Cabled Cardigan Inspired by Maria Bello's Sweater in The Jane Austen Book Club - Detailed Knitting Pattern

Mansfield Park

I am obsessed with cables. Possibly to the point of it being unhealthy. I love how they look, how they are knit, and how one can say that they suck in a good way. I never need an excuse to knit them. This sweater was inspired by the cabled cardi worn by Maria Bello in the movie The Jane Austen Book Club during the scenes in which the group is discussing Mansfield Park. Finished Sizes: 35.5 (38, 40.5, 43, 45.5, 48, 50.5, 52) bust circumference. Designed to be worn with 1-2" of ease. Size modeled is 38. Yarn: Valley Yarns Berkshire Bulky (85% wool, 15% alpaca; 108 yd/100 g): original worked in color #22, 10 (11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15) skeins.

Pattern illustration

Needles: Size 10 (6 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge. Gauge: 3 sts = 1 inch in Stockinette stitch. Take time to check gauge.


Note: For size 35.5 only, where indicated by \* replace Left/Right Rope Cables with Small Left/Small Right RopeCables For sizes 35.5 (38, 40.5, 43, 45.5) ONLY: Back: Using the long-tail method, cast on 70 (74, 78, 82, 86). Set up pattern as follows: (WS) S1, work Row 1 of Main Cable, k 0 (0, 1, 2, 3), Row 1 of \*Left Rope Cable, k 0 (0, 1, 2, 3), Row 1 of Main Cable, k 0 (0, 1, 2, 3), Row 1 of \*Right Rope Cable, K 0 (0, 1, 2, 3), Row 1 of Main Cable, k1. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row until piece measures approximately 14 (14, 14.5, 15, 16) inches, or desired length to armholes, ending with WS Row. Shape Armholes: BO 4 (4, 4, 5, 6) at beginning of next two rows. 62 (66, 70, 72, 74) stitches. Next Row (RS): S1, p2tog, work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2tog tbl, p1. Next Row (WS): Work across evenly in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 5 (7, 9, 10, 11) more times (50 stitches). Continue to work even until armhole is approximately 7.5 (8, 8.5. 9) inches, ending with WS Row. Shape Shoulders: BO 8 stitches at beginning of next 4 rows. (18 sts). Next Row (RS): Bind off all stitches. Right Front: Using the long-tail method, cast on 61 (63, 65, 67, 69). Set up pattern as follows (WS): Slip 1, k 20 (21, 22, 23), Row 1 of \*Right Rope Cable, k 13 (14, 15, 16), (p1, k1) 11 times, p1. Next Row (RS): Slip 1, (p1, k1) 11 times, p1, Work Row 2 of Main Cable beginning with stitch 9, p0 (1, 2, 3), k6, p0 (1, 2, 3), Row 2 of Main Cable, p1. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row, and keeping first 24 stitches in 1x1 rib until piece measures same length to armholes as back, ending with RS Row. Shape Armholes: Row 1 (WS): BO 4 (4, 4, 5, 6) stitches, work across evenly in pattern. Row 2 (RS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2 tog, p1. Row 3 (wS): Work across evenly in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 7 (9, 10, 11) times (51 stitches). Continue to work even until armhole measures 2 inches less than back, ending with RS row. Shape Neckline: Row 1 (WS): Work across in pattern 27 stitches. Turn work and place remaining 24 stitches on stitch holder. Row 2 (RS): BO 4 stitches, work across. Row 3 (WS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1. Row 4 (RS): S1, p2 tog, work across. Repeat previous 2 rows 2 more times (17 stitches). Work even until armhole measures the same as back to shoulder shaping, ending with RS Row. Shape Shoulders: Row 1 (WS): BO 8 stitches, work across. Row 2 (RS): Work across evenly. BO all stitches. Left Front: Using the long-tail method, cast on 61 (63, 65, 67, 69). Set up pattern as follows (WS): Slip 1, (k1, p1)11 times, k13 (14, 15, 16), Row 1 of \*Left Rope Cable, k21 (22, 23, 24). Next Row (RS): Slip 1, work Row 2 of Main Cable, p0 (1, 2, 3), Row 2 of Left Rope Cable, p0 (1, 2, 3), first 12 stitches of Main Cable, p1, (k1, p1) 11 times, k1. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row, and keeping last 24 stitches in 1x1 rib until piece measures same length to armholes as back, ending with WS Row. Shape Armholes: Row 1 (RS): BO 4 (4, 4, 5, 6) stitches, work across. Row 2 (WS): Work across evenly in pattern. Row 3 (RS): Slip 1, p2 tog, work across in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 7 (9, 10, 11) more times (51 stitches). Continue to work even until work measures 2 inches less than the back, ending with WS Row. Shape Neckline: Row 1 (RS): Work across in pattern 27 stitches. Turn work and place remaining 24 stitches on stitch holder. Row 2 (WS): BO 4 stitches. Work across. Row 3 (RS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2 tog, p1. Row 4 (WS): Slip 1, ssk, work across in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 2 more times (17 stitches). Continue to work even until armhole measures the same as back to shoulder shaping, ending with WS Row. Shape Shoulder: Row 1 (RS): BO 8 stitches, work across. Row 2 (WS): Work across evenly. BO all stitches.

For sizes 48 (50.5, 52) ONLY

Back: Using the long-tail method, cast on 94 (98, 102). Set up pattern as follows: (WS) S1, k2, work Row 1 of Right Rope Cable, k2, Row 1 of Main Cable, k 0 (1, 2), Row 1 of Right Rope Cable, k 0 (1, 2), Row 1 of Main Cable, k 0 (1, 2), Row 1 of Left Rope Cable, K 0 (1, 2), Row 1 of Main Cable, k2, Row 1 of Left Rope Cable, k3. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row until piece measures approximately 17 (17.5, 18) inches, or desired length to armholes, ending with WS Row. Shape Armholes: B0 7 (8, 9) at beginning of next two rows. 80 (82, 84) stitches Next Row (RS): S1, p2tog, work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2tog tbl, p1. Next Row (WS): Work across evenly in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 11 (12, 13) more times (56 stitches). Continue to work even until armhole is approximately 9 (9.5, 10) inches, ending with WS Row. Shape Shoulders: BO 8 stitches at beginning of next 4 rows. (24 sts). Next Row (RS): Bind off all stitches. Right Front: Using the long-tail method, cast on 73 (75, 77). Set up pattern as follows (WS): Slip 1, k 21 (22, 23), p6, k 22 (23, 24), (p1, k1) 11 times, pl. Next Row (RS): Slip 1, (p1, k1) 11 times, p2, work Row 2 of Main Cable, p0 (1, 2), Row 2 of Right Rope Cable, p0 (1, 2), Row 2 of Main Cable, p2. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row, and keeping first 24 stitches in 1x1 rib until piece measures same length to armholes as back, ending with RS Row.

Pattern illustration

Shape Armholes: Row 1 (WS): BO 7 (7, 8) stitches, work across. Row 2 (RS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2 tog, p1. Row 3 (WS): Work across evenly in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 11 (12, 13) times (54 stitches). Continue to work even until work measures 2 inches less than back, ending with RS row. Shape Neckline: Row 1 (WS): Work across in pattern 30 stitches. Turn work and place remaining 24 stitches on stitch holder. Row 2 (RS): BO 4 stitches, work across. Row 3 (WS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1. Row 4 (RS): S1, p2 tog, work across. Repeat previous 2 rows 2 more times (17 stitches). Work even until armhole measures the same as back to shoulder shaping, ending with RS Row. Shape Shoulders: Row 1 (WS): BO 8 stitches, work across. Row 2 (RS): Work across evenly. BO all stitches. Left Front: Using the long-tail method, cast on 73 (75, 77). Set up pattern as follows (WS): Slip 1, (k1, p1)11 times, k22 (23, 24), p6, k22 (23, 24). Next Row (RS): Slip 1, pl, work Row 2 of Main Cable, p0 (1, 2), Row 2 of Left Rope Cable, p0 (1, 2, 3), Row 2 of Main Cable, pl, (p1, k1) 12 times. Continue working chart as established, remembering to slip first stitch of every row, and keeping las1 24 stitches in 1x1 rib until piece measures same length to armholes as back, ending with WS Row. Shape Armholes: Row 1 (RS): BO 7 (7, 8) stitches, work across. Row 2 (wS): Work across evenly in pattern. Row 3 (RS): Slip 1, p2 tog, work across in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 11 (12, 13) more times (54 stitches). Continue to work even until work measures 2 inches less than the back, ending with WS Row. Shape Neckline: Row 1 (RS): Work across in pattern 30 stitches. Turn work and place remaining 24 stitches on stitch holder. Row 2 (WS): BO 4 stitches. Work across. Row 3 (RS): Work across in pattern to last 3 stitches, p2 tog, p1. Row 4 (WS): Slip 1, ssk, work across in pattern. Repeat previous 2 rows 2 more times (17 stitches). Continue to work even until armhole measures the same as back to shoulder shaping, ending with WS Row. Shape Shoulder: Row 1 (RS): BO 8 stitches, work across. Row 2 (WS): Work across evenly. BO all stitches.


Sleeves (make two)

Cast on 40 (42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54) stitches. Set up pattern as follows (WS): Slip 1, k5 (4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7), Row 1 of \*Left Rope Cable, k0 (0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), Row 1 of Main Cable, k0 (0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), Row 1 of \*Right Rope Cable, k6 (5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8). Continue working as established, working evenly approximately 3 inches. Work increases as follows: (RS) Work across to last stitch before \*Right Rope Cable, M1, work across all three charts, M1 at first stitch after \*Left Rope Cable, work to end of row. Increase in this manner every 10 rows for a total of 7 times. 54 (56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68) stitches. Work evenly until sleeve measures approximately 16 inches, or until desired length to just below armpit, ending with WS Row. Shape Cap: BO 4 stitches at beginning of next 2 rows. Next Row (RS): Slip 1, p2 tog, work across to last 3 stitches, p2 tog tbl, p1. Next Row (WS): Work across evenly. Work previous 2 rows a total of 11 times, ending with a WS Row 24 (26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38) stitches. Work the next two rows even. Next Row (RS): Slip 1, p2tog, work across to last 3 stitches, p2 tog tbl, pl. Next Row (WS): Slip 1, ssk, work across to last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1. Repeat previous two rows, decreasing every row until 12 stitches remain, ending with RS Row. Next Row (WS): Slip 1, sssk, work across to last 4 stitches, k3tog, k1. BO all stitches.


Wet block all pieces to desired measurements and let dry. Sew shoulder and side seams. Sew in sleeves. Collar: With RS facing, pick up and knit 14 stitches along right neckline, 18 stitches across back, 15 stitches along left neckline. 47 stitches. Row 1 (WS): Slip 1, (p1, k1) around to last 2 stitches. P1, k last stitch together tbl with first stitch of Right-side ribbing. Row 2 (RS): Slip 1, (k1, p1) around to last 2 stitches, k1, p last stitch together tbl with first stitch of Left-side ribbing. Continue in 1x1 ribbing as established until all the ribbing stitches have been worked on both sides. 48 rows. BO all stitches in rib.

Pattern illustration

Left Rope Cable

Right Rope Cable

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Small Left Rope Cable

Small Right Rope Cable

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Knit on RS, purl on WS Purl on RS, knit on WS

Pattern illustration

Slip 2 to cable needle, hold in back, k2, k2 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Slip 2 to cable needle, hold in front, K2, k2 from cable needle

Pattern illustration

Slip 3 to cable needle, hold in back, k3, k3 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Slip 3 to cable needle, hold in front, k3, k3 from cable needle. Slip 1 to cable needle, hold in back, k1, k1 from cable needle. Slip 1 to cable needle, hold in front, k1, k1 from cable needle.

Slip 1 to cable needle, hold in front, k1, k1 from cable needle.

Slip 1 to cable needle, hold in back, k1, k1 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Slip 2 to cable needle, hold in front, p1, k2 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Slip 1 to cable needle, hold in back, k2, p1 from cable needle Charts produced using Knit Visualizer.

Pattern illustration

(c)2012, Bethany Hait. Please do not make copies of this pattern for others, sell the sweater or pattern for profit, or redistribute or reproduce it for any other reason.

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