Light Cotton Hat Knitting Pattern for Young Kids with Detailed Instructions and Charts

Pattern illustration

Light cotton hat

Instuctions by: Kirsti Ummelas Yarn: Alize Bella, 100% cotton, 50g/180m (1,76 oz/197yds) Dpn: 3 mm Size: young kid, W 20,5 x H 17 cm


Cast on 92 sts, devide them between dpn-s, join the round and start knitting. Knit ribbing, \*k2, p2\*, 10 rows. Then M1 (make one) sts on each dps (+4 together) - 96 sts.

Main part

Now start knitting the pattern. See chart below. Repeat the pattern about 3 times, last time i suggest to knit 2-4 rows less (depends on how big hat do you want, the white ones has 4 rows less).

Pattern illustration


Reduce sts: \*k, k2tog\*. Pull yarn throug reminining sts and cut it. Hide endings, wash it and wear :) Knit \*purl oyarnover / knit 2 together \ slip one to right needle, knit second sts, slip first one over knitted one (you get 1 instead of 2)

Pattern illustration

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