Monkey D. Luffy Amigurumi Pattern
by Clare Heesh
Black yarn Beige yarn Red yarn Blue yarn White yarn Yellow yarn Yellow felt 2x 7.5mm safety eyes Polyester filling Black thread 3.0mm crochet hook
Techniques and Abbreviations
ch = chain st = stitch/stitches sC = Single Crochet MR = Magic Ring inc = Increase, sc 2 in the same stitch dec=InvisibleDecrease 4sc popcorn = Popcorn Stitch with 4 sc worked into it. See pictures. BLO = Back Loop Only FLO = Front Loop Only \*\* = repeat what's between the stars e.g. a, b, \*c, d\* e (9) means there are 9 stitches -> a b c d c d c d f

There should be a file available for download with this one that details all of the stitches that I use and other references. If not, it is available for download here: 54077987849/amigurumi-technique-reference My patterns are worked in continuous rounds, I recommend using a marker to mark the start of each round. I like to use a bobby pin, since it's easily removed and doesn't fall out or leave fluff as much as a stray piece of yarn does. To finish off each body part, I do a slip stitch for the last stitch of the round, then chain 1 and pull the tail into the next stitch to neaten it off.
HEAD Beige
1. (in Beige) MR 6 (6) 2. \*inc\*(12) 3. \*inc, sc 1\* (18) 4. sc 1, inc, \*sc 2, inc\* sc (24) 5. \*inc, sc 3\* (30) 6. sc 2, inc \*sc 4, inc\* sc 2 (36) 7-12. sc around (36) 13. sc 2, dec, \*sc 4, dec\* sc 2 (30) 14. \*dec, sc 3 \* (24) 15. sc 1, dec, \*sc 2, dec\* sc (18)

Leave tail for sewing and finish off. At this point insert the safety eyes and mouth. You can choose to do this after you've crocheted the hair cap so that you have a better idea of eye and mouth placement. See pictures at the end for an idea of how the hair, eyes and mouth fit together.
1. (in Black) MR 6 (6) 2.\*inc\*(12) 3. \*inc, sc 1\*(18) 4. sc 1, inc, \*sc 2, inc\* sc (24) 5. \*inc, sc 3\* (30) 6. sc 2, inc \*sc 4, inc\* sc 2 (36) 7. \*inc, sc 17\*(38) 8-11. sc around (38) Leave tail for sewing, finish off

ARM (make 2) Beige
1. (in Beige) MR 6 (6) 2. \*inc, sc 2\* (8) 3-4. \*sc\* (8) 5. 4sc popcorn, sc 7 (8) (Note: it can be easy to lose a stitch here, the 1st stitch in round6 is NOT thelargeone above the popcorn stitch-that is the 2nd stitch, take note of where your marker is) 6-15. \*sc\* (8) Leave tail for sewing, finish off. They don't need any stuffing because they're so thin.

Thepopcornstitchinthearm is the thumb, if you prefer straight arms, simply replace the popcorn stitch with a sc.
LEG (make 2) Black, Blue & White
1. (in Black) MR 6 (6) 2.\*inc\*(12) 3. \*inc, sc 1\*(18) 4. \*BLO sC\* (18) 5. \*sc\* (18) 6-7.(in Beige) \*sc\*(18) 8. sc 2, dec 6, sc 4 (12) (on the second leg, row 8 is: 8. sc 4, dec 6, sc 2 (12) this gives a right and left foot) 9. \*sc\*(12) \*sew on the sandal, see below\* 10-13. \*sc\*(12) 14-15.(in White) \*sc\*(12) 16-20. (in Blue) \*sc\*(12) Finish off, no tail is necessary.

Crocheting one round in the back loop only makes it easier to give the foot shape, as it's easier to make the base flat.

sandai by taking a stray piece of black yarn and threading it through the foot. Tnere shoul S”. 1. From the bottom of the shoe (where the black and beige yarn meet), to 1 row directly above. 2. From the left side of the sandal, back into this same stitch. When doing this step, to help keep the strap in place, I also like to come out of a stitch and go back into the same stitch. This way, you can't see it, but there is something to keep it in place. 3. From the right side of the sandal to the same stitch. Secure as you did on the other strap. 4. And from the left outer strap stitch back into the right outer strap stitch.

BODY Blue & Beige
Take the two legs and position them so that the feet are pointing correctly, I like to place two bobby pins in the stitches where the legs will join to make it easier to manage. Make a slip knot, insert hook in the stitch you are going to begin the round with (I suggest at the back of the doll somewhere), put the slip knot on the hook, and pull it through. The next stitch will be a regular singlecrochet and will begin the round.

Join with two bobby pins, this is where you'll go from one leg to the other.

Make one sc in the right leg in the stitch the bobby pin marks. The next sc will be on the left leg, in the stitch the bobby pin marks

Do the same whenyoureach the opposite bobby pin. This is what it should look like after the first round. 1-4. (in Blue) \*sc\* (24) 5-7. (in Beige) \*sc\* (24) (at this point stuff the legs) 8. sc 3, dec, \*sc 6, dec\*, sc 3 (21) 9. \*dec, sc 5\* (18) 10. sc 2, dec \*sc 4, dec\*, sc 2 (15) 11. \*dec, sc 3\* (12) 12. \*sc\* (12) 13. \*sc, inc\* (18)

Before beginning the decreases stuff the legs. Make sure you don't stuff them so firmly that he can't balance anymore.
1. (in Red) ch 31 (turn, next sc is in 2nd ch from hook) 2-6. sc 30, ch 1, turn (30) 7. sc 4, ch 8, skip 5, dec 6, ch 8, skip 5, sc 4, ch 1, turn () 8. \*Sc\* ()

For the last few rows of the shirt and hat the number of stitches aren'timportant, which is why they're missing. The shirt has decreases inittogive itacurveandmake it fit the doll better. If you find that the arm holes aren't big enough, increase the number of ch's. Since the dolls change slightly each time they're made, on row 7 it is easier to check that the shirt is matching the doll as you go, so you can make smaller changes instead of having to remake the entire shirt or unravel a lot of your work. :)
HAT Red and Yellow
1. (in Yellow) MR 6 (6) 2. \*inc\*(12) 3. \*sc 1, inc\* (18) 4. sc 1, inc, \*sc 2, inc\* sc (24) 5. \*inc, Sc 3\* (30) 6. sc 2, inc, \*sc 4, inc\* sc 2 (36) 7. \*inc, sc 5\*(42) 8-11. \*sc\* (42) 13-14. (in Red) \*sc\* (42) 15. (in Yellow) \*FLO sc\* (42) 16. sl st, \*inc, sc\* () 17. \*inc, sc 2\* () 18. \*BLO sc\* ()

Stitching the lastround in theBLO stops the hat brim from curving upwards so much.
I really can't explain this better than owlishly, the link to her tutorial is in Technique references. Use the tail of the wig cap to attach it to the head. It only needs to attach at a few places so no need tobe overly thorough. I usually google a picture of Luffy and keep it up so that I can look at the hair as I work, but he has a slight part, and usually a bit of his fringe falls on his face. Here are a couple of different dolls I've made and the way I usually try to do his hair.

For the rest of the hair I work from the front to the back of the head, from the roots down. The hair doesn't line up straight as that doesn't look natural, usually the bottom of the hair is many stitches to the back of the root it's coming from.

Stitch on the mouth. I use 2-3 strands of black thread as I find yarn to be too thick. It can be easier to figure mouth placement with the eyes and hair in place already. Just make sure to do the mouth and eyes before sewing the head to the body! I use pins to get a rough idea of the placement of the arms before I sew them on. The arm is pressed flat against the body and stitched there (have a look at how to attach flattened pieces in Technique references). Truthfully you can be messy with the arms as the shirt will cover them anyway.

The last thing left to do is attach the head. Both the base of the head and the top of the body had 18 stitches in their last rounds. That means that each stitch in the head should match a stitch in the body, which gives it a nice neat finish. The pictures shown are of a different doll but the principal is thesame :) Now all that's left to do is glue some small yellow buttons on his shirt and dress him!

Simply match up the stitches and whipstitch closed.

Hopeyou had fun and if there areanyquestions orproblems don't hesitate tocontact me through my etsy shop, or my tumblr If you have any suggestions or designs you'd like to see in the future, drop a suggestion in my ask and Ill seewhatI cando! Please don't copy orresell thispattern or the dolls made from it,but feel free to make as many as youwantanddistributethemamongstfriends.Thank-you!:)