Checked Waterlily Knitting Pattern for Lace Shawl with Bobbles and Delicate Flower Motif Instructions

Checked Waterlily 1

Pattern illustration

Introduction This pattern is created by putting delicate “flowers” of the Waterlily motif into the Checked motif with bobbles. The pattern is designed for lace shawl knitting.

Description and tips

rt 1 and 2 include only odd number rows. All even row stitches are knitted purlwis To include this motif into you knitting count needed amount of stitches as: 23 sts (edges of the motif) + 20 sts ·X times (repeated middle part of the motif). Knit the first 6 rows according to the Chart 1. Then knit repeating rows 7 - 46 from the Chart 1 as long as needed. To end the shawl knit according the Chart 2 after the last row of pattern from the Chart 1. If you will knit only according to the Chart 1 (rows 7 - 46), you will get the middle motif from the picture above. The use of the Chart 2 gives opportunity to start and end the shawl with bobbles and without interfering “flower”’ motif.


k, knit no stitch 回yo, yarn over k2tog, knit 2 stitches together knitwise ssk, slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches togethe ④ k4tog, knit 4 stitches together knitwise k3tog7, knit 3 stitches together and increase of them 7 stitches - knit stitches alternatively with yarn over slip 1 knit 2, slip one stitch knitwise, knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped stitch over two stitches knit together bobble/nupp: knit 5/7/9 stitches out of one (knit, yarnover, knit, yarnover, knit etc) purl stitches together on the wrong side

Pattern illustration

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