Feather Pluckin' Sock Pattern: A Simple Lace Sock Design with Eye of Partridge Heel and Round Toe by Frin Vaughan

Feather Pluckin by Frin Vaughan

Pattern illustration

Feather Pluckin' A simple lace pattern sock with eye of parridge heel and round toe.


1 skein of Twisted Sock Yarn (shown in Flux) 1 set of US#1 double point needles waste yarn for cast on (optional) foot measurements of intended sock wearer. tapestry needle Gauge $10s t s=1$ in. in Sts

Finished size

leg circumference- 7.5 in. (unstretched) foot circumference-8 in. To adjust sock circumference, adjust the gauge by changing needle size.

Feather Pluckin' by Frin Vaughan


Using Cast on of your choice, CO 70 sts. Join, being careful not to twist. (kitchener rib cast on was used in model. See below) Work in 1 by 1 rib for 10 rounds. (approx. 1l inch)

(Optional) Kitchener Rib Cast On

Using waste yarn, LOOSELY cast on half of needed stitches. Using project yarn, \*k1, yo\* repeat to end. You should now have the desired number of stitches, and should have ended with a yo. Join, being careful not to twist stitches, or lose iast yo. Round 1: \*k1, sll wyif\* repeat to end of round Round 2: \*sll wyib, p1\* repeat to end of round Now continue with ribbing as usual. After a few rounds of ribbing have been done, feel free to unravel waste yarn.


Round 1: k Round 2: \*yo, kl, ssk, k2tog, kl, yo, k1\* repeat \* to\* to end of round. Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until leg measures approx 8 inches, or desired length from cast on. End with round 2 of stitch pattern. (model shown is much shorter.


Row l: k35, turn. Row 2: k3, p30, k3, turn. (You should have 34 sts Ileft for the instep.) Row 3: k3, \*kl, sl I\* repeat to last 3 sts, k3, turn. Row 4: k3, p30, k3, turn. Row 5: k3, \*sl 1, $k!^{\star}$ repeat to last 3 sts, k3, turn. Row 6: k3, p30, k3, turn. Repeat rows 3 through 6 until you have formed 17 garter ridges (34 rows)


Pattern illustration


Row l: (RS) k21, k2tog, k1, turn. Row 2: sll, p7, p2tog, pl, turn. Row 3: sll, k to one stitch before gap, k2tog, k1, turn. Row 4: sll, purl to one stitch before gap, p2tog, p1 turn Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all stitches are worked. (22 sts remain)


K22 sts, pick up 18sts along side of heel flap. Work instep: [\*yo, kl, ssk, k2tog, kl, yo, k1\* repeat four times, yo, kl, ssk, k2tog, k1, yo.], pick up 18sts along other side of heel flap, kli.

This is now the end of the round.

\*Next round: k. and resume with the stich pattern on top. (The instep will be worked in pattern throughout, until the toe is worked.) Next round: k the gusset to the last three sts, ssk, k1, work instep, ki, k2tog, k to end of round.\* Repeat \* to\* until there are 18 gusset sts on each side of instep.


Continue working the foot, instep in pattern, and bottom $\mathbf{k},$ until the foot measures approx. 1.5 inches less than the desired length. TOE At this point, the stitch pattern is stopped and all stitches are knit. K 2 rounds plain Round 1: $^{\star}{\sf k}5$ , k2tog\* repeat to end of round Rounds 2-5: k Round 6: \*k4, k2tog\* repeat to end of round Rounds 7-9: k Round 10: \*k3, k2tog\* repeat to end of round Rounds 11-12: k Round 13: \*k2, k2tog\* repeat to end of round Round 14: k Round 15: \*k1, k2tog\* repeat to end of round Round 16: \*k2tog\* repeat to end of round 10 sts remain. Break yarn. Thread tail onto tapestry needle, and draw tail through live stitches. Secure, weave in ends, trim, and enjoy.

Pattern illustration

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