Kristina's Silk Mohair Pattern Wrap: A Comprehensive Guide to Knitting a Luxurious Wrap

Pattern Wrap “Kristina'

Pattern illustration

Material 6 × "Silk Mohair" by Midara, LL 25g/22O mt (or a comparable yarn) 1 knitting needle size 6 - 7 mm (US size 10 - 10.5) Gauge 27 sts and 18 r = 10 × 10 cm (4 x 4 inches) Pattern Number of stitches must be divisible by 24 + 12 + 2 edge sts. You will be working with the chart on the next page. In the chart you wil only find the wrong side rows, always work the right side the way the sts appear (knit the knit sts, purl the purl sts). Knit 1 edge st, work and repeat the pattern from the chart, ending with the first 12 sts from the chart plus 1 edge st. Work rows 1-26 once and after that keep repeating rows 15-26 Size of finished wrap: about 52 × 220 cm Begin Cast on 144 sts. Always work 1 edge st, 5 sts garter stitch (knit on right and wrong side), 132 sts of chart pattern, 5 sts garter stitch, 1 edge st. Work like this until your scarf is a bit more than 2 meters long. End pattern the same way you began (rows 1-5). Cast off loosely.



= k (knit) = p(purl)

Pattern illustration

place in front of your work, \* k 1, p 1 \* (repeat \*-\* twice more), then work sts on cable needle in the same way.

Pattern illustration

place behind your work, \*k 1, p 1\* (repeat \* - \* twice more), then work sts on cable needle in the same way.

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