SAMMY Quick-Knit Bulky Yarn Jumper Pattern for Kids (Ages 3-4)


A gorgeous quick-knit jumper for bulky yarns, without the bulky seams! Age: 3 to 4 years To fit chest: 52-56cm Actual Size: $60\mathrm{cm}$ Length: $40\mathrm{cm}$ Yarn: Any bulky weight yarn Needles: $12\mathrm{mm}$ needles. $10\mathrm{mm}$ short circular needle Gauge:9sts $\mathrm{\Phi}_{\mathrm{=}}\,10\mathrm{cm}$ Yarn Used in Photo: Gedifra Riana Big Color in red FRONT & BACK: Using $12\mathrm{mm}$ needles, cast on 27sts. Knit in SS to $33\mathrm{cm}$ , ending with a WS row.

Pattern illustration

NEXT ROW: K9, cast off 9, K9, turn P7, P2Tog (8sts) SS 4 rows (ending WS row), put 8 sts on holder. RETURN TO 9STS ON NEEDLE: P2Tog, P7 (8sts), SS4 rows (ending WS row). NEXT ROW: K8, loosely cast on 11, K8sts from holder (27sts) NEXT ROW: Purl. SS 38cm or to match front, ending RS row. CO knitwise (with WS facing) NECKLINE: Using $10\mathrm{mm}$ circular needl, and starting at centre back pick up and knit 30sts evenly around neckline. NEXT ROUND: K1, P1 NEXT ROUND: Cast off loosely in rib. SLEEVES: Mark the shoulder seams on outer edges by folding the work in half as if to sew up. Using $12\mathrm{mm}$ needles, and starting $25\mathrm{cm}$ up from front hem, pick up and knit 24sts centrally across side seam, ending $25\mathrm{cm}$ from back hem. Knit in SS until sleeve measures $10\mathrm{cm}$ (ending with a WS row). NEXT ROW: K2Tog, K20, K2Tog (22sts) Knit in SS for a further $10\mathrm{cm}$ (ending with a WS row). NEXT ROW: K2Tog, K18, K2Tog (20sts) Knit in SS for a further 7cm (ending with a WS row). CO purlwise (with RS facing), NOT TOO TIGHT. Block and sew sideseam and underarm seams. Enjoy!

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