Bias Knit Scarf Recipe: A Colorful and Easy-to-Follow Guide by Chester Lagmay


by Chester Lagmay of DeceptiveCookie Designs


Yarn in as many colors as you like (Sample shown made with 6 colors of Lang Estrella, 1 ball of each color) Knitting needles to get desired gauge sample in photo used size US 15 (10.oomm) knitting needles Darning Needle to weave in ends

Cooking Instructions

Choose yarn and needles that give you a gauge that you like. Always add new colors after completing a wrong side row of the previous color. This pattern is not an original, just a write up of a very easy to make scarf/wrap.


RS: CO 1 stitch FWS: KFB of Stitch

Pattern illustration

Section 1: Increase!

All Rows: KFB, knit across Repeat until 1 edge of knitted piece measures desired width, after completing a wrong siderow Section 2: Get Me Bodied! RS: KFB, knit across WS: K2Tog, Knit Across Continue until the long edge of the piece measures desired length.

Section 3: Decrease!

All Rows: K2Tog , Knit Across Repeat until 2 stitches remain, K2Tog and bind off last stitch.


CO - cast on KFB - knit front and back For any questions comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me via email or Ravelry Email: Ravelry ID: DeceptiveCookie

Pattern illustration

K2Tog - knit 2 together

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