October is for Spinners: A Complex Knitting Pattern for a Unique Scarf Design by Sharon Emery

Pattern illustration

October is for Spinners

By Sharon Emery Arachne, the original spinner, is portrayed here in a twisted stitch pattern from Barbara Walker's Third Treasury of Knitting Patterns (The chart can be found on page 35 if you are more comfortable with boxes than you are with words.). The scarf begins on size 6 US needles using four stands of lace weight yarn held together. While the scarf progresses threads are dropped and the needle size is increased as the consistency of our spinner's web is interrupted by neglect and disrepair. Finished Measurements: 10"x53" sans fringe. Ihad 35g of yarn left over from the skein, so make it longer if you like. Materials: One skein of Prism Lace Wool yarn (100g, 1460yds), size 6 US needles, size 8 US needles, size 10% US needles, size 13 US needles, safety pin or piece of waste yarn, blocking wires. Definitions used in this pattern: K = Knit P = Purl Seed Stitch = Over an odd number of stitches, \*K1, P1 (Repeat from \* until one stitch remains), K1 K1-b = Knit through the back loop RT = Right Twist - Knit two together, leaving the stitch on the left needle. Insert the right needle between the stitches just knitted together, and knit the first stitch again. Slip both stitches together off the left needle. LT = Left Twist - Skip one stitch and knit the second stitch through the back loop. Then knit both stitches together through the back loop. Cluster = With yarn held in front, slip the given number of stitches to the right needle. Pass the yarn to the back and slip the same number of stitches back to the left needle. Pass the yarn to the front and purl the stitches. M1 = Make One - Lift the running thread between the stitch just worked and the next stitch. Knit into the back of this picked up thread. PRT = Purl Right Twist - Skip one stitch and purl the second stitch. Then purl the skipped stitch. Slip both stitches together from the left needle. PLT = Purl Left Twist - Skip one stitch and purl the second stitch through the back loop. Then purl the skipped stitch through the front loop. Slip both stitches together from the left needle. SSK = Slip Slip Knit - Slip next stitch to the right needle knit-wise. Slip the second stitch to the right needle knit-wise. Place the left needle into the front of both stitches and knit them together. K2tog = Knit Two Together - Place the right needles into the next two stitches as if to knit. Knit them together. K3tog = Knit Three Together - Place the right needles into the next three stitches as if to knit. Knit them all together. YO = Yarn Over - Wrap the yarn around the right needle in a counter-clockwise direction to increase the stitch count by one. YO2 = Yarn Over Twice - Wrap the yarn around the right needle twice in a counter-clockwise direction to increase the stitch count by two. P2tog = Purl Two Together - Place the right needles into the next two stitches as if to purl. Purl them together. Instructions: Using size US6 needles and four strands of yarn held together, cast on 49 stitches. Rows 1-5 - \*K1, P1 (Repeat from \* until one stitch remains), K1 Row 6 (Public side) - K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P39, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1 Maintain the five stitch seed stitch border on each end of the scarf, while inserting the foll! Row 7 -K16, P1, K5, P1, K16 Row 8 -P16, K1-b, P5, K1-b, P16 Row 9 -K16, P1, K5, P1, K16 Row 10 -P16, K1-b, P5, K1-b, P16 Row 11 -K9, P1, K6, P1, K5, P1, K6, P1, K9 Row 12 - P9, K1-b, P5, RT, P5, LT, P5, K1-b, P9 Row 13 - K9, P1, K5, P1, K7, P1, K5, P1, K9 Row 14 -P9, K1-b, P4, RT, P7, LT, P4, K1-b, P9 Row 15 -K9, P1, K4, P1, K9, P1, K4, P1, K9 Row 16 -P8, RT, P3, RT, P9, LT, P3, LT, P8 Row 17 -K8, P1, K4, P1, K11, P1, K4, P1, K8 Row 18 -P7, RT, P3, RT, P11, LT, P3, LT, P7 Row 19 -K7, P1, K4, P1, K5, Cluster 3, K5, P1, K4, P1, K7 Row 20 -P7, K1-b, P4, K1-b, P5, K1, M1, K1, M1, K1, P5, K1-b, P4, K1-b, P7 Row 21 -K7, P1, K4, P1, K5, P2, (P1, YO, P1) in next stitch, P2, K5, P1, K4, P1, K7 Row 22 -P7, LT, P3, LT, P4, K1, M1, K2, K1-b, K2, M1, K1, P4, RT, P3, RT, P7 Row 23 -K8, (P1, K4) twice, P9, (K4, P1) twice, K8 Row 24 -P5, (P3, LT) twice, P3, K9, P3, (RT, P3) twice, P5 Row 25 -K9, PRT, K3, P1, K3, P9, K3, P1, K3, PLT, K9 Row 26 -P10, (LT, P2) twice, K9, (P2, RT) twice, P10 Row 27 -K11, PRT, K2, P1, K2, P9, K2, P1, K2, PLT, K11 Row 28 -P12, (LT, P1) twice, SSK, K5, K2tog, (P1, RT) twice, P12 Row 29 - K13, PRT, K1, P1, K1, P7, K1, P1, K1, PLT, K13 Row 30 -P14, LT twice, SSK, K3, K2tog, RT twice, P14 Row 31 -K15, PRT, P1, Cluster 5, P1, PLT, K15 Row 32 -P16, LT, K5, RT, P16 Row 33 - K17, P7, K17 Row 34 -P17, RT, K3, LT, P17 Row 35 -K16, PLT, P5, PRT, K16 Row 36 - P15, RT twice, K3, LT twice, P15 Row 37 -K14, PLT, K1, P1, K1, P3, K1, P1, K1, PRT, K14 Row 38 -P13, (RT, P1) twice, (K1, YO) twice, K1, (P1, LT) twice, P13 Row 39 -K12, PLT, K2, P1, K2, P5, K2, P1, K2, PRT, K12 Row 40 -P11, RT, P2, RT, P1, K1, SSK, K3tog, Pass SSK stitch over the K3tog, K1, P1, LT, P2, 1 Row 41 -K10, PLT, K3, P1, K2, P1, K1, P1, K2, P1, K3, PRT, K10 Row 42 -P9, RT, P3, (RT, P1) twice, LT, P1, LT, P3, LT, P9 Row 43 -K9, P1, K4, P1, K2, P1, K3, p1, K2, P1, K4, P1, K9 Row 44 -P5, (P3, RT) twice, P9, (LT, P3) twice, P5 Row 45 -K8, P1, K4, P1, K11, P1, K4, P1, K8 Row 46 -P7, RT, P3, RT, P11, LT, P3, LT, P7 Row 47 -K7, P1, K4, P1, K13, P1, K4, P1, K7 Row 48 -P7, K1-b, P4, K1-b, P13, K1-b, P4, K1-b, P7 Row 49 -K7, P1, K4, P1, K13, P1, K4, P1, K7 Row 50 -P7, LT, P3, LT, P11, RT, P3, RT, P7 Row 51 -K8, P1, K4, P1, K11, P1, K4, P1, K8 Row 52 -P8, K1-b, P4, LT, P9, RT, P4, K1-b, P8 Row 53 -K8, P1, K5, P1, K9, P1, K5, P1, K8 Row 54 -P14, LT, P7, RT, P14 Row 55 -K15, P1, K7, P1, K3, YO, K2tog, K10 Row 56 -P15, K1-b, P7, K1-b, P15 Row 57 -K39 Row 58 -P39 Row 59 -K32, YO, K2tog, K5 Row 60 - Purl Row 61-64 - Stockinette stitch Row 65 - K27, YO, K2tog, K10 Row 66 - Purl Row 67-76 - Stockinette stitch Row 77 - K26, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K1, YO, K10 Row 78 - P9, P2tog, P1, Drop YO, P1, Drop double YO, P1, Drop YO, P26 Row 79 - Knit Row 80-82 - Stockinette stitch Row 83 - K25, K2tog, YO, K12 Row 84 - Purl Row 85 - K28, SSK, YO, YO, K9 Row 86 - P9, Drop YO, Purl YO, P29 Row 87 - Knit Row 88 - Purl Row 89 - K29, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K6 Row 90 - P6, Drop YO, K1, Drop 2YO, K1, Drop 3YO, K1, Drop 2YO, K1, Drop YO, K29 Row 91 - K23, YO, K2tog, K7, YO, K2tog, K5 Row 92 - Purl Row 93 - K25, P5, K9 Row 94 - P6, K8, P25 Row 95 -K23, P10, K1, YO, K5 Row 96 - P2, K4, K2tog, K13, P19 Row 97 - K21, P16, K2 Row 98 - P3, K3, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K11, P20 Row 99 - K20, P11, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P4, K2 Row 100 - P3, K18, P18 Row 101 - K15, P14, P2tog, YO, P6, K2 Row 102 - P2, K7, YO, K2tog, K11, P17 Row 103 -K17, P10, P2tog, Y0, P7, K3 Row 104 - P3, K5, YO, K2tog, K1, YO, K2tog, K13, P13 Row 105 -K11, P17, YO, P1, YO2, P1, YO, P6, K3 Row 106 - P3, K3, K2tog, YO, K1, Drop YO, K1, Drop 2YO, Break off one strand of yar strands held together, K1, Drop YO, K17, P11 Row 107 -K12, P16, YO, P2tog, P1, YO, P2, P2tog, P1, K3 Row 108 - P2, K8, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K11, P12 Row 109 -K14, P6, YO, P2tog, P5, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P5, YO, P2to Row 110 - P1, K5, YO2, K2tog, K1, YO, K2tog, K4, YO2, K2tog, K2, YO, K2tog, K2, P16 Row 111 -K17, P3, YO, P2tog, P2, Drop 1YO, P2, YO2, P1, YO2, P1, K3, P2, Drop 1 Y( Row 112 -K2, K2tog, K4, P2, K3, Drop YO, K2, Drop YO, K2tog, K7, YO, P2tog, YO, P2tog, P13 Row 113 -K12, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO2, K1, K2tog, YO, P4, YO, P2tog, P4, YO, P2tog, YO, P1, YO2, P1, K1, P2tog, YO, P5 Row 114 - K7, YO, P2, Drop 2 YO, K1, Drop YO, K1, K2, K2tog, K9, P1, Drop 2 YO, P1, Drop 2 YO, P1, Drop YO, P12 Row 115 -K11, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO2, K4, YO, P2tog, P2, YO, P1, YO, P1, YO, P2tog, P14 Row 116 -K8, K2tog, K1, YO, K2tog, K2, YO, K2tog, Drop YO, K1, YO, K2tog, K3, P2, YO, P1, YO2, P1, Drop 2YO, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, YO, P2tog, K2, P8 Row 117 -K6, P5, Drop YO, YO, P2, Drop YO, K1, Drop 2YO, K2tog, YO, P2, YO2, P4, P2tog, YO, P2tog, P2, YO, P2tog, P2tog, P8 Row 118 - K10, YO, K2tog, K8, Drop 1YO, K4, YO, K2tog, K1, YO, K1, Drop YO, YO, K8, P3 Row 119 -K2, P6, YO, P2tog, YO, P1, Drop YO, YO, P1, Drop YO, YO2, P2tog, Drop YO, P1, YO, P2tog, P1, Drop the next stitchand let it unravel down to the YO, YO2, P8, YO, P2tog, P9 Row 120 - K10, K2tog, K5, YO, K2tog, Drop 2 YO, YO2, K2, Drop YO, K1, YO, K1, Drop 2 YO, K1, YO2, K2tog, Drop YO, K1, K2tog, K2, YO, K2tog, K1, P2 Row 121 -K2, P1, P2tog, P3, YO, P1, YO2, P1, Drop 2 YO, YO2, P3, P2tog, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO2, P18 Row 122 - K17, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, Drop YO, K1, YO, K2tog, K1, Drop 2YO, YO2, K1, Drop 1YO, K2tog, Drop YO, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K2, P1 Row 123 -K1, P8, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO2, P2, Drop YO, YO, P1, YO, P21 Row 124 -K19, K2tog, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K1, Drop 2YO, YO2, K1, Drop YO, YO, K2top, YO, K7 Row 125 - P6, YO, P2tog, P3, Drop 2YO, YO2, P1, P2tog, YO, P2, P2tog, YO, P19 Row 126 - K17, YO, K2, K2tog, YO, K2, K2tog, YO, K1, Drop 2YO, YO2, K1, K2tog, K8 Row 127 - P11, Drop 2YO, YO2, P1, YO, P2, P2tog, P21 Row 128 - K20, YO, K2, K2tog, YO, K2, Drop 2YO, YO2, K2, YO, K2tog, K2, Drop the next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K4 Row 129 - P10, Drop 2YO, YO2, P2, YO, P2tog, YO, P1, YO2, P1, Drop YO, YO, P2tog, P18 Row 130 - K19, K2tog, YO, K1, Drop YO, K1, Drop YO, K2tog, K3, Drop 2YO, YO2, K2, YO, K9 Row 131 - P9, Drop 1 YO, P2, Drop 2YO, YO2, P1, YO, P2tog, P3, YO, P2tog, P1, Drop the next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, P2, YO, P2tog, P13 Row 132 -K16, SSK, YO, K2, K2tog, YO, K4, Drop 2YO, 2YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K7 Row 133 - P8, YO, P2tog, P2, Drop YO, P2tog, P4, YO, P1, YO, P19 Row 134 -K7, YO, K8, YO, K1, YO2, K7, YO, K2tog, K4, SSK, YO, K8 Row 135 - P15, YO, P2tog, P6, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P16 Row 136 -K6, YO, K11, YO, K1, YO2, K1, K2tog, K5, YO, K2tog, K12 Row 137 - P12, YO, P2tog, P7, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P18 Row 138 - K18, YO, K1, YO2, K1, K2tog, K4, YO, K2tog, K12 Row 139 - P11, P2tog, YO, P2tog, P5, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P18 Row 140 - K20, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K3, YO, K1, K2tog, K10 Row 141 - P16, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P20 Row 142 -K10, YO, K11, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO2, K15 Row 143 - P13, P2tog, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P1, Drop YO, P22 Row 144 - K6, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K15, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO2, K2tog, K12 Row 145 - P11, P2tog, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, YO, P1, Drop YO, YO, P1, P2tog, P18 Row 146 - K9, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K8, K2tog, Drop YO, K1, Drop YO, K2, K2tog, K9 Row 147 - P8, YO2, P1, YO, P1, YO, P12, YO2, P2t0g, P7 Row 148 - K8, K1 into the YO, K1 into the second YO (This is kind of fiddley, and it won't ever make a real stitch, but it keeps the run in the fabric nice and wide.), K11, YO2, K1, Drop YO, K1, Drop YO, YO2, K1, Drop 2YO, K8 Row 149 - P7, YO, P2, Drop 2YO, YO, P1, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P10, YO2, P11 Row 150 - K7, Drop next stitch and allow it to unravel (It willunravel to a K2tog stitch a few rows down. After that stitch splits in two, allow the right stitch to unravel to the Yo. Place the left stitch on a safety pin or piece of waste yarn until after you have blocked the scarf.), K1, Drop YO, K1, Drop 2YO, 2YO, K9, K2tog, Drop YO, YO2, K1, Drop YO, K1, YO, K1, Drop YO, K2, YO2, K5 Row 151 - P5, Drop 2YO, YO3, P2tog, P1, Drop YO, P1, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO, P8, P2tog, Drop 2YO, YO, P9 Row 152 -K7, SSK, K12, Drop YO, YO2, K2, YO, K1, Drop 3YO, YO2, K1, YO, SSK, K2 Row 153 - P3, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO, P1, Drop YO, P1, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P11, YO, P9 Row 154 -K7, YO, K3, SSK, K9, YO2, K1, Drop YO, K1, YO, K1, Drop YO, K2, YO, SSK, YO Row 155 - Drop YO, YO, P1, Drop YO, P2tog, YO2, P4, Drop 2YO, YO, P6, YO, P2tog, P13 Row 156 - K9, YO, K1, YO, K4, Drop YO, YO2, K6, Drop YO, K2, YO2, K2, Drop 2YO, YO, K1, YO, K2 Switch to size 8 needles Row 157-P2, Drop YO, YO2, P1, Drop YO, P1, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO, P2tog, P6, Drop 2YO, YO, P2tog, P2, Drop P2tog, P8 Row 158 -K11, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K11, Drop YO, K1, YO, K1, Drop 2YO, YO, K2, YO Row 159 - P3, Drop YO, P1, YO, P13, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, YO, P2, P2tog, P9 Row 160 -K11, YO, K1, Drop YO, YO, K14, Drop YO, K1, YO, K2, YO, K1 Row 161 - P2, YO, P1, YO, P1, Drop YO, P16, YO, P1, Drop YO, P11 Row 162 -K13, YO, K2tog, K16, K2tog, K1, YO, K1 Row 163 - P2, P2tog, P18, P2tog, P11 Row 164 -K11, SSK, K2tog, K18 Row 165 - Purl Row 166 - SSK, K27, K2tog Row 167-174 - Continue in stockinette stitch Row 175 -K16, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K11 Row 176 - P11, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P16 Row 177 - K15, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K12 Row 178 - P12, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P15 Row 179 -K14, YO, K2, YO, K1, YO2, K2tog, YO, K10 Row 180 - P12, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P2, Drop YO, P14 Row 181 -K13, YO, K1, YO2, K2, YO2, K3, YO, K2tog, K8 Row 182 -P13, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P13 Row 183 -K11, YO, K2, YO, K1, YO2, K2, YO, K4, K2tog, K7 Row 184 - P12, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P2tog, Drop YO, P11 Row 185 -K9, YO, K2, YO2, K2, YO, K14 Row 186 - P14, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P9 Row 187 - K10, Y02, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K6, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K1, YO, K2tog, K5 Row 188 - P6, Drop YO, P7, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P10 Row 189 -K8, YO2, K2, YO3, K1, YO2, K6, YO, K8 Row 190 - P15, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P8 Row 191 - K7, YO, K2, YO3, K1, YO2, K8, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K7 Row 192 - P15, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop YO, P7 Row 193 -K7, YO2, K1, YO3, K2, YO, K15 Row 194 - P15, Drop YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P3, Break off one strand of yarn so that you are now knit strands held together, P4 Row 195 -K6, YO2, K1, YO3, K2, YO, K6, YO, K10 Row 196 - P20, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P6 Row 197 - K6, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K19 Row 198 - P19, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P9 Row 199 - K6, Drop 2YO, YO2, K2, YO2, K1, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K17 Row 200 - P18, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P6 Row 201 - K3, YO, K2, YO2, K1, YO3, K2, YO2, K5, K2tog, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, YO, Row 202 -P17, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P6 Row 203 -K6, YO2, K1, YO3, K2, YO2, K2, YO, K15 Row 204 - P15, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P6 Row 205 -K5, YO2, K2, YO3, K1, YO2, K2, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K12 Row 206 - P13, Drop YO, P2, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P5 Row 207 - K3, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, YO, K2tog, YO2, K2, YO, K2, YO2, K4, YO, K11 Row 208 - P16, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P5 Row 209 -K5, YO, K1, YO2, K2, YO2, K2, YO, K15 Row 210 - P15, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P5 Row 211 - K3, YO2, K2, YO3, K2, YO2, K3, YO, K4, YO, K11 Row 212 - P16, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P3 Row 213 - K2, YO, K3, YO2, K2, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K2, YO, K2, Drop next stitch and let it unravel down to the YO, K12 Row 214 -P14, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P6 Row 215 -K1, YO, K2, YO2, K2, YO3, K2, YO, K4, YO2, K2, YO, K13 Row 216 - P13, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P1 Row 217 -K1, YO, K2, YO2, K4, YO3, K2, YO2, K1, YO, K2, YO2, K2, YO, K12 Row 218 - P12, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P1 Switch to size 10% needles Row 219 -K2, YO, K2, YO2, K4, YO2, K3, YO, K4, YO, K2tog, K8, SSK Row 220 - P10, Drop YO, P4, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P2 Row 221 - K3, YO2, K3, YO, K3, YO2, K3, YO, K2, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K7 Row 222 - P8, Drop YO, P2, Drop YO, P2, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P3 Row 223 -K4, YO, K2, YO2, K3, YO2, K2, YO, K2, YO2, K3, YO, K2, YO, K6 Row 224 - P6, Drop YO, P2, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P4 Row 225 -K2, YO2, K3, YO2, K3, YO2, K2, YO3, K2, YO, K3, YO2, K4, YO, K5 Row 226 - P5, Drop YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop YO, P2, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P2 Row 227 -K1, YO, K3, YO2, K2, YO, K3, YO2, K2, YO3, K3, YO2, K3, YO2, K3, YO2, K4 Row 228 - P2, P2tog, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 3YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P6, Drop 2YO, P2tog, P3 Row 229 - YO, K2, YO2, K2, YO, K2tog, K1, YO2, K1, K2tog, YO, K4, YO2, K2tog, YO, K3, YO2, K3, YO, K2tog Row 230 -P5, Drop 2YO, P5, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P5, Drop 2YO, P3 Row 231 - K2tog, YO, K4, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K2, K2tog, YO, K2, YO2, K3, YO2, K4, YO, k2tog, K1, YO Row 232 - P3, Drop YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P2, YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P3, P2tog, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P2, YO, P2tog, Drop YO, P1 Row 233 -K1, YO, K2, K2tog, K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO2, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K2, YO, K2tog, K2 Row 234 - P5, YO, P1, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P3, YO, P2tog, P3, YO, P5, Drop YO, YO2, P1 Row 235 - YO, K1, Drop 2YO, YO, K2tog, K2, YO2, K1, Drop YO, K1, YO2, K2, YO, K2tog, K2, YO2, K3, YO2, K4, YO, K2tog, K1 Row 236 - YO, P2tog, P2, P2tog, P1, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P1, YO, P2tog, Drop YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P4, P2toE Row 237 -K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO2, K2, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K3, Drop YO, K1 Row 238 - P4, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop 2YO, P6, Drop YO, P3 Row 239 -K2, YO, K2, YO2, K3, YO, K2tog, K2, YO2, K5, YO2, K2tog, YO Row 240 -P2, Drop 2YO, P5, Drop 2YO, P5, P2tog, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P2 Row 241 - K1, YO, K3, YO, K5, YO, K3, YO, K5 Row 242 - P21 Row 243 -K1, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, SSK, K4, YO2, K3, YO2, K3, YO, SK, K1 Row 244 - P6, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P12 Row 245 -K1, YO, K2tog, K1, YO2, K3, YO, SSK, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K3 Row 246 - P12, Drop 2YO, P6, Drop 2YO, P4 Row 247 - K1, YO, K2tog, K1, YO2, K3, YO2, K4, YO, SSK, K4, YO2, K3, YO, SSK Row 248 - P5, Drop 2YO, P10, Drop 2YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P4 Row 249 - K2, YO2, K3, YO, K2tog, K2, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K3, YO, K3, YO, SSK, K1 Row 250 - P2, Drop YO, P7, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3 YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P7, Drop 2YO, P2 Row 251 - YO, K2tog, K5, YO2, K7, YO2, K5, YO2, K3 Row 252 - P3, Drop 2YO, P5, Break off one strand of yarn so that you are now knitting with just 1 strand, Drop 2YO, P7, Dro 2YO, P7 Row 253 -K5, YO2, K4, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO3, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K3, YO, K2tog, K2, YO, K2tog Row 254 - P9,Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop 3YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P5 Row 255 -K1, YO, K2, YO2, K4, YO2, K9, YO, SSK, K4 Row 256 - P15, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P2, Drop YO, P1 Row 257 -K2, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, K6, YO2, K2, YO, K2tog, K4 Row 258 - P8, Drop 2YO, P14 Row 259 - K1, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, K2, YO2, K4, YO2, K5, YO, K2tog Row 260 - P7, Drop 2YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P11 Row 261 -K2, YO, K2tog, K1, Drop next stitch, K3, YO2, K3, YO, K4, YO, K2tog, K4 Row 262 - P10, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P8 Row 263 - K1, YO, K5, YO2, K5, YO2, K4, YO, K2tog, K2, YO, K2 Row 264 - P6, Drop YO, P4, Drop 2YO, P5, Drop YO, P7 Row 265 - K2, YO, K1, YO2, K1, YO, K4, YO, K2tog, K3, YO2, K2, YO, K7 Row 266 - P7, P2tog, P1, Drop 2YO, P9, Drop YO, P1, Drop 2YO, P1, Drop YO, P2 Row 267 - K5, YO2, K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO2, K7 Row 268 - P7, Drop 2YO, P10, Drop 2YO, P5 Row 269 -YO, K2t0g, K2, YO2, K6, YO, K2t0g, K3, YO2, K3, YO, K4 Row 270 - P2, Drop the next stitch and allow it to unravel down to the YO, P1, Drop YO, P3, Drop 2YO, P4, P2tog, P5, Drop 2YO, P4 Row 271 - YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO2, K4, YO2, K4 Row 272-P4,Drop 2YO, P4, Drop 2YO,P6, YO, P2tog, P4 Row 273 - Y02, K2tog, K2, YO, K2tog, K2, Drop the next stitch and allow it to unravel, K2tog, YO, K9 Row 274 - P4, YO, P2tog, P7, YO, P2tog, P3, Drop 2YO, YO2 Switch to size 13 needles Row 275 - Drop 2YO, K2tog, K16 Row 276 - P5, YO, P2tog, P7, YO,P3 Row 277 - YO, K2tog, K8, YO, K2tog, P6 Row 278 - P18 Row 279 -K6, YO, K2tog, K4, K2tog, YO, K2tog, K2 Row 280 - P9, P2tog, P6 Row 281 - K16 Row 282 - P7, P2tog, YO, P2tog, P5 Row 283 -K15 Row 284 - P15 Row 285 - Drop the first stitch and allow it to unravel, YO2, K2tog, K12 Row 286 - P13, Drop 2YO, YO2 Row 287 - Drop 2YO, 2YO, K4, Drop next stitch, K1, Drop next stitch, K2, Drop next stitch, K3 Using a sewn bind off, bind off very, very loosely. Knot the end instead of weaving it in, and leave a 5" tail. Break off (Do not cut.) 7 pieces of yarn 6-12 inches long and attach them halfhazardly as fringes at the bind off end of the scarf. Cut lengths of yarn 13" long and create a fringe at the cast on end of the scarf. Make 9 groups of fringes, each containing 11 strands of yarn. Trim this fringe so that it is very neat and even. Using blocking wires, spray block the scarf. When dry, remove the safety pin or waste yarn that holds the loose stitch on row 150.

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