Rudy the Reindeer
Rudy the Reindeer is the perfect festive friend for any Christmas tree.

3.25mm needles 3.25mm doublepoints Fawn coloured DK yarn Brown DK yarn Black DK yarn Brown felt Red button Toy stuffing Body and legs Cast on 6 stitches Row 1: Purl Row 2: Kfb into every stitch (12 stitches) Row 3: Purl Row 4: K3, (k2-tog, k2)twice, k1 (10 stitches) St-st 5 rows This is the end of the first leg. Place it on a stitch holder or slide it to the end of your needle. Repeat all of the pattern so far. If you have used your needle as a stitch holder, cast onto the other needle. This will ensure your legs end up together, ready to be combined. Knit across all stitches (20 stitches) Beginning with a purl row, st-st 7 rows Next row: (K2, ssk)twice, k8, (k2-tog, k2)twice (16 stitches) Purl 1 row Next row: (k2, ssk)twice, k4, (k2-tog, k2)twice (12 stitches) Purl 1 row B&T
Cast on 6 stitches Row 1: Purl Row 2: Kfb into every stitch (12 stitches) Row 3: Purl Row 4: (K1,kfb) to end (18 stitches) Row 5: Purl Row 6: (K2, kfb) to end (24 stitches) St-st 5 rows Row 12: (K1, k2-tog) to end (16 stitches) Row 13: (P1, p2-tog) to last stitch, p1 (11 stitches) Row 14: Knit Row 15: P2-tog to last stitch, p1 (6 stitches) B&T Arms (make 2) Cast on 4 stitches Row 1: Purl Row 2: Kfb into every stitch (8 stitches) Row 3: Purl Row 4: K3, k2-tog, k3 (7 stitches) St-st 5 rows Cast off Graft both legs and then body using mattress stitch. Stuff then gather stitches and sew neck closed. Graft head seams together using mattress stitch. Stuff then gather stitches and sew neck closed. This is the back of the head. Sewontobody. Sew a red button onto his nose using red thread. Using black yarn, sew on two eyes and a big smile. Graft arm seams together using mattress stitch. Stuff lightly and sew into position on the body.
Antlers (make 2)
Antlers can be made from either brown felt (the Rudy on the left in the picture) or knitted using an icord (the Rudy on the right).
Cut out a 4x5cm square piece of brown felt. Fold in half across the short edge. Cut out an antler shape, filling the area. This will produce two matching antlers. Sew into place on Rudy's head usingbrown thread.
Using 3.25mm doublepoint needles, cast on 3 stitches. Knit a 4cm icord. B&T. Cast on 2 stitches. Knit a 1.5cm icord. B&T. Sew the small icord onto the side of the long icord. Sew the long icord onto Rudy's head. Repeat Abbreviations kfb: knit into the front and back of the stitch k2-tog: knit 2 together p2-tog: purl 2 together ssk: slip, slip, knit B&T: break the yarn and thread through the stitches