Baby Pennant
By AngelCow Designs

1 Ball DK Weight Baby Yarn - Color A - Brown 1 Ball DK Weight Baby Yarn - Color B - Pink 1 Ball DK Weight Baby Yarn - Color C - Green Approx 5 Yards of 3%4"- 1" Satin Ribbon in Each Color Size US 5 or 6 Needle

Small Triangles
Cast on 25 Stitches with Color A Row 1 - P1, P2Tog, Purl to last 3 stitches, SSP, P1 Row 2 - K1, SSK, Knit to last 3 stitches, K2Tog, K1 Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 1 More Time [17st] Change to Color C, Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 2 Times [9st] Change to Color B, Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 1 Time, then [5st] Row 3 - P1, P2Tog, Slip Next St Knit-wise, Slip 2 St Purl-wise from Right Needle back to Left Needle, Pass Slipped Stitch Over the P2Tog, Move That St back to Right Needle, P1 [3st] Row 4 - S1, K2Tog, PSSO, wrap yarn around needle and bind off the remaining stitch - Make 1 More Small Triangle Casting On with Color C, then Color A and Finishing with Color B
Medium Triangles
Cast on 25 Stitches with Color A Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - K1, SSK, Knit to last 3 stitches, K2Tog, K1 Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 3 More Times [17st] Change to Color B, Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 4 Times [9st] Change to Color C, Repeat Rows 1 & 2 - 2 Times, then [5st] Row 3 - Purl Across Row 4 - K1, S1, K2Tog, PSSO, K1 [3st] Row 5 - Purl Across Row 6 -S1, K2Tog, PSSO, wrap yarn around needle and bind off the remaining stitch - Make 1 More Medium Triangle Casting On with Color C, then Color B and Finishing with Color A
Large Triangles
Cast on 25 Stitches with Color B Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - Knit Across Row 3 - P1, P2Tog, Purl to last 3 stitches, SSP, P1 Row 4 - Knit Across Row 5- Purl Across Row 6 - K1, SSK, Knit to last 3 stitches, K2Tog, K1 Repeat Rows 1-6 - 1 More Time [17st] Change to Color C, Repeat Rows 1-6 - 2 Times [9st] Change to Color A, Repeat Rows 1-6 - 1 Time, then [5st] Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - Knit Across Row 3 - P1, P2Tog, Slip Next St Knit-wise, Slip 2 St Purl-wise from Right Needle back to Left Needle, Pass Slipped Stitch Over the P2Tog, Move That St back to Right Needle, P1 [3st] Row 4 - Knit Across Row 5 - Purl Across Row 6 - S1, K2Tog, PSSO, wrap yarn around needle and bind off the remaining stitch Make 1 More Large Triangle Casting On with Color B, then Color A and Finishing with Color C
Center X-Large Triangle
The center triangle can use a number of different color schemes: 1. Use any one of the previously used color combinations for the 3 stripes 2. Knit this triangle with only one color and then embroider / duplicate stitch the first and last initial of the baby's name with each of the other colors. 3. Knit this triangle with 2 colors, changing colors 12 way through, then embroider / duplicate stitch the last name initial in the other color 4.Change colors every two rows for a shorter stripe look Cast on 25 Stitches with Color A Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - Knit Across Row3-Purl Across Row 4 - K1, SSK, Knit to last 3 stitches, K2Tog, K1 Repeat Rows 1-4 - 3 More Times [17st] If Using Option 3: Repeat Rows 1-4 - 2 More Times [13st], Change Colors Repeat Rows 1-4 - 4 More Times, then [5st] Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - Knit Across Row3-Purl Across Row 4 - K1, S1, K2Tog, PSSO, K1 [3st] Row 5 - Purl Across Row 6 - Knit Across Row 7 - Purl Across Row 8 -S1, K2Tog, PSSO, wrap yarn around needle and bind off the remaining stitch If using Option 1: Change to Color B, Repeat Rows 1-4 - 4 Times [9st] Change to Color C, Repeat Rows 1-4 - 2 Times, then [5st] Row 1 - Purl Across Row 2 - Knit Across Row 3 - Purl Across Row 4 - K1, S1, K2Tog, PSSO, K1 [3st] Row5-Purl Across Row 6 - Knit Across Row 7-Purl Across Row 8 -S1, K2Tog, PSSO, wrap yarn around needle and bind off the remaining stitch Finishing rim and Weave in all Ends on Triangles, Block Triangles to Desired Flatness Cut each ribbon in 12, hold all strands together at 1 end and tie a gentle knot about 12-18" into the ribbon, segregate the colors s0 each color has 2 strands and begin loosely braiding the ribbons for 18-24", tie another gentle knot and trim ends to match the tail length on the other side. Trim all ends to a neat angle or point. Attach Pennants to braid with the x- large triangle in the center and then in any order you would like. I attached mine by stringing yarn strands through each corner and looping the strands through the back of the braid, double knotting the strands and then trimming them. Hang pennant on the wall and Enjoy! Note: You will have plenty of yarn left to make some adorable matching washcloths, hats, booties, ect... Or you can make additional Pennant Triangles to extend your pennant, but remember you'll want more ribbon.