Wee Griffin Cable Cardigan Knitting Pattern for Newborns - Top-Down with Adorable Handmade Buttons

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Wee Griffin is a classic cable cardigan for any boy or girl. This is the perfect last minute baby gift. This is knit top down, with long sleeves. The adorable handmade button can be found in the Etsy shop: Katrinkles Yarn-Madelinetosh Sock Needle - 3 us (3.00 mm) or what you need to get gauge Gauge- 26.0 stitches = 4 inches Yardage - 400 Sizes-Newborn Notions - 4 buttons, %" or 1" size Ws-Wrongside RS - Right side YO - Yarn over Sm- Slip marker Pm - Place marker SmA- Slip marker A PmA - Place marker A SmB- Slip marker B PmB - Place marker B K2tog-Knit two stitches together Rm - Remove marker Kfb - Knit into the front and back of the stitch

C6B-Slip3stitchesontocableneedle andholdinback,knit3,knit3fromcableneedle
C6F - Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front, knit 3, knit 3 from cable needle

Center Back

一 二一 二3
二 一二 一二 一一 一2 1

Pattern illustration

Left Cable

Pattern illustration

Right Cable Note - The left and right front cables and the back cables are worked throughout the pattern from rows 6 to the bottom edging. Continue the cable pattern down the fronts and back. Right Front Row 1: (RS) Purl 1, knit 4, purl 1 Row 2: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 1 Row 3: (RS) Purl 1, C4B, purl 1 Row 4: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 1

Center Back

Row 1: (RS) Purl 1, knit 4, purl 2, knit 8, purl 2, knit 4, purl 1 Row 2: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 2, purl 8, knit 2, purl 4, knit 1 Row 3: (RS) Purl 1, C4B, purl 2, knit 8, purl 2, C4F, purl 1 Row 4: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 2, purl 8, knit 2, purl 4, knit 1 Row 5: (RS) Purl 1, knit 4, purl 2, C4B, C4F, purl 2, knit 4, purl 1 Row 6: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 2, purl 8, knit 2, purl 4, knit 1 Row 7: (RS) Purl 1, C4B, purl 2, knit 8, purl 2, C4F, purl 1 Row 8: (WS) Knit 1, purl 4, knit 2, purl 8, knit 2, purl 4, knit 1 Marker A - Raglan increases Marker B - Cable pattern Cast on 64 stitches Row 1: (WS) Knit to the end Row 2: (RS) Knit to the end Row 3: (WS) Knit to the end Row 4: (RS) (Buttonhole Row) Knit 2, YO, K2tog, Knit to the end, and at the same time, increase 4 stitches, evenly spaced, using a KFB68 stitches Row 5: (WS) Knit 4, PmB, knit 6, PmB, 2(front), PmA, knit 9(sleeve), PmA, knit 2, PmB, knit 22, PmB, knit 2(back), PmA, knit 9(sleeve), PmA, knit 2, PmB, knit 6, PmB, knit 4(front) Row 6:(RS) Knit 4, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmA, Kfb) Work 2 times, knit to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmA, Kfb) work 2 times, knit to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit 4 purl 1, (8 stitches increased) Row 7:(WS) Knit 4, SmB, knit 1, purl 4, knit 1, SmB, (Purl to the next marker, SmA) work 2 times, purl to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Purl to the next marker, SmA) work 2 times, purl to the next marker, SmB, knit 1, purl 4, knit 1, SmB, knit 4 Work rows 6 and 7, 5 times total Row 8:(RS) (Buttonhole Row) Knit 2, YO, K2tog, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmA, Kfb) Work 2 times, knit to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmA, Kfb) Work 2 times, knit to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit 4 (8 stitches increased) Row 9:(WS) Knit 4, SmB, knit 1, purl 4, knit 1, SmB, (Purl to the next marker, SmA) work 2 times, purl to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, (Purl to the next marker, SmA) work 2 times, purl to the next marker, SmB, knit 1, purl 4, knit 1, SmB, knit 4 Work rows 8 and 9 (Buttonhole Row), 1 time total Work rows 6 and 7, 2 times total 180 stitches You will have a total of 14 raglan increases.

Divide for the sleeves

Note - If you would like buttons all the way down the front, work a button hole row every 4th Rs, like this, Knit 2, YO, K2tog. Row 10: (RS) Knit 4, SmB, purl 1, work the left cable, purl 1, SmB, knit to the sleeves, Rm, slip the 37 sleeve stitches onto a piece of scrap yarn, Rm, knit the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit to the next marker, Rm, slip the sleeve 37 stitches onto a piece of scrap yarn, Rm, knit to the last 10 stitches, SmB, purl 1, work the right cable, purl 1, SmB, knit 4 106 stitches Row 11: (Ws) Knit 4, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, purl to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, purl to the last 10 stitches, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit 4 Row 12: (RS) Knit 4, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit to the last 10 stitches, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit 4 Row 13: (WS) Knit 4, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, purl to the next marker, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, purl to the last 10 stitches, SmB, work in pattern, SmB, knit 4 Repeat rows 12 and 13, until the body of the sweater measures 4 %" inches from the underarm Edging Row 1: (RS) Knit to the end Row 2: (WS) Knit to the end Row 3: (RS) Knit to the end Work rows 2 and 3, 4 times total Row 4:(Ws) Bind off knit wise Taiga Hilliard Designs @Taiga Hilliard, All rights reserved. 2016. This pattern is for personal use only. You can print this pattern but cannot distribute by hardcopy or electronically, for free or for sale. Page3


Note - Work each sleeve separately, in the round and place a start of round marker 37 stitches Round 1: Pick up 2 stitches from under the arm, place you start of round marker, knit to the end 39 stitches Round 2: Knit to the end Repeat round 2, until the sleeve measures 4 %" inches, from the under arm, or to desired length. Round 3: Purl to the end Round 4: Knit to the end Work rounds 3 and 4, 4 times total Bind off purl wise. Repeat as worked for the 2nd sleeve Finishing Weave in your end, sew the buttons on, block and enjoy!

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