Pretty in Stripes Winter or Summer
Copyright 2015 mrjdesigns all rights reserved

Designed to fit 18" dolls that have similar body type as American Girl Dolls (Pattern is for Dress Only)
One skein each of two different colors of #3 Light Worsted Yarn I used Baby Bee Sweet Delight - soft licorice and angel for the winter dress and Anne Geddes Baby - Rosie (although I think of it as bubblegum) and Baby Bee Sweet Delight - angel for the summer dress Two sets of US #3 knitting needles (3.25mm) US #3 double pointed needles (3.25mm) Darning needle Three buttons Sewing needle Sewing thread to match main color Gauge: 14 stitches and 17 rows in 2" over stockinette stitch. Knitting Abbreviations: Inc - Increase (I knit in the front and back of the stitch to increase) K -Knit P-Purl K2tog - Knit 2 together P2tog - Purl 2 together YO - Yarn over needle
Winter Dress

Skirt: Cast on 144 in main color (Color A) Knit 8rows Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row Attach Color B: K8, K2tog, \*K16, K2tog, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K8 (136 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row Change to Color A: K7, K2tog, \*K15, K2tog, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K8 (128 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row Change to Color B: K7, K2tog, \*K14, K2tog, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K7 (120 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row Change to Color A: K6, K2tog, \*K13, K2tog, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K7 (112 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row Change to Color B: K6, K2tog, \*K12, K2tog\*, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K6 (104 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row; Cut Color B Change to Color A: K5, K2tog, \*K11, K2tog, repeat from \* 7 times, end with K6 (96 stitches) Stockinette stitch for 5 rows starting with a purl row \*K1, P2tog\*5 times, K1, P1,\*K1, P2tog\* 10 times, K1, P1,\*K1, P2tog\* 10 times, K1, P1, \*K1, P2tog\* 5 times (66 stitches) Work 5 rows of K1, P1 ribbing \*\*\*Leave on Needle and Do Not Bind Off \*\*\* Cut yarn and set aside Top: On another set of US #3 needles - Cast on 74 stitches and knit 6 rows K4, purl to last 4 stitches, K4 (button band created) Knit one row K4, purl to last 4 stitches, K4 Attach Top to Skirt: Place the needle with the skirt stitches behind the needle with the top stitches From the top needle, K2, YO, K2tog (buttonhole), K2, knit 66 stitches from both needles at once, then knit the last 2 stitches from the top needle

The finished effect is of a sweater over a skirt Work 5 rows of

stockinette stitch with 4 stitches at each end worked in garter stitch starting with a purl row Divide row: K20, place on holder; bind off 3; K32 (includes tch already on needle), place on holder; bind off 3; knit to end (16 stitches on needl Right Back: K4, purl 12 Knit one row K4, P10, P2tog (15 stitches) 13 more rows of stockinette stitch with a 4 stitch button band Shoulder shaping: Bind off 6, purl to end of row (9 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl to end of row (8 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl to end of row (7stitches) Place remaining stitches on a holder Left Back: Pick up 20 stitches from holder P16, K4 Knit one row P2tog, P14, K4 (19 stitches) K2, YO, K2tog (buttonhole), knit to end Work 9 rows stockinette stitch with a 4 stitch button band K2, YO, K2tog (buttonhole), knit to end P15, K4 Shoulder shaping: Bind off 6 stitches, knit to end (13 stitches) Purl onerow Bind off 3 stitches, knit to end (10 stitches) P8, P2tog (9 stitches) K2tog, knit to end (8 stitches) P6, P2tog (7 stitches); Place remaining stitches on a holder Front: Pick up 32 stitches from holder Purl one row Knit one row P2tog, P28, P2tog (30 stitches) Work 8 rows stockinette stitch Shoulder shaping: Knit 12 (leave on needle but leave stitching for later),bind off 6, knit 12 Purl 10, P2tog (11 stitches) Knit one row Purl 9, P2tog (10 stitches) Knit one row Purl 8, P2tog (9 stitches) Knit one row Purl 7, P2tog (8 stitches) Knit one row Purl 6, P2tog (7 stitches) Match front shoulder to back and work a 3-needle bind off Shape the other shoulder to match: P2tog, purl 10 (11 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 9 (10 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 8 (9 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 7 (8 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 6 (7 stitches) Match front shoulder to back and work a 3-needle bind off Sleeves (make 2 the same): Color A - Cast on 28 stitches Knit 4 rows, purl one row Color B - 2 rows stockinette stitch Color A - 2 rows stockinette stitch Repeat last 4 rows until there are 7 Color B stripes (l made one more Color A stripe and the finished sleeve seems a bit long to me. You may add it back if you wish) Cut yarn and set aside for later

On another needle with Color A - Cast on 34; knit 4 rows purl onerow

Attach sleeve cap to sleeve bottom in same manner as skirt: K3 from top needle, k 28 from both needles at once, K3 from top needle purl onerow K1, Inc, knit to 2 stitches from end, Inc, K1 (36 stitches) Work 3 rows stockinette stitch starting with a purl row K1, Inc, knit to 2 stitches from end, Inc, K1 (38 stitches) Purl one row Bind off

With matching thread and needle, carefully stitch the I-cord around the neckline. You will end up with more cord than neckline: place a stitch marker through the Color A stripe that will fit the neckline; carefully unravel the cord to that point; rethread the darning needle and go through the stitches at the stitch marker. Now you may tighten the tail and finish stitching the I-cord in place.

Finishing: Sew 3 buttons onto the back button band to correspond with the buttonholes Sew up the back skirt seam - leave the last two top rows free to give room for the top to close properly over the skirt With right sides facing, sew the sleeve, again leave the last stripe free, then sew the cap of the sleeve Turn sleeve right side out and with right sides facing, sew sleeve to dress Weave in all ends.
Summer Dress

Work the summer dress in the same manner as the winter dress up through the armholedividerow Right Back: Work 16 rows stockinette stitch with a 4 stitch button band Shoulder shaping: Bind off 6, purl to end of row (10 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl to end of row (9 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl to end of row (8 stitches) Place remaining stitches on a holder Left Back: Pick up 20 stitches from holder Work 3 rows stockinette stitch with a 4 stitch button band K2, YO, K2tog (buttonhole), knit to end Work 9 rows stockinette stitch with a 4 stitch button band K2, YO, K2tog (buttonhole), knit to end P16, K4 Shoulder shaping: Bind off 6 stitches, knit to end (14 stitches) Purl one row Bind off 3 stitches, knit to end (11 stitches) P9, P2tog (10 stitches) K2tog, knit to end (9 stitches) P7, P2tog (8 stitches); Place remaining stitches on a holder Front: Pick up 32 stitches from holder Work 11 rows stockinette stitch starting with a purl row Shoulder shaping: Knit 13 (leave on needle but ieave stitching for later), bind off 6, knit 13 Purl 11, P2tog (12 stitches) Knit one row Purl 10, P2tog (11 stitches) Knit one row Purl 9, P2tog (10 stitches) Knit one row Purl 8, P2tog (9 stitches) Knit one row Purl 7, P2tog (8 stitches) Match front shoulder to back and work a 3-needle bind off Shape the other shoulder to match: P2tog, purl 11 (12 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 10 (11 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 9 (10 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 8 (9 stitches) Knit one row P2tog, purl 7 (8 stitches) Match front shoulder to back and work a 3-needle bind off Neck Binding: Work the same as for the winter dress Finishing: Sew 3 buttons onto the back button band to correspond with thebuttonholes Sew up the back skirt seam - leave the last two top rows free to give room for the top to close properly over the skirt Armhole: With needle and thread tack down the edge of the sleeve to the main body of the dress Weave inall ends