Around the World in Stitches: Mr. Fogg's China Adventure - Knitting Patterns for Square and Triangle Shawls with Honeycomb Stitch

Pattern illustration

Part Two. Journey

Clue 9: China

Pattern illustration

Mr. Fix attempts to stall Mr. Fogg's progress by drugging Passepartout with opium. Mr. Fogg and Aouda, unaware of a change in the time for the Carnatic departure, miss their boat. Resourceful as ever, Mr. Fogg engages the fast vessel Tankadere, and they race their way to Shanghai in the middle of a raging storm and boiling seas. Our China clue recreates the image of a Chinese dragon with its serpent body covered in scales. And you can also see the foamy waves our heroes battle in the Strait ofFormosa.

Technical Notes

Honeycomb Stitch

The honeycomb stitch forms our dragon scales. It is a widely used background stitch with large eyelets made with double yarn overs. In this stitch, the usual yarn over/decrease pairs are placed so the two decreases are made one next to the other, and the two yarn overs are together as well. In the following round (ws for triangles, even round for squares), you will work one knit and one purl into the double yarn over. It is really not important whether you purl first, then knit or the other way around, and even if you occasionally alter the order, it won't affect much the final result. Copyright Neverfrog. All Rights Reserved

Transition Section

There is a transition section between the India and China clues; Work the corresponding chart for the version you are making; follow the instructions in the previous clue. Remove markers after the transition section and replace on the China clue, as lace repeats are in different positions. Please note that the nupps on row/round 3-4 are regular nupps (make 7 in R3, k7tog-tbl or p7tog in R4). Likewise, the beads in R5 are beads on a regular stitch, not over yarn over.

Uneven increases on the sides

In order to preserve the symmetry on both sides of the "ribs", we need to increase an extra stitch on row/round 3 on the left side; this stitch is later decreased in row/round 13.


Square Shawl

Transition Chart:

The Bead chart shows only odd rounds. The Nupp chart shows both even and odd rounds. Follow the same instructions as per previous clue (India I). (Use the same stitch key as India Il). Work rounds 1-6 once.

China Chart:

Chart shows odd rounds only. Odd Rounds: in each section, work the chart, repeating the pink colored stitches (lace repeat) six times. Even Rounds: knit regular stitches, \*k1p1\* into double yarn overs. Work Rounds 1- 14 once. At the end you will have 113 st per section, 456 st total.

Triangle Shawl

Transition chart

The Bead chart shows only odd rows (Rs). The Nupp chart shows both RS and WS. For the Nupp chart, Ws (shaded in grey) should be read from left to right. Also note the stitch key for change in the meaning of the symbols (use the same stitch key as India Il). RS rows: k2, work the chart twice (once per half triangle) repeating the pink colored stitches four times per each section, k2. As usual, omit the yellow stitch in the second repeat. WS rows: For Bead version: k2, purl to last marker, k2. For Nupps: k2, work the chart twice (once per half triangle) repeating the pink colored stitches four times per each section, k2. Omit the yellow st on the second repeat. Work Rows 1-6 once.

China chart

RS rows: k2, work the chart once per section (once per half triangle) repeating the pink colored stitches four times per each chart, k2. As usual, omit the yellow stitch in the second repeat. WS rows: k2, purl regular stitches and \*p1k1\* into the double yarn overs. Work this way to last marker, k2. Omit the yellow st on the second repeat. At the end you will have 231 st total (113x2 pattern st + 1 central st + 4 edge)

Pattern illustration


China transition from India nupps

Pattern illustration

China Transition from India Beads

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration


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