FREE Newsboy Cap Pattern
Designed to fit American Girl Dolls & similar like Gotz model Julia By Debonair Designs

Pattern #1. FREE Newsboy Cap Pattern:
Using 3 1/4mm straight knitting needles throughout \~ I prefer to use bamboo needles for their flexibility and ease, read more of them here using bamboo knitting needles and a medium weight yarn like Caron Simply Soft browse here or another favorite of mine is Red HeartSoftYarnbrowsehere. Cap\~MainPiece: Begin at lower edgecast on 46 stitches. Garter Stitch 2 rows \~ alternative option, use a contrast colored yarn here on these 2 rowsasshowninpicture1 Beginning with a Knit row, continue in stocking stitch and work 2 rows \~ alternative option, use a contrast colored yarn here on these 2 rows as shown in picture 2 Next row: K1, inc in every st to last st, K1 - 90sts. Stocking Stitch 3 rows. Next row: (K8, inc in next 2 sts) to end - 108sts. Beginning with a P row Stocking Stitch 5 rows. Next row: (K8, K2tog, K2tog) to end - 90sts. P1 row. Shape Top: 1st row: (K8, K2tog) to end - 81sts. 2nd and every following alternative row: P. 3rd row: (K7, K2tog) to end - 72sts. 5th row: (K6, K2tog) to end - 63sts. 7th row: (K5, K2tog) to end - 54sts. 9th row: (K4, K2tog) to end - 45sts. 11th row: (K3, K2tog) to end - 36sts. 13th row: (K2, K2tog) to end - 27sts. 15th row: (K1, K2tog) to end - 18sts. Next row: (P2tog) to end - 9sts. B & T tightly. Oversew the row ends together, turn right side out. Cap Peak: Begin at inner edge cast on 20sts. 1st row: K2, (inc in next st, K2) to end - 26sts. Beginning with a P row, Stocking Stitch 2 rows. Next row: K to mark outer edge fold line. Beginning with a K row, Stocking Stitch 2 rows. Next row: K2 (K2tog, K2) to end - 20sts. Cast off. Gather up each set of row ends and fasten off. With right side of Stocking Stitch outside, oversew cast on and cast off edges together. Sew oversewn seam to the g-st rows on cap at centerfront.