice, k5, sliplast st purlie R18: Knit 6, p4,, p2,[, , 7tms, p,, wi sp lat st pu R19: Knit7,in1.[y,s, y,ptg, ptg,pto,y,ktg, yo, cetal doule i]7te; yo, , y, tg, ptg,pto,y,t,y, inc 1, k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R20: Knit 6, p, k3tog, p4, [p5, 3tog,p4]7tmes; p2, 5, wyif sliplast st purwis R21: Knit 7,inc 1,[yo, ssk twice, p1, (ktog, yo) twice, central double in] tmes;(yo, ssk twice, p1, (ktog, yo) twice, inc 1,k6, wyif slp last st purlwise R22: Knit 6, p7, k1, p5, [p6, k1, p5]7 times; p2, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R23: Knit7,y, ss y, stg-y,ty,pt y, y, st-y,ty,k,wyif sl st purlwise R24: Knit 6, p1, k3, p7, k2,[k3, p7, k2]7times; k1, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwie R25: Knit 7, , [, yo, ssk, yo, ktog, yo, p]7 tmes; p3, yo, ssk, yo, ktog, y, p, k6, wyif slip last st pise R26: Knit 6, p1,k4, p5,k3, [k4, p5, k3]7times; 1, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purise R27: Knit7, p,[, yo, 2-sso,yo,ssk, yo,p]7tes;p3, yo, sk1-sso, yo, ssk, yo, p4,k6,wyif slip last st puise R28: Knit 6, p1, k4, p5, k3, [k4, p5, k3] 7 times; k1, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R29: Knit7,,y,t,y -yp]; py,tgy-,,,wif sllast t p R30: Knit 6, p1, k4, p5,k3, [k4, p5, k3] 7 tmes; k1, p1, k5, wyif slip last st puise R31: Knit 7, ptgtgy, ktg,yceal due inc, y, ss, y, t, p7 ts; tg, yo, ktg,yo ceal due in, yo, ssk, yo, (p2tog) twice, k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R32: Knit 6, p1, ktog, p9,[k3tog, p9j7times; k2tog, p1, k5, wyif slp last st purwise R33: Knit 7, p1, [(k2tog, yo) twice, central double inc, (yo, ssk) twice, p1]7 times; (k2tog, yo) twice, central double inc, (yo, ssk) twice, p, k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R34: Knit 6, p1, k1, p11, [k1, p11]7times; 1, p1, k5, wif sliplast st purlwie R35: Knit across row to last st, wyif sliplast st purwise R36: Knit 6, p1, kacross row to last 7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R37: Knit across row tolast st, wyif slipast st purwise R38: Knit 6, p1, kacross row to last7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R39: Knit across row to last st, wyif sliplast st purwise R40: Knit 6, p, pl then slipbead onto cmletdst, [, then slp bead on cmleted st]32 tims, , 5, wyif slp last st purie R41: Knit across row tolast st, wyif sliplast st purwise R42: Knit 6, p1, kacross row to last7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R43: Knit across row to last st, wyif sliplast st purwise R44: Knit 6, p1, k across row to last 7 sts, p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise

k =knittbl=throughbackloopyo=yarnover
μnd = dpsso=passslipstitchoverk(p)2tog-knit(purl)2togetherasone
m1 = make 1PM=placemarkerst(s) = stitch(es)
s1 = slip 1SSK=s1knitwise,s1knitwise,thenknit those 2sts tog tbl

Trade Winds - Shawl

Chart B

Pattern illustration

Chart B - Written Instructions

Note: The total stitch count per repeat varies over the rows work. Please refer to the chartin the Chart B Legend for a summary (page 5). R1: Beginning on the RS, knit across row to last st, wyif slip last st purlwise R2: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; pm, [p27; k2, p3, 2; pm]3 times; p1, k5, wyif slp last st purwise R3: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, s1-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; ssk, yo, s2-k1-p2so, yo, k1-tbl, yo, ssk, k7, yo, k1-tbl, yo, s2-1-pss, yo,tog, smj3time; p2,yo, sk2tog-sso then slibead onto comlted st, yo, p2; k, wif slp last st puis R4: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3, 2; s, [21; k2, p3, k2; sm]3 tmes; p1, k5, wif slip last st purwie R5: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; ssk, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, sk, k5, k2tog, yo,k3, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R6: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3,k2; sm,[3; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R7: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k3, p2; k1, (yo, s2-k1-p2so) twice, yo, k1-tbl, yo, sk, k3, k2tog, yo, k1-tbl, yo, (s2-k1-p2sso, yo) twice, k1, sm]3 times; p2, k3, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R8: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p21; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st puwise R9: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; (k1, yo, k3, yo) twice, ssk, k1, k2tog, (yo, k3, yo, k1) twice, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R10: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p27; 2, p3, k2, sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwie R11: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; ssk,(yo, s2-k-p2sso) 3 times, yo, k1-tbl, yo, s1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1-tb, yo, (s21-p2sso, yo) 3 tes, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R12: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3,k2; sm,[p1; 2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R13: Knit7,sm,[,k, p2; ssk, yo,k, yo,k, ktog, yo, k3, yo,k, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo,k, yo, ktog, sm3tes; p,k3, p2; k, wf slip last st purlwise R14: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [ p25; k2, p3, k2; smJ3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R15: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, s-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k1, (yo, s2-k1-p2sso) twice, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, ssk, (yo, s2-k1-p2sso) twice, yo, k1, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R16: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3, k2; sm,[3; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R17: Knit7, sm,[,,y, sk, p;,y, k,y,t,k9 ssk, , ss,k, y,, stm; p, y, ssk, p;k,wif sllt st purlwise R18: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [23; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p, k5, wyif slp last st purlwise R19: Knit7, sm,[p, k3,p2; ssk, yo, s2-p2sso, yo,k1-tb, yo, ssk,k, tog, yo, k-tbl, yo, s2k-p2sso, yo, k2tg, m] 3 times; p2,k, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R20: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p21; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R21: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; ssk, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, sm] 3times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif lip last st purlwise R22: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [ p23; k2, p3, k2; smJ3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R23: Knit7, sm,[p, yo sk, p2;k( s- twice, y,tl, y, ssk, to,y, tl, yo, (sk,y ic,, m 3 times; p, , yo, ssk, p2; k6,wyif slplast st purie R24: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [ p21; k2, p3, k2; smJ3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R25: Knit 7, sm,[p2,k3, p2; (k1, yo, k3, yo) twice, ssk, k1, k2tog, (yo, k3, yo,k1) twice, smJ3 times; p2, k3, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R26: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p27; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1,k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R27: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, s-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto comleted st, yo, p2; ssk,(yo, s-k1-p2sso) 3 tmes, yo, k1-tbl, yo, s1-k2tog-pso, yo, k1-tbl, yo, (s2-k1-p2sso, yo) 3 times, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R28: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3, k2; sm,[21; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R29: Knit 7, sm, [p2,k1, yo, ssk, p2; ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R30: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3,2; sm, [5; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 tmes; p1, k5, wif slip last st purie R31: Knit 7, sm, [p, k3, p2; k1, (yo, s-k1-2ss) twice, yo, k2tog,k3, yo, k1, yo,k3, ssk, (yo, s2-k1-2ss) twice, yo, k1, sm] 3 times; p2, k3, p2; k6, wyif sip last st purlwise R32: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm,[p23; k2, p3, k2, sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R33: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k9, ssk, yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise

k =knittbl=throughbackloopyo=yarnover
μnd = dpsso=passslipstitchoverk(p)2tog-knit(purl)2togetherasone
m1=make 1PM=placemarkerst(s)=stitch(es)
s1 = slip 1SSK=s1knitwise,s1knitwise,thenknit those 2 sts tog tbl

Trade Winds - Shawl

Chart B- Written Instructions Continued

R34: Knit 6, p1; k2,p3, k2; sm, [23; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1,k5, wyif sliplast st puise R35: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k1, yo, sk, p2; ssk, yo, s2-k1-p2sso, yo, k1-tbl, yo, sk, k7, k2tog, yo, k1-tbl, yo, s2-k1-2sso, yo, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R36: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p21; k2, p3, k2; sm 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purwise R37: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k3, p2; ssk, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k3, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R38: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p23; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R39: Knit 7, sm [p2,yo, s-2tog-sso then slip bad onto comleted st, yo, p2; k1, (yo, s-psso) twice, yo, k-tbl, yo, ssk, k, ktog, yo, k1-tbl, yo, (s2-k1-p2sso, yo) twice, 1, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, s-k2tog-sso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R40: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p21; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R41: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; (k1, yo, k3, yo) twice, ssk, k1, k2tog, (yo, k3, yo, k1) twice, sm] 3 times; p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R42: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm [p27; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R43: Knit 7, sm,[p2, k3, p2; ssk,(yo, s2-k1-p2sso)3 times, yo, k1-tbl, yo, s1-k2tog-sso, yo, k1-tb, yo, (s2-k1-2sso, yo) 3 times, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, k3, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R44: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p21; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R45: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, sk2tog-psso then slip bead onto comleted st, yo, p2; ssk, yo, 1, yo,k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo,k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R46: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p25; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R47: Knit 7, sm, [p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k, (yo, s2-k1-p2sso) twice, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, sk, (yo, s2-k1-p2sso) twice, yo, k1, sm] 3 times; p2, k1, yo, ssk, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R48: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p23; k2, p3, k2; sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R49: Knit7, ,[,, p;,y,k,k,y,kt,k, ssk, y, ssk,, y,, 3; ,, p;, wif sllast st pui R50: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p23; k2, p3, k2, sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise R51: Knit 7, sm [p2, yo, sl-k2tog-pso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k27; sm] 3 times; p2, yo, sl-k2tog-psso then slip bead onto completed st, yo, p2; k6, wyif slip last st purlwise R52: Knit 6, p1; k2, p3, k2; sm, [p27; k2, p3, k2, sm] 3 times; p1, k5, wyif slip last st purlwise

Trade Winds - Shawl

Chart C

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Chart C- Written Instructions

R1: Beginning with wrong side, k2, p9, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R2: Sl, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, yo, k3, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2 R3: K2, p11, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R4: Sl, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k2, s1-k2tog-psso, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, (yo, k2tog) twice, k1 R5: K2, p9, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R6: Sl, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, ssk, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, (yo, k2tog) twice, k1 R7: K2, p8, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R8: Sl, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, sk, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, (yo, k2tog) twice, k1 R9: K2, p7, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R10: Sl, k1, ssk, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, (yo, k2tog) twice, k1 R11: K2, p6, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R12: Sl, ssk, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, (k1, yo) twice, k2tog, yo, k2 R13: K2, p7, k1, ssk using last st from edging and 1 stitch from shawl body R14: Sl, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, yo, k1, k1 then slip bead onto completed st, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Cascade Heritage Sock Yarn - Tangerine (#5645). Or any fingering weight yarn that meets gauge Finished Size: 6.25 inches in circumference and 8 inches in length to fit hands measuring up to 7.5 inches around. Note: This mitt fits like a second skin. Size can be modified by adjusting needle size. However, additional yarn may be needed. Yarn Requirements: 165 yards. Gauge: 36 sts and 48 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch Needles: Size 1 US (2.25mm) double pointed needles (DPNs) or size to obtain correct gauge Size 12 (1.00 mm) Crochet Hook Beads: Misc. Materials 2 stitch markers Scrap yarn or stitch holder Tapestry needle e between right and left mitt instructions. Please read through the entire pattern before you start to knil

Trade Winds - Mitts

Left-hand Mitt:


CO 54 sts and divide over 3 DPNs as follows: Needle 1 - 27 sts; Needle 2 - 14 sts; Needle 3 - 13 sts. Join to begin working in the round by moving the first stitch cast on Needle 1 to Needle 3. Pass the last stitch cast on Needle 3 over this stitch and onto Needle 1. The first and last stitches have been switched. Prepare to begin to work in the round working the cuff as follows: R1: Work Chart A Paterned Panel (page 4)across Needle 1, starting with Row 1; [K1, P1]across Needes 2 and 3 to last stitch, K1. Repeat this round until the 33 rows of Chart A are complete.

Begin hand and thumb gusset shaping:

Next rnd (inc rnd) Needle 1 - work Chart B Pattern Panel (page 5), starting with Row 1; Needle 2 - knit 14 sts; Needle 3 - k6, PM, m1, k5, m1, PM, k2. [7 thumb sts between markers ] he position of the thumb gusset has been established. Continue increasing every 3 rounds as follows: R1, R2: Needle 1 - continue working Chart B pattern panel, Needles 2 and 3 - knit across all needl R3 (inc rnd): Continue working patterned panel across Needle 1; knit across Needle 2; on Needle 3, k6, slip marker, m1, knit to next marker, m1, slip marker, k2. [ 9 thumb sts between markers ]. Repeat these three rnds 8 times more. [74 sts total; 25 thumb sts ] Next rnd: Continue working patterned panel across Needle 1; knit across Needles 2 and 3 Next rnd: Continue working patterned panel across Needle 1; knit across Needle 2; on Needle 3, k6, slip 25 thumb sts to a piece of scrap yarn or stitch holder, CO 5 sts using the backward loop method, k2. [ 54 sts total; 25 thumb sts are held aside to be worked later ] Next rnd: Continue working patterned panel over Needle 1; knit across Needles 2 and 3. Repeat this round until the 62 rows of the Chart B patterned panel are complete.

Top Edge:

e round. Repeat this rnd for a total of 3 rows. Bind off neatly on next rnd in the rib pattern established


follows: Place the first and last stitch from holder onto Needle 1, so that the “gap" is between them 13. : rnd: On Needle 1, k1, pick up and knit 7 sts in the “gap", k1; knit the remaining sts around. [32 sts ] Next rnd: On Needle 1, ssk, k5, k2tog; knit the remaining sts around [ 30 sts ] Next rnd: Knit entire round. Next rnd: On Needle 1, ssk, k3, k2tog; knit the remaining sts around [28 sts ] Next rnd: Knit entire round. Next rnd: On Needle 1, ssk, k1, k2tog; knit the remaining sts around [26 sts ] Next rnd: Knit entire round.

k = knittbl=throughbackloopyo=yarnover
μnd = dpsso=passslipstitchoverk(p)2tog-knit(purl)2togetherasone
m1=make 1PM=placemarkerst(s) = stitch(es)
s1 = slip 1SSK= s1knitwise,s1knitwise,then knit those 2 sts tog tbl

Trade Winds - Mitts

Next rnd: On Needle 1, s1-k2tog-psso; knit the remaining sts around [24 sts ] Knit 6 more rnds, or until desired length. e round. Repeat this rnd for a total of 3 rows. Bind off neatly on next round in the rib pattern establish

Right-Hand Mitt:

Work the same as the left-hand mitt, adjusting the stitches as follows: Reorganize the stitches so that there are 27 sts on Needle 1, 13 sts on Needle 2, and 14 sts on Needle 3. The gusset increases wil then be worked on Needle 2 instead of Needle 3, and Needle 3 will be worked straight. Next rnd (inc rnd) On Needle 1 - work Chart B pattern panel, starting with Row 1; on Needle 2 - k2, PM, m1, k5, m1, PM, k6. [7 thumb sts between markers ]; knit across Needle 3. Continue as established; following directions for the left-hand mitt.


Weave in allose ends on WS of fabric. Soak pieces in lukewarm water with wool soap. Squeeze out excess moisture and lay flat to dry without stretching.


Pattern illustration

PatternPanel workedoverthestitchesonNeedle1only

Pattern illustration

Trade Winds - Mitts

Chart B-Mitt Body

00A 00K0V0K000
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45. .
..000A A A0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0K K o K o0 0 0 0 0A K A K K0 0 A 0 A 0 o 0 A A 0 0 0 A 0 Ao 0 K 0 o 0 0 K 0 0 0 K0 0 0 0 0 0X00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o lol O. . . . . . . . . g . .. g . . . . . . . .31 30222252422191 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 876 54321
43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10. s . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 ol 0 oA A A0xo X 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0o K 0 0 A K 0 A K0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0K o K 0 K 00 0 0 0 0o K 0 o o K 0 o 0 K 0 0

Trade Winds - Mitts

Chart A - Written Instructions (worked over the 27 stitches on Needle 1 only)

R1: P27 R2: P2, [k2, k1 then slip bead over completed stitch] 7 times, k2, p2 R3: P27 R4: P2, k4, [yo, s2-k1-p2sso, yo, k3] 3 times, k1, p2 R5: P2, k23, p2 R6: P2, k1, [yo, s2-k1-p2sso, yo,k3] 3 times, yo, s2-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, p2 R7: P2, k23, p2 R8 -R27: Repeat [R4 thru R7] five times more R28: P2, k4, [yo, s2-k1-p2sso, yo, k3] 3 times, k1, p2 R29: P2, k23, p2 R30: P27 R31: P2, [k2, k1 then slip bead over completed stitch]7 times, k2, p2 R32: P27 R33" P2, k23, p2

Chart B - Written Instructions (worked over the 27 stitches on Needle 1 only)

R1: P2, ssk, yo -s, yo,ktb y, sk,, ktg,y, k-tb y, s-s,y, kt R2: P2, k21, p2 R3: P2, ssk, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, sk, k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo, k2tog,p2 R4: P2, k23, p2 R5: P2, k1, (yo, s2-k1-psso) wice, yo, k1-tb, yo,ssk, k3, k2tog,yo, 1 tbl yo, (s2-k1-p2sso, yo) twice, 1, p2 R6: P2, k21, p2 R7: P2, (k1, yo, k3, yo) twice, ssk, k1, k2tog, (yo, k3, yo, k1) twice, p2 R8: P2, k27, p2 R9: P,ssk,y-ttyy, sg-y,-ty,(s-y R10: P2, k21, p2 R11: P2, ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2tog,p2 R12: P2, k25, p2 R13: P2, k1,(yo, s2-k-p2sso) twice, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, ssk, yo,(s2-k1-p2sso, yo) twice, k, p2 R14: P2, k23, p2 R15: P2, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k9, ssk, yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, p2 R16: P2, k23, p2 R17 - R32: Repeat Rows 1 thru 16 R33 - R48: Repeat Rows 1 thru 16 R49 - R62: Repeat Rows 1 thru 14

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