Easy Peasy Lace Scarf: A Beginner's Guide to Machine Knitting a Lovely Accessory

Easy Peasy Lace Scarf You can make this lovely lace scarf in any suitable yarn , on any machine. No lace carriage is required, and its suitable for a beginner. The first thing you need to do is decide how wide and how long you want to make it. You may wish to make a little swatch to determine this . There is no right or wrong, for this scarf, and you dont have to do any special measuring. Just take a guess by looking at your swatch . Now you have your idea of size, arrange the needles starting with the first needle to the left of O in working position , and working out to the left in the following pattern, ending with 4 needles in working position to make a nice edge. Repeat at the other side of O keeping the pattern correct , so its the same.

Pattern illustration

1/ Cast on in your preferred method, ewrap or turned edge , suspend the weights. 2/knit 4 rows 3/ Push forward all the single needles into hold position like the picture below

Pattern illustration

Set your machine to hold. On this old vintage machine , you do it by changing the levers to the'lll'position as the picture , but your manual will tell you how to do it on your own machine. 4/ knit 4 rows with these stitches on hold 5/ re set machine to knit the hold needles back into operation , on this machine you simply change the levers back to'1' 6/ repeat these 8 rows until scarf is required length 7/ cast off preferred method lightly steam and block There you are , I told you it was easy !

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