Dandelion Shawl Knitting Pattern with Detailed Instructions and Charts


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Yarn: 150 gr Wollmeise Lace, yardage 535 m / 100gr, colou A (Good Morning) 150 gr Wollmeise Lace, yardage 535 m / 100gr, colour B (Fruhling) Needles: Nr. 3,5 mm Size after blocking: about 240 x 65 cm pattern and abbreviations: work the charts. ATTENTION: count the stitches once in a while!

Pattern illustration

Instructions: Weight of colour A gr Provisional cast on of 140 stitches in colour A. The first row after the cast on is row 1 of the chart. Arrange dandelion-pattern as described and work chart 1 (colour A): The chart shows right and wrong side rows. Read right side wors from right to the left and Wrong side rows from left to the right: 3 stitches right edge, pattern repeat with 39 stitches 3 times, 20 stitches left edge If you like you maywork thealtenative arrangement of the dandelion patternor you arrange the dandelion patten with greenbackground) freelyas you want It's not necessary to you the charts for the arrangement. Repeatrows1-30untilyuseduphalf of theweight of colurA or youworked 164 rows.If youarranged the dandelon-aten frelyend witharight and a wrong siderowwithout dandelions. Leave stitches on holder. ATTENTiON! Count your stitches again! There has to be 140 stitches!! If there are not you may change this easyly in the first row with colour B @ ChristianeStembrg 2014,www.facebook.com/knitandream,.chstember?@ravely.com Pleaserespect thecopyright!No propagationor sale of thispattern.If you would like to sale piecesmade after this patterplease get in touch withme: christiane.stemberg@web.de Erstellung von Strickschriften: Kniter Symbols fonts used courtesy Kniters Magazine-Copyright 1998XRX, Inc. 2. half of the dandelion pattern : Put the stitches of the provisional cast on on the needles and start working a right side row. Pay attention that depending on the way you did the provisional cast on the stitches may be twisted and you have to twist them back to the correct orientation. Work the second half of the dandelion pattern. The dandelions don't have to be at the same places as in the first 164 rows! The dandelion pattern now seems to be upside down from the first half. This means, that when you wear the shawl the dandelions always have the head up'. In the last wrong side row you haveto make 3 additional stitches by increasing a stitch from the yarn between two stitches: 1 stiches at the beginning and the ent of row and 1 stitches after 70 stitches. Leave pattern: Weight of colour B! gr Now work in colour B chart 2. The chart shows only right side rows, the wrong side rows between the edge stitches are purled. Arrange the leave pattern: 12 stitches as ,right edge', 6 x pattern repeat (6 x 20 = 120 stitches ), 11 stitches as left edge' = 143 stitches Work rows 1 to 24 1 time, rows 25 - 44 6 times (120 rows) , rows 45 to 54 1 time. Bind off loosely. Take the stitches from holder, increase 3 additional stitches and work the leave pattern as described above. Soak the shawl at last for 30 minutes, squeeze it softly in a towel, block it softly and let it dry at least for 24 hours..

hart 1:
ssk(slip2stitches,knit1,pull2slippedstitchesovertheknittedone yarnover knit 2 togetheralwaysknit this stitchknit2togetherthroughbackloopofrow:3stitches
knit 11 stitches together through back loopkfb=knit front and back=increase one stitchbyknitting 1 stitch,leave the stitch on theleft needle andworkthesamestitchagainthroughthebackloop Beginning of thepattern:knit 2together,yarnover,knit 1,yarn over End of pattern: yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together through the back loop On the wrong side row: *purl 1 knit 1* from the single yarn over Put yarn behind work, slip 11 stitches from left to right needle and let the double yarn over drop. work 1 stitch as if to knit, make double yarn over behind work and pull yarn overs through thestitch (like whenyouknit thestitch)

Christiane Stemberg 2014,www.facebook.com/knitanddream, chstemberg@ravelry.com Pleaserepectthecopyrigh!oprpagationoraleof thispatterf youwouldliketsalpicesmadeaftethispatteleasegeintouchwith christiane.stemberg@web.de Erstellung von Strickschriften: Knitter' Symbols fonts used courtesy Knitter's Magazine— Copyright @ 1998 XRX, Inc..

Alternative pattern arrangement Chart 1a:


Chart 2: showing right side rows, purl backside rows apart from edge stitch

0O0 O00O0
0O00 0l00lo0
101000oolo5 3
Endofrow:0 0 o0 00 O 11 stitchesO 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 00 0 00 00 0 000Patternrepeat:20stitchesO 00oo1oo 0 1o 0 0 00O Q 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 o O O O100 0 O Beginning ofrow:0 O10 12stitchesO O[0000 0 0 0

kfb=knit front and back <=increaseonestitchbyknitting 11S stitch,leavethestitchontheleftneedlecoloured background:knit
andworkthesamestitch againthroughthebackloopwhitebackground=NO stitch
Beginning of the pattern:knit 2 together,yan over,knit t1,yarnoverssk (slip2stitches,knit t1,pull2slipped stitchesovertheknittet one
Endofpattern:yan nover,knit 1,yam over,knit 2together through thebackloop On the wrong side row: :*purl 1knit 1*from thesingleyarnoveryarn Iover
Put yambehind work,slip11 stitchesfrom left to right needle and let thedoubleyamover drop.knit2togetherthroughbackloop
knit 11stitchestogetherthroughbackloopknit2together
work 1 stitch as if toknit,makedoubleyan over behind work andpull yamovers throughthestitch(likewhenyouknitthestitch)always knitthisstitch

Christiane Stemberg 2014.www.facebook.com/knitandream,.chstembera@ravelry.com Please respect the copyright! No propagation or sale of this pattern. If you would like to sale pieces made after this patter please get in touch with me: christiane.stemberg@web.de Erstellung von Strickschriften: Knitter' Symbols fonts used courtesy Knitter's Magazine— Copyright @ 1998 XRX, Inc.

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