Robin's Wrap Knitting Pattern: A Moonlight Mohair Scarf with Suspended Bind Off Tutorial

Robin's Wrap

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Finished size, after blocking: 66" X 28" Yarn: Lion Brand Moonlight Mohair, color 203 Safari, 5 skeins - 410 yards Needles: US 17, / 12.75 mm Notions: Tapestry needle Wrap Cast on 49 stitches loosely, knit four rows then start pattern. Row 1: k3, \*yo, k2t, k2\*, k2 Row 2: k2, \*p\*, k2 Row 3: k2, \*k2, yo, k2t\*, k3 Row 4: k2, \*p\*, k2 Repeat rows 1 to 4 until desired length or until yarn is almost gone. Knit four rows, bind off loosely. Using a suspended bind off is strongly recommended.

Pattern illustration

Suspended Bind Off

Knit the first two stitches Pass the first stitch knit over the second stitch, leaving it on the left hand needle. Reach around the stitch you just placed on the left needle, knit the second stitch. Slip both stitches off the left hand needle, there are now two stitches on the right. Continue until all stitches are bound off. Click here for a suspended bind off video demo on YouTube, or here for a tutorial on, (half way down the page)

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