Blank canvas Mitts
A recipe for one piece mitts with only two ends on each mitt to weave in! Use plain or variegated yarn or add lace or cables.

30-40g 4-ply. 3mm circulars or dpns 3 stitch markers, 1 safety pin or clip on stitch marker
Approx. 15 st to 2". Gauge is not so important as these are fitted to your hand.
CO cast on St (s) stitch(es) K knit P purl PM place marker SM slip marker RM remove marker kf&b knit into the front and back of the stitch pf&b purl into the front and back of the stitch S slip stitch (purlwise) RN right needle LN left needle w&t wrap the next st and turn your work - any wrap and turn technique is fine - I prefer twinned stitches for neatness and simplicity. p2tog purl 2 together k2tog knit 2 together ssk slip 1 st as if to knit, slip 1 st purlwise, pass both sts back to LN and knit through the back of the loops ssp p 1 st return to LN, on LN lift 2nd st over 1st st, return to RN CDD centred double decrease - slip 2 sts together as if to knit them together, k1 st, pass the 2 slipped sts over. \*\* section to be repeated
Start at thumb
CO 18 sts, join in the round without twisting. Knit 12 rounds of K1P1 rib. @ Kris Claman 2014 After the first round it's useful to pick up the slack between the first and last st of the round and knit together with the first st of the next round.
Knit thumb gusset:
Set up round; \*PM k6 \* x 3

Round 1: SM k f&b \*p1 k1 \* to 1 st before marker, k f&b, \*SM k f&b k to 1 st before marker k f&b \* x 2 Round 2: SM k f&b \*k1 p1 \* to 1 st before marker, k f&b, \*SM k f&b k to 1 st before marker k f&b \* x 2 Repeat these rounds until the height of the mitt is the required height - usually to the base of the index finger. Finish with either round. Note the number of rows you used for the second mitt. (a medium size hand used approx. 16 rows) Height to about here
Knit mitt width

RM k1, cast off in rib until 1 st remains before marker. S1, RM, put slipped st back on RN cast off 1 more st. - Ready to work in rows. On the first row the first st is left from the last cast off, so ignore the very first S1 and go straight to the k f&b. Row 1 (RS) S1 kf&b k to 1 st before marker, kf&b SM kf&b k until 3 st remain, kf&b k1 s1 Row 2 (WS) P1 pf&b p to 2 st before marker pf&b, pf&b RM slip 1 incr st from RN to LN, PM slip incr st back to RN, p until 3 st remain, pf&b p2 Repeat these 2 rows until the mitt is the required width around the hand, then row 1 once more. It's better to be a very firm fit than a loose fit so try the mitt on quite often when you get close to the required width.
Knit mitt length.
Set up; join in the round by knitting the first stitch of the row and then passing the last slipped stitch over. Mark this centre st with a safety pin or similar. K to 1 st before the remaining marker w&t. Now work in rows.

Row 1 (WS) p to 2 st before the centre st, p2 together, p centre st, ssp, p to 1 before the markerw&t (RS) k to 1 st before the centre st, CDD, k to 1 st before the wrapped st, w Kris Claman 2014 Row 3 (WS) p to 2 st before the centre st, p2 together, p centre st, ssp, p to 1 before the wrappedstw&t Repeat rows 2 & 3 three more times, then row 3 once more. Row 10 (RS) k to 3 before the centre st, k2tog, CDD ssk, k to 1 st before wrapped st, w&t Row 11 as row 3 Row 12 as row 2 Row 13 as row 3 Repeat rows 12 -15 until there are about 35 stitches on the needles or there are 1 or 2 sts left to be wrapped on each side. The fit should be firm but not tight. Finish with a wrong side row, turn.
Work in the round. Set up - knit to centre, PM, this is the new start of round (remove the other marker as you knit this set up round) Knit one round, picking up the wraps as you go. Knit one more round. Knit 12 rounds, 1x1 or 2x2 rib. Depending on the number of stitches you may need to increase 1 or 2 sts to get the rib pattern, depending on fit. Or, work as many rounds as you need, cast off very loosely or use a very stretchy cast off. Make second mitt the same.