Fawn's Eye Scarf Knitting Pattern: A Detailed Guide to Crafting a Unique Trellis Framed Leaf and English Mesh Lace Scarf

Fawn's yes Scarf

Pattern illustration

Fawn's Eyes Scarf

Materials 2 skeins sport wight yarn,aprox 370 yards Notes: 1. You may use the same yardage of baby or sock weight yarn to produce a more open and lacy fabric 2. Purchase additional yarn if you want to make a longer scarf. Size 10 circular needle, 24" long or size 10 straight needles 10" long Gauge: None Finished Size: Approximately $1\ 2^{\,s}$ wide by 60" long.


Note that this scarfisknitted in twohalvesand the pieesare grafted togetheratthe center. Cast on49 stitches very, very loosely. For cast on consider using size 11 oreven 13 needle. Be sure that the space between each cast on stitch is about the same as the needle diameter. A very lose cast on is required to allowing stretched out points on the bottom edge. Across th frst row, work four repeatsof the Fawn's ye pattern shown on page 2. Work alleight rows of the patten. Repeat the eight rows one more time fora totalof 2 repeats. Now begin working the Trellis framed Leaf pattern across allstitches. The number of stitches will not change. Repeat the twenty rows of the Trellis Framed Leaf patterns two times. At this point, begin working the nglish Mesh Lace pattern. Again the number of stitches will not change. Continue working nglish Mesh Lace until you have reached desired length of the scarf, or until you have about one and one-half yards left in the skein of yarn you started knitting. Do not cast off. Place live stitches on a hold and set aside. Now knit up the second halfof the scarf, exactly like the first half. When the second halfis complete, graft together the live stitches of the two halves and darn in tails. Graftin instructions are included on page 3 of this pattem. Tails wil show much less,if you split the yarn into plie and darn in each ply separately. Wetthcafthoroughl orwashandblokaggressively, pinngoutthe points f Fawn's yes to emphasizc the zigzag edge.

Fawn's Eye Scarf(continued)

Fawn's Eye's repeat of 12 stitches plus 1

Pattern illustration

Knit on right side,pul on wrong side Purl on right side, knit on wrong side n Yarn over SSK right side, purl 2 together wrong side 7 Knit 2 together right side, purl 2 together through the back wrong side

Trellis F ramed Leaf repeat of 12 stitches plus 1

Pattern illustration

3 itash Knit on right ide, purl on wrong side · Purl on right side, knit on wrong side 2 Yarn over SsSK rght side,purl2togetherwrong sideh 7 Knit2together right side,purl 2together through theback wrong ide No stitch ssk,yo, sskyo,ktg.y,k5\*reeat twe\*end lastreatk K2,\*yo,ssk,yo,k1, ssk,k1,yo k2tog.yo,3\*repeat between\*\*end last rpeat k2 K1\*yo,kgss,y, s y;at bacr K1,\*y.,ogys, yo, ss y\*;eat bwe\* acs K1,\*,tyysy\*t K2tog.\*yo,ktog.yo,k5,yo, sskyo, ssk\*;reeat btween\*\*end least repeat ssk K2tog.\*k1,y,kogyky,ssk yo, ssk\*;reeatbeween\*\*edlastt s Ktog,\* k, y ssk, yo, 1 yo, togyo, ssk\*reeat bween\*,end lastrepat sk K2tog.\*k,yssk, yo,k,y,ktgy,ss\*reat ten\*,endlast $\mathbf{\hat{\nabla}}\mathsf{K}2,$ yo ssk yo yo, kog yo, ssk\* eat btw\*, end last rat skistadof ssk WRONG SIDE: Purl

English Mesh Lace repeat of 6 stitches plus 1

Pattern illustration

← K2tog \*k1, yo,1, yo,k1, ssk\*; repeat between\*\* acrossrowto last5sts, end k1 yo,k1, yo, k ssk $\rightarrow$ Purl $\leftarrow$ K1, \* k2tog, yo, k1, yo, sk, 1 \*; repeat btwee \* acros row $\rightarrow$ Purl $\leftarrow$ K1, \* yo, k1,sssk, k1, yo, k1 $^\star$ repeat between \*\* across row $\rightarrow$ Purl $\leftarrow$ K1.,\* yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1 \*; repeat between \* \* across row $\rightarrow$ WRONG SIDE: Purl 3 iitstsgbah Knit on right ide, purl on wrong side · Purl on right side, knit on wrong side Yarn over SSK right side,purl 2 together wrong side 7 Kni 2 together right side, purl together through the back wrong side

Grafting aka Kitchner stitch

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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