A Sweater of the Aran Isles: Intermediate-Advanced Knitting Pattern by Emily Serff

A Story of Faith:

A Sweater of the Aran Isles Designed By Emily Serff Level: Intermediate-Advanced Size: 33.5 inch bust Gauge: 4 sts per inch (ribbing = 6 sts per inch)


10 balls of Bucilla Shamrock yarn US size 4 & 7 circular needles US size 4 double pointed needle (or anything smaller than a 7. Only one is needed) Yarn needle Stitch markers Stitch holders (3 or 4 is desirable)


cO = cast on sts = stitches st = stitch k = knit p = purl Rnd = round sl = slip dpn = double pointed needle slm = slip marker pm = place marker ssk = slip, slip, & knit ssp = slip, slip, & purl k2tog = knit two together p2tog = purl two together

Pattern illustration

k3tog = knit 3 together pu&k = pick up and knit pu&p = pick up and knit LH = left hand RH = right hand Beg = beginning



CO 228 sts on size US 4 needles. Join to work in the round, making sure not to twist row. Rnd1: k2, p2 around. Rnd2-10: repeat Rnd1 for ribbing. Rnd11: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p5, k3, p6\* repeat from \* to \* around to last 5 sts. P2tog, k3tog (st that k3tog makes will be the beginning of your round after R12) Rnd12: k2tog, \*p2, k6, p2, k2, p4, sl1 to dpn & hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, k1, sl1 to dpn & hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p5, k2\* repeat from \* to\* around ending with p5. Rnd13: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd14: \*k2, p2, sl3 to dpn & hold in front, k3, k3 from dpn, p2, k2, p3, sl1 to dpn & hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p1, k1, p1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p4\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd15: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd16: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p2, k1, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd17: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, k1, p2, k3, p2, k1, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd18: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, k1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd19: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd20: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p3, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p1, k1, p1, sl1 to dpn & hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p4\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd21: k the ks and p th ps. Rnd22: \*k2, p2, sl3 to dpn and hold in front, k3, k3 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p2, k1, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd23: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, k1, p2, k3, p2, k1, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd24: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, k1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd25: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd26: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p3, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p1, k1, p1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p4\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd27: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd28: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn & hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p2, k1, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front p1, k1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd29: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, k1, p2, k3, p2, k1, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd30: \*k2, p2, sl3 to dpn and hold in front, k3, k3 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, k1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, sl1 to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd31: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd32: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p3, sl1to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p1, k1, p1, sl1 to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p4\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd33: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd34: \*k2, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, sl1to dpn and hold in back, k1, p1 from dpn, p2, k1, p2, sl1to dpn and hold in front, p1, k1 from dpn, p3\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd35: p around. Rnd36: \*(p1, k1, p1) in next st, k3tog\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd37: p around. Rnd38: \*k3tog, (p1, k1, p1) in next st\* repeat from \* to \* around. Rnd39-42: repeat rounds 35-38. Rnd43-45: purl. Rnd46: k2, p2, k32, p2, k2, p2, (k2, p2) 3 times, pm, p48, pm, p2, (k2, p2) 3 times, k2, p2, k32, p2, k2, p2, (k2, p2) 3 times, k2, p2, k32, p2, (k2, p2) 3 times. Rnd47-50: kthe ks and p the ps. Rnd48: k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn. Rnd49: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd50: kthe ks and p the ps to frist marker, slm, p21, (p1, k1) 3 times, p21, slm, kthe ks and p the ps to end. Rnd51: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd52: kthe ks and p the ps to first marker, slm, p21, (k1, p1)3 times, p21, slm, kthe ks and p the ps to end. Rnd53: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd54: k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, slm, p21, (p1, k1) 3 times, p21, slm, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, (p2, k2) twice, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2. Rnd55: k the ks and n the ns. Rnd56: kthe ks and p the ps to first marker, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, k the ks and p the ps to end. Rnd57: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd58: k the ks and p the ps to first marker, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, kthe ks and p the ps to end. Rnd59: k the ks and p the ps. Rnd60: k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, \*k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2\* repeat from \* to \* oncemore. Rnd61: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd62: k the ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, p21, (p1, k1) 3 times, p21, slm, k the ks & p the ps. Rnd63: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd64: k the ks & p the ps to fist marker, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, k the ks & p the ps. Rnd65: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd66: k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, slm, p21, (p1, k1) 3 times, p21, slm, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, \*k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2\* repeat from \* to \* once more. Repeat rounds 55-66 2 more times. Repeat round 55 once more then move onto Set Up Round.

Set Up Round:

K2, p2, k8, ssk, k1, pm, k1, k2tog, k8, (p2, k2) 3 times, p2, slm, p21, (k1, p1) 3 times, p21, slm, (p2, k2) 3 times, p2, k8, ssk, k1, pm, k10, pm, k1, k2tog, k8, k the ks & p the ps to end of round. K the ks & p the ps to marker #1 out of 4, place 10 sts in between markers on holder (these are underarm sts). Turn.

Set Up For Back:

K the ks & p the ps to first marker, place 10 sts in between markers on holder. Place all remaining sts (front) on cable of modular set. R1: k1, ssk, k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Turn. R2: k the ks & p the ps across. Mark R1 6 sts in from each end of row. Turn work. R3: k1, ssk, k5, p1, k the ks & p the ps to last 9 sts, p1, k5, k2tog, k1. Turn. R4: p6, k1, k the ks & p the ps to last 7 sts, k1, p6. Turn. R5: k1, ssk, k2, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, slthe 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k2, k2tog, k1. Turn. R6: p3, k1, k the ks & p the ps to the last 4 sts, k1, p3. Turn. R7: k1, ssk, k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Turn. R8: p1, k1, k the ks & p the ps to last 2 sts, k1, p1. Turn. R9: k1, ssp, kthe ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1. Turn. R10: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R11: k1, ssp, p4, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl next 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p4, p2tog, k1. Turn. R12-16: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. (85 sts) R17: k1, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R18-22: kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R23: k1, p5, k2, p2, sl4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R24-28: k the ks and p the ps. Turn. R29: k1, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, (sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k4, k4 from dpn) 4 times, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R30-34: kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R35: k1, p5, k2, p2, sl 4 sts back to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k4, (sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, k4 from dpn) 3 times, k4, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R36-40: kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. Place the back on holders. Do not cut yarn. Place front on needles.


Attach a new ball to right side of front. R1: k1, ssk, k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Turn. R2: p1, ssp, p5, k1, kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k 21, (p1, k1) 3 times, k21, slm, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k3, p5, p2tog, p1. Turn. R3: k1, ssk, k3, p1, k the ks & p the ps to last 8 sts, p1, k3, k2tog, k1. Turn. R4: p1, sp, p1, k1, kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k21, (k1, p1)3 times, k21, slm, k the ks & p the ps to last 5 sts, k1, p1, p2tog, p1. Turn. R5: k1, ssk, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl th 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, k the ks & p the ps to next marker, slm, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k2tog, k1. Turn. R6: p1, ssk, kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k11, (p1, k1) 13 times, k11, slm, kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R7: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R8: kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k11, (k1, p1) 13 times, k11, slm, kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R9: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R10: k the ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k11, (p1, k1) 13 times, k11, slm, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R11: k1, p5, k2, p2, sl4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, slthe 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, slm, kthe ks & p the ps to next marker, slm, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, slthe 2 sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R12: kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k11, (k1, p1) 13 times, k11, slm, kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R13: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R14: kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k21, (p1, k1) 3 times, k21, slm, kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R15: kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R16: kthe ks & pthe ps to first marker, slm, k21, (k1, p1) 3 times, k21, slm, kthe ks & pthe ps. Turn. R17: k1, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn & hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, k the ks & p the ps to next marker, slm, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R18: kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k21, (p1, k1) 3 times, k21, slm, kthe ks & p the ps. Turn. R19: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R20: kthe ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, kto next marker, slm, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R21: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R22: k the ks & p the ps to first marker, slm, k13, k & place next 20 sts on st holder, k15, slm, k the ks & p the ps. Turn

Side A of Collar:

R23a: k1, p5, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, slm, p12, p2tog, k1. Turn. R24a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R25a: k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1. Turn. R26a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R27a: k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1. Turn. R28a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R29a: k1, p5, k2, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, p9, p2tog, k1. Turn. R30a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R31a: k the ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1. Turn. R32a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R33a: kthe ks & p the ps to last 3 sts, p2tog, k1. Turn. R34a: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R35a: k1, p5, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle & p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, slm, p8, k1. Turn.

Side B of Collar:

Attach a new ball to right side of "Side B". R23b: k1, ssp, p10, slm, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R24b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R25b: k1, ssp, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R26b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R27b: k1, ssp, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R28b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R29b: k1, ssp, p7, slm, p2, k2, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and p them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn. R30b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R31b: k1, ssp, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R32b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R33b: k1, ssp, k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R34b: k the ks & p the ps. Turn. R35b: k1, p6, slm, p2, sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl the 2 p sts back to LH needle and r them, k2 from dpn, p2, k2, p2, k2, p5, k1. Turn.

Shoulder Seam:

On back, place markers 27 sts in from each side (30 sts in middle). K the ks & p the ps (to get yarn to other side). Cut yarn leaving a 2-3 ft. tail. Use the Kitchener Stitch to join the front to the back. Hold the front toward you to do the left side first. Thread tail cut earlier. Hold front and back needles together. Do Kitchener Stitch as follows: Step 1: Insert yarn needle through 1't st on front needle as if to k and sl the st off the needle. Yarn is in front of work. Step 2: Insert yarn needle through 2nd st on front needle as if to p and leave on needle. Bring yarn under front needle to back needle. Step 3: Insert yarn needle through 1st st on back needle as if to p and sl the st off the needle. Yarn tail emerges between needles, to right of sts. Step 4: Insert yarn needle through 2nd st on back needle as if to k and leave on needle. Bring yarn to front. Repeat Steps 1-4 until you have 2 sts left on front needle. Pull yarn needle through these as if to k, sl off needle. Take yarn needle through next st on back needle as if to p and sl off needle. Darn in end.

Other Shoulder Seam:

Repeat as for first seam, but this time hold the back in front. Continue until 1 st is left of front. Then finish and darn in ends.


Rnd1: p across sts from back, pick up 10 sts along side, k across sts from front, pick up 10 sts along side. Pm. (62 sts) Rnd2: change to US size 4 needles, (k2, p2) around. Rnd3: (k2, p2) around. Repeat Rnd3 until collar measures 4 % inches. BO in the in the following way: Step 1: k2. Step 2: k these 2 sts together. Step 3: p1. Step 4: p 2 sts on RH needle together. Step 5: repeat Step 3. Step 6: repeat Step 4. Step 7: k1. Step 8: k2 sts on RH needle together. Step 9: repeat Step 7. Step 10: repeat Step 8. Repeat Steps 3-10 until you have 1 st remaining. Cut yarn and pull it through remaining st. Darn in end. Sleeve: Mark 10 rows down from each side of shoulder seam & mark. Count 20 rows down from marker on each side and mark. Hold so that the edge of shoulder seam is facing you, begin at marker to right of shoulder seam R1: pu&k1, skip 1 row, pu&k next 2 rows, skip 1 row, pu&k next 2 rows, skip 1 row, pu&k next : rows, pu between sts in center of shoulder seam, pu&k in first st on other side, skip 1 row, pu&k next 2 rows, skip 1 row, pu&k next 2 rows, skip 1 row, pu&k next 2 rows. Turn. (15 sts) R2: sl 1 st, k across; at end of row, pu&p1, skip 1 row, pu&p2 rows, skip 1 row, pu&p1. Turn. R3: sl1, p to end; at end, pu&k1, skip 1 row, pu&k2, skip 1 row, pu&k1. Turn. R4: repeat R2. Turn. R5: repeat R3. Turn. R6: repeat R2. Turn. R7: repeat R3. Turn. R8: repeat R2. Turn. R9: sl1, p to end, pu&k in next row, then pu&k every other row down to the live underarm sts, k10, pu&k every other row to beg of rnd. Rnd1-8: p around. Rnd9: p. Rnd10: (p1, k1, p1) in next st,k3tog,repeat across.(p last st if needed) Rnd11: p. Rnd12: k3tog, (p1, k1, p1) in next st, repeat across. (p last st if needed) Rnd13-16: repeat rnds 9-12. Rnd17-20: k. Rnd21: k14, p1, k19, p1, k19, p1, k5, k2tog, kto end. Rnd22: k13, p1, kl, p1, k17, p1, k1, p1, k17, p1, kl, p1, k7. Rnd23: k12, p1, k3, p1, k15, p1, k3, p1, k15, p1, k3, p1, k6. Rnd24: k11, p1, k5, p1, k13, p1, k5, p1, k13, p1, k5, p1, k2, k2tog, k1. Rnd25: k10, p1, k7, p1, k11, p1, k7, p1, k11, p1, k7, p1,k3. Rnd26: k9, p1, k9, p1, k9, p1, k9, p1, k9, p1, k9, p1, k2tog. Rnd27: k8, p1, k11, pl, k7, p1, k11, p1, k7, p1, k11, p1. Rnd28: k7, p1, k13, p1, k5, p1, k13, p1, k5, p1, k13. Rnd29: p1, k2, k2tog, k1, p1, k15, p1, k3, p1, k15, p1, k3, p1, k14. Rnd30: k1, p1, k2tog, p1, k17, p1, k1, p1, k17, p1, k1, p1, k13. Rnd31: k2, p1, k19, p1, k19, p1, k12. Rnd32-35: k. Rnd36: p. Rnd37: (p1, k1, p1) in next st, k3tog, repeat across. (ending with k2tog if needed) Rnd38: p. Rnd39: k3tog, (p1, k1, p1) in next st, repeat across. (p last st if needed) Rnd40-44: repeat rnds36-39. Rnd45: p. Rnd46: p19, pm, p 9, k4, p9, pm, p19. Rnd47: p19, slm, p8, sl next st onto dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, sl2 sts to dpn ant hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p8, slm, p19. Rnd48: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd49: p to first marker, slm, p7, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, p1, k1, sl2 : to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p7, slm, p to end. Rnd50: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd51: p to first marker, slm, p6, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, (p1, k1) twi sl 2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p6, slm, p to end. Rnd52: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd53: p to first marker, slm, p5, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, (p1, k1) 3 times, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p5, slm, p to end. Rnd54: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd55: pto first marker, slm, p4, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, (p1, k1) 4 times, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2, from dpn, p4, slm, p to end. Rnd56: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd57: p to first marker, slm, p3, sl1 stto dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, (p1, k1) 5 times, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p3, slm, p to end. Rnd58: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd59: pto first marker, slm, p2, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, k1 from dpn, (p1, k1) 6 times, sl2 sts to dpn & hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p2, slm, p to end. Rnd60: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd61: p to first marker, slm, p2, k2, (p1, k1) 7times, k2, p2, slm, p to end. Rnd62: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd63: p to first marker, slm, p2, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2, from dpn, (p1, k1) 6 times, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p2, slm, p to end. Rnd64: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd65: p to first marker, slm, p3, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn,(p1, k1) 5 times, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p3, slm, p to end. Rnd66: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd67: pto first marker, slm, p4, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, (p1, k1) 4 times, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p4, slm, p to end. Rnd68: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd69: p to first marker, slm, p5, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, (p1, k1) 3 times, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p5, slm, p to end. Rnd70: kthe ks & p the ps. Rnd71: p to first marker, slm, p6, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, (p1, k1) twice, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p6, slm, p to end. Rnd72: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd73: p to first marker, slm, p7, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, p1, k1, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p7, slm, p to end. Rnd74: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd75: p to first marker, slm, p8, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in front, p1, k2 from dpn, sl1 st to dpn and hold in back, k2, p1 from dpn, p8, slm, p to end. Rnd76: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd77: p to first marker, slm, p9, sl2 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, k2 from dpn, p9, slm, p to end. Repeat Rnds46-77 once more. Rnd109: k the ks & p the ps. Rnd110: change to US size 4 circular needle. \*k2, p2\* repeat from \* to \* around. Repeat Rnd110 until ribbing measures 4 % inches. Bind off same as for collar. Cut yarn. Darn in end. Repeat for other sleeve. Darn in all ends and block.

Wear Proudly for our Lord Jesus!

Matthew 4:19

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