Geeky Wedding Knitting Patterns: Arwen and Aragorn Washcloths with Detailed Instructions

Arwen and Aragorn


Pattern illustration

Introduction: For the record, I am a geek. My friends are geeks. We enjoy our in-jokes about geeky things like sci-fi and fantasy and the occasional bit of actual math and science. And at weddings we invoke our favorite bits of geekdom to ring in the happy couple's life of domestic bliss. Or maybe that's just me... I made green versions of these washcloths for a friend's wedding back in 2012 but was too busy procrastinating at the time to translate the charts from my pencil-scribbled notes into an actual pattern. The updated versions (white and yellow, mostly 'cause I'm out of green Lionbrand Jiffy) were for another friend's wedding this past spring. Due to yarn and time restrictions, I only made the two and picked up stitches off the back to knit a pocket and convert them to potholders/oven mitt thingies. Arwen and Aragorn are, of course, one of the saddest and sweetest love stories of the LOTR universe. The immortal Elf maiden and the lord of Men, “doomed to die.” But for the duration of his (longer than most humans') lifetime, they were happy together. Well, in between epic wars of good and evil, anyway. So really, the Tree of Gondor/Elven leaf combo seems like a pretty good symbol of enduring love against daunting odds, and appropriate for a wedding. If you can read a chart, I recommend using those rather than the written instructions (makes it easier to see what you're doing). You start from the bottom and work your way up, and read right to left on knit (RS/odd) rows and left to right on purl (WS/even) rows. The stitches you will need to know are knit, purl, and cable. For the 2-stitch cable, slip first stitch to cable needle and bring to front or back depending on instruction (BF or BB), knit second stitch (regardless of RS or WS), return first stitch to left needle, knit first stitch. For the 3-stitch cable, slip first 2 stitches to cable needle and bring to front, knit third stitch, slip cabled stitches back to left needle, knit those stitches.


Lionbrand Jiffy, any color, 1 skein per 2 washcloths 1 pair US size 8 knitting needles Crochet hook and tapestry needle for finishing Gauge: Meh, washcloths

Pattern illustration

Written Instructions:

Arwen (Elven leaf): Cast on 39 sts, any method. RUws 1-J. N1, p1 w 1ast sull, K1 Row 6 (WS): kl, pl, kl, p1, kl, purl to last 5 sts, kl, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 7 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k1, knit to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 8 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 9 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k1, k22, p3, k4, kl, p1, kl, p1, kl Row 10 (WS): k1, pl, k1, pl, kl, p5, kl,pl, kl, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 11 (RS): k1, p1, k1, pl, k1, k20, pl, kl, p2, k5, kl, p1, k1, p1, k1 Row 12 (WS): k1, pl, kl, p1, kl, p5, k1, pl, kl, p1, k2, purl to last 5 sts, k1, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 13 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k17, pl, k3, pl, kl, pl, k5, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 14 (WS): k1, p1, kl, pl, kl, p5, k1, p1, kl, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 15 (RS): kl, pl, kl, p1, kl, k16, p1, k3, p2, kl, pl, k5, kl, pl, kl, p1, kl Row 16 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p5, k1, p2, kl, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 17 (RS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, k15, pl, k4, pl, k2, pl, k5, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 18 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p5, k1, p3, k1, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 19 (RS): kl, p1, k1, pl, k1, k14, pl, k4, pl, k2, p2, k5, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 20 (WS): k1, pl, kl, p1, kl, p6, k1, p2, k2, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 21 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k13, pl, k4, pl, k3, p1, k6, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 22 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p6, kl, p3, k1, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1 Row 23 (RS): k1, p1, kl, pl, kl, k12, p1, k4, p2, k3, p1, k6, k1, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 24 (WS): k1, p1, kl, pl, kl, p6, k2, p3, k1, p4, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 25 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k12, pl, k4, pl, k3, pl, k7, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 26 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p7, k1, p3, k2, p3, kl, pl, k2, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, p1, kl Row 27 (RS): kl, p1, kl, pl, k1, k8, p1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k4, pl, k7, kl, pl, k1, pl, k1 Row 28 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p7, k2, p3, k1, p4, kl, p3, kl, purl to last 5 sts, kl, p1, kl, pl, k1 Row 29 (RS): kl, p1, k1, p1, k1, k5, p2, kl, p2, k6, p1, k3, p1, knit to last 5 sts, kl, p1, kl, pl, k1 Row 30 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p8, kl, p4, kl, p4, k2, p2, kl, p6, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 31 (RS): k1, p1, kl, pl, k1, k7, pl, k2, p1, k4, p1, k3, p1, knit to last 5 sts, k1, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 32 (Ws): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p10, kl, p2, k2, p2, kl, p2, k1, p8, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 33 (RS): kl, p1, k1, p1, k1, k8, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p2, knit to last 5 sts, kl, p1, k1, p1, k1 Row 34 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p10, k2, p2, k3, p2, k1, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 35 (RS): kl, p1, k1, p1, k1, k9, p1, k3, p1, k2, p1, knit to last 5 sts, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1 Row 36 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p11, kl, p3, kl, p3, kl, p3, k2, p4, k1, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 37 (RS): kl, p1, kl, p1, kl, k5,p2, k3, p1, k2, p2, k3, pl, knit to last 5 sts, kl, p1, kl, p1, k1 Row 38 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p10, kl, p2, kl, p1, kl, p2, k1, p3, kl, p6, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 39 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k6, pl, k3, p1, kl, p1, k2,p1, k2,p1, k10, kl, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 40 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p10, kl, pl, k2, p1, kl, pl, kl, p4, kl, p6, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 41 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k6, pl, k5, p2, k2, pl, k2, pl, k9, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 42 (Ws): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p9, kl, pl, k2,p2, kl, pl, kl, p4, kl, p6, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 43 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, k7, pl, k3, p1, kl, p2, k4, pl, k9, kl, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 44 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p8, kl, p5, kl, p2, kl, p3, kl, p7, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 45 (RS): kl, p1, kl, p1, kl, k8, pl, kl, p1, k3, p1, k2, p3, k9, kl, p1, kl, p1, k1 Row 46 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, kl, p11, k3, p5, kl, purl to last 5 sts, k1, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 47 (RS): k1, pl, k1, pl, k1, knit to last 5 sts, k1, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 48 (WS): k1, p1, kl, pl, k1, purl to last 5 sts, kl, pl, kl, pl, k1 Rows 49-53: \*k1, p1\* to last stitch, k1 Aragorn (Tree of Gondor): Cast on 39 sts, any method. Rows 1-4: \*k1, p1\* to last stitch, k1 Row 5 (RS): kl, p1, kl, p1, k9, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k9, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 6 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p9, kl, p2, kl, p2, kl, p2, kl, p2, kl, p9, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 7 (RS): k1, pl, kl, p1, k10, p1, k2, 2-stitch cable bring front (BF), k1, 2-stitch cable bring back (BB), k2, p1, k10, p1, k1, p1, kl Row 8 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p10, kl, p2, k2, pl, k2, p2, kl, p10, p1, kl, p1, kl Row 9 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k11, p2, k1, 3-stitch cable, k1, p2, k11, pl, k1, pl, k1 Row 10 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl,p12, k1, pl, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p12,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 11 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k13, p2, kl, p2, k13, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 12 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p14, k3, p14, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 13 (RS): k1, pl, k1, pl, k14, p3, k14, p1, kl, pl, k1 Row 14 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, p8, kl, p5, k3, p5, k1, p8, pl, kl, p1, kl Row 15 (RS): k1, pl, k1, pl, k7, pl, kl, pl, k4, p3, k4, pl, kl, pl, k7, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 16 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p8, kl, p2, kl, p2, k3, p2, kl, p2, kl, p8, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 17 (RS): k1, p1, k1, pl, k10, pl, k3, p3, k3, pl, k10, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 18 (Ws): kl, pl, kl,pl, p7, k2,pl, kl, p3, k3, p3, kl, pl, k2,p7,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 19 (RS): k1, pl, kl, pl, k6, pl, k1, pl, k2, p1, k2, p3, k2, p1, k2, pl, kl, pl, k6, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 20 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p4, kl, p4, kl, p1, k2, p1, k3,p1, k2, pl, kl, p4, kl,p4, pl,kl, pl, k1 Row 21 (RS): kl, pl, kl,pl, k3, pl, kl, pl, k4, p1, k2, p2,kl, p2, k2, pl, k4, pl, k1, pl, k3, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 22 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl,p4, kl, p2, kl, p5,kl, 3-stitch cable, k1, p5, k1, p2, kl, p4, pl, kl, p1, k1 Row 23 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k6, pl, kl, p2, kl, p2, k2, pl, k2, p2, k1, p2, kl, pl, k6, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 24 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, p5, kl, p4, kl, p2, k2,pl, k2, p2, kl, p4, kl, p5, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 25 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k2, pl, k2, pl, k3, pl, k3, BB, kl, BF, k3, pl, k3, pl, k2, pl, k2, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row26(Ws):kl,pl,kl,pl,pl, kl,pl, kl, p4, kl,pl,k3,p2, kl,p2,k3,pl, kl,p4,kl, pl,kl,pl, p1, kl, pl, k1 Row 27 (RS): kl,pl, kl,pl, k2,pl, k4, pl, k2,BB, kl, pl, k3,pl, kl, BF, k2,pl, k4,pl, k2,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 28 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, p7, kl, p2, k2,p2, kl,pl, kl, p2, k2, p2, kl, p7,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 29 (RS): k1, pl, kl, pl, k6, pl, k2, pl, k2,p1, kl, 3-stitch cable, k1, pl, k2, pl, k2, pl, k6, pl, kl, pl, kl Row30 (Ws): kl, pl,kl pl, p6,kl,pl, kl, p3,kl, pl, kl,pl,kl, pl, kl, p3,kl,pl, kl, p6, pl,kl, pl, kl Row 31 (RS): kl,pl, kl,pl, k4, pl, k3,pl, k2, pl, kl, pl, 3-stitch cable, pl, k1, pl, k2, pl,k3, pl,k4, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 32 (Ws):kl,pl, kl,pl, p3,kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p2, kl,pl, kl, pl, kl,pl, kl, pl,kl, pl, kl, p2, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p3,pl, kl, pl, kl Row33 (RS): kl,pl, kl,pl, k4, pl, k2, pl, k2, pl, k2, pl, k3, pl, k2, pl,k2, pl,k2,pl, k4,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 34 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p9, kl, p2, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, p2, kl, p9,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 35 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k9, pl, kl, pl, k2, 3-stitch cable, k2, pl, kl, pl, k9, p1, k1, pl, k1 Row 36 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, p7, kl, p3, kl, p2, kl, pl, kl, p2, kl, p3, kl, p7,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 37 (Rs): kl,p1, kl,p1, k6,pl, kl, pl, kl,pl, k2,pl, k3,pl, k2,pl,kl, pl, kl, pl, k6, pl, kl, p1, kl Row 38 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl,p7, kl, p2, kl, p2, kl, p3, kl, p2, kl, p2, kl,p7,pl, kl, pl, kl Row 39 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k12, pl, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, pl, k12, pl, kl, pl, k1 Row 40 (WS): kl, p1, kl, p1, p12, kl, p1, 3-stitch cable, pl, kl, p12, p1, kl, p1, k1 Row 41 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k10, pl, k3,pl, kl, pl, k3,pl, k10,pl, kl,pl, kl Row 42 (Ws): kl, pl, kl, pl, p9, kl, pl, kl,p7, kl, pl, kl, p9, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 43 (RS): k1, p1, kl, p1, k10, p1, k9, p1, k10, p1, kl, p1, kl Row 44 (WS): kl, p1, kl, pl, p15, kl, p15, p1, kl, p1, kl Row 45 (RS): kl, pl, kl, pl, k14, pl, kl, pl, k14, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 46 (WS): kl, pl, kl, pl, p15, kl, p15, p1, kl, pl, kl Row 47 (RS): k1, p1, k1, p1, knit to last 4 sts, p1, k1, p1, k1 Row 48-51: \*k1, p1\* to last stitch, k1 Bind off.


At last bind-off stitch, take crochet hook and chain about 12 sts or until you have a long enough cord loop for hanging washcloths. Chain last stitch and first stitch together to complete loop, tie off, and weave in ends. Keep for yourself or give to your favorite couple as a wedding day “stocking-stuffer."

Pattern illustration

Aragorn Chart

Pattern illustration

Arwen Chart

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

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