Shores Spirit Beanie
by RachelChandler-Frantz It's nice that my kids think I'm cool enough

Using the 01d Norwegian cast on method and Color A,C0 96 sts onto a 16"(40cm) US6 (4.50mm) circular needle. Place marker and join to work in the round. Double checktobe sureyour sts are nottwisted! Work rounds1-57of beanie patternfollowing either the chart or the written instructions below. If using circulars and doing Magic Loop. switchtothelonger circularonrow36. To avoidthejog thatresultsfrom changing colors, slip the first stitch as if to purl wyib on the second row of a new color.
Workroundsl-llwithColorA Odd rounds: \*K2, pl; repeat from \* around Even rounds:\*K2,pl,k5,pl;repeat from \*around
All even rounds are worked as knit all around. Break yarn and continue with Color C for rounds 12-16 Odd rounds: \*K5, pl; repeat from \* around Break yarn and continue with Color B for rounds 17-24 Oddrounds:\*K5,pl;repeatfrom\*around Break yarn and continue with Color C for rounds 25-29 Odd rounds: \*K5, pl; repeat from \* around Break yarn and continue with Color A for rounds 30-36 Oddrounds:\*K5,pl;repeatfrom\*around Breakyarn andcontinue with ColorCfor rounds37-41 37: Decrease: \*K4, p2tog, k5, pl; repeat from \* around {88 sts} 39:Decrease: \*K4,pl,k4,p2tog;repeat from \* around {80sts} 41: Decrease: \*K3, p2tog, k4, pl; repeat from \* around {72 sts} Break yarn and continue with Color B for rounds 42-49 43:Decrease:\*K3,pl,k3.p2tog;repeat from \*around {64 sts} 45:Decrease:\*K2,p2tog,k3,pl;repeat from \*around {56 sts} 47:Decrease:\*K2,pl,k2,p2tog:repeat from \*around {48 sts} 49:Decrease:\*Kl,p2tog,k2,pl;repeat from \*around {40 sts} Breakyarn and continue with Color C for rounds 50-54 51:Decrease: \*Kl,pl,kl,p2tog;repeat from \* around {32 sts} 53:Decrease:\*K2tog,kl,pl;repeat from \*around {24 sts} Break yarn and continue with Color A for rounds 55-57 55: Decrease: \*Kl,p2tog; repeat from \*around {16 sts} 57:Decrease:\*K2tog;repeat from \*around {8 sts}
Break working yarn, leaving about an 8" tail. With a tapestry needle, pull the tail evenly through the remaining 8 loops. Insert the tapestry needle through the hole at the top; turn the hat inside out, and pull the tail snugly to close thehole. Weave in the tail and allother remainingloose ends

This pafern iy inftendled for ptrsonal use oniy. The tnfirt condenfy of fhis pattern art wbjtct fo copyright: Yo may mof sll, distribut, or produce and sell ittmy made from this pofern without fe dirt wriffen comsen of RacneL Chandler-Franz of FRANTZknits Paftrw dowmlo.duedl from:
Chartisworkedbeginningatthebottomright. Allroundsareworkedfromriahttoleft. {8sts} | {16sts} {24sts} {32sts} {40 sts } {48sts} {56sts} {64sts} {72sts} {80sts} {88sts} | 986GGGG | |||||||||
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k2tog no stitch | p2tog Every effort has been made to make sure this pattern is as error free as possible.Should you find any errors or have questions.please contact me at | purl | |||||||||
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knit | |||||||||||