Lady Owl Hat Knitting Pattern for Various Sizes with Detailed Instructions and Embellishments

Lady Owl hat

Knitting pattern

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

If you need any help with the patterns please contact me at


Sizes: 6m/1y/3y/child/woman With head circumference 17"(43)/18"(46)/19"(48)/20"(51)/22"(56)

You need:

Aran/chunky yarn 100g-120g as main color (like Katia Peru) + 3 other colors (white, brown, yellow) Mohair or brushed yarn 15 g (like Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk) Knitting needles US 9 (5.5 mm) Crochet hook US 1/9 (5.5 mm) Yarn/sewing needle 2 larger beads for eyes Smaller beads for decorating if you like


4" x 4" = 14 sts x 18 rows


Pattern M1 moss sts: Row 1(RS): \*k1,p1\*, repeat till the end \*-\* Row 2 (RS): k over p and p over k Repeat rows 1-2

Sizes: 6m/1y/3y/child/woman

Worked flat. Cast on 50/54/56/58/64 sts and work pattern M1 for two rows. Then continue with stocking stitch till the piece measures 5"/6"/6.5"/7"/8" (12.5/15/16.5/18/20 cm) cast off. Sew the side of the hat together and place the seam back middle, then sew together the top of the hat. For ear flap pick up 12 sts from one side of the hat. Work moss stich (pattern M1) for 4 rows. Starting from the 5th row cast off first stitch of every next row 6 times total. Cast off all. Repeat all for the other ear flap. Take your crochet hook and main yarn, slip stitch it through the bottom edge of the hat and sc all across to leave a nice even edge. Make 1 braid at the bottom of each ear flap. 1 braid = cut 12 threads about 20"/50 cm (6 from the main yarn and 6 from the mohair/brushed yarn). Thread the thread ends half way through bottom part of ear flap so that they are double. Divide the threads in to 3 bundles of 8 threads and braid them loosely tog, tie a thread around the end at the bottom of braid. Repeat on the other ear flap. Make two tassels about 2.5"(6.5 cm) long with main yarn and mohair/brushed yarn. Sew the tassels on both corners of the hat.

Owl eye

With white yarn and crochet hook ch 5, slip stich into a ring. Round 1: ch 3, 15 tr in ring, ss in top of chain 3 Round 2: ch 2, 2 hdc in each next tr, 1 hdc in last tr, ss in top of ch 2. Cut the yarn. Sew the eye onto the hat and place a larger bead or button. With brown yarn embroider eyelashes. Repeat all for the other eye.

Owl beak

With brown yarn and crochet hook ch 7. Row 1: sc into 2nd ch, sc in each next ch till end, turn Row 2: ch 1, miss one sc, sc in each next sc till end, turn Repeat row 2 till one sc left, cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining stitch. Sew the beak onto the hat.


With yellow yarn cast on 10 stitches and work pattern M1 for 10 rows, cast off. Wrap some yarn around the middle of the bow and sew it onto the hat. You can decorate the bow with small beads for extra sparkle. \*\* Note: You can sellfinished items made from this pattern but please do not resellthe patterns as I have put a lot of effort into designing and testing them. Thank you! \*\*\*

Crochet terminology
Single crochet (sc)Double crochet (dc)
Halfdoublecrochet (hdc)Half treble e(htr)
Double crochet (dc)Treble (tr)
Treble e(tr)Double treble (dtr)
Doubletreble e(dtr)Triple treble (trtr)

Pattern illustration

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