Adjustable DK Yarn Cowl Pattern for Customizable Fit and Layered Texture, Suitable for Various Yarn Weights and Accessories

This has been designed to be completely aojustable to srit the person who wears it, whether it is a tight and snug fit, or loose and wrappable. There is no counting involwed,cast on or rounds, and includes instructiows on when to stop in order to use a whole skein. The pattern is written for DK, but you can substitute any weight yarn as long as you wse a suitable neede size to match. Using the materials suggested the pattern creates a wonderfuly thick layered-feel to the fabric, perfect for Hhose chily days. Materials: Ix Gradiance Yarns DK - 1o0% Merino Wool (100g/ 225metres) 1 x 5mm Circuiar Needle (US8/Uk6) Skil Level: Easy Gauge: Not Important

Pattern illustration

Cast On

Using the Ribbed Cable Cast On (also known and the Alternate Cable Cast On), cast on any number of odd stitches TO sUiT YoU. As long as you work both a knit and purl stitch, you will finish with an odld number, which allows you to concentrate on the size you want, rather than how many stitches you have - (+he slip stitch at +he start is your odd one). To see if the cowt will be large enough for you gently spread the stitches out around the neede and try it on . For a tight fit using the materials listed, I had 141 sts. For a looser or wrappable cowl cast on extra stitches. If you are wsing a thinner or thicker yarn just aoljust the number of stitches to suit the size you want. you use the same yarn and cast on more stitches, the cowt won't be as tal Note: Using the same instructions, but different yarns and neede sizes, you could create matching wristwarmers, headbanos, bracelets, and so on...

Pattern illustration

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