Detailed Knitting Pattern for 18-Inch Doll Clothing and Accessories Including Dress, Sleeves, and Hat with Specific Yarn and Needle Requirements

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

To fit 18inch doll such as American Girl Doll or 18inch Gotz Doll as shown above Materials :- 55 grams Fine double knit yarn:- 2 size 3.25mm needles ,half a metre of narrow blue ribbon and 3 red star shaped buttons Abbreviations :- Alt alternate,beg beginning, cont continue, dec decrease(ing)(by working 2 sts together), foll following, in inch(es),inc increase, k knit, p purl, patt pattern, psso pass slipped stitch over, rem remain(ing), rep repeat, rs right side, sl slip 1 stitch knitways, st(s) stitch(es), tog together, ws wrong side,yfwd yarn forward,TBL through back of loops, m1k make one by picking up the loop between last and next st & knit in to the back of this loop .TENSION 22sts X 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm


Using size 3.25mm needles cast on 51sts and commence pattern ( rows 1 through 10):- Ist row. K1, \* yfwd, k2tog, rep from \* to end of row 2nd row. Knit 3rd row. K1, \* yfwd, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yfwd, k1, rep from \*to end 4th row. Purl 5th row. K1, \*K1, yfwd, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yfwd, k2, rep from \*to end 6th row. Purl 7th row. K1. \* K2, yfwd, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yfwd, k3, rep from \*to end 8th row. Purl 9th row. K1. \*k3, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k4, repfrom \*to end 10th row, Purl 11t"row, (K2tog,) twice, K2, (k2tog, k2) 4times, (kztog)3times, k2,(k2tog, k2) 4times, k2tog k3tog, = 35 sts 12th row, Knit 13th row, K1, \* yfwd, K2 tog, rep from \*to end 14th row. Knit Next. Commencing with a knit row , work 14 rows in stocking stitch Shape Armholes by casting off 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows = 29sts Work a further 20 rows stocking stitch and then, Cast Off placing a marker either side of the centre 13 sts.. Left Front Cast on 34 sts and work the first 10 rows of the pattern as given for the back, BUT knitting the LAST 3 sts on every RIGHT side row and the FIRST 3 sts on every WRONG side row. Thus forming the front buttonband. 11th row. K3tog, K1, (k2tog, k2)to last 6 sts, k3tog, k3 = 24sts 12th row. Knit 13th row. K1, (yfwd, k2tog)to last 4 sts, k4 = 23sts 14th row. Knit Next Commencing with a knit row , work 14 rows in stocking stitch Shape Armhole by casting off 3 sts at beginning of next row = 20sts Work 3 rows in stocking stitch Commence front V -neck shaping thus :- Next row. Knit to last 5 sts , k2tog, k3 Next row. Knit 3, purl to end of row. Repeat the last 2 rows till there are 11sts left on the needle. Then with the right side facing, Cast off 8sts , K3. Work a further 10 rows in garter stitch on these remaining 3sts and cast off. Right Front Cast on 34 sts and work the first 10 rows of the pattern as given for the back, BUT knitting the FIRST 3 sts on every RIGHT side row and the LAST 3 sts on every WRONG side row. Thus forming the front button band. 11th row. K3, K3tog, K1, (k2tog, k2)to last 3 sts,k3tog, = 24sts 12th row. Knit 13th row. K4, (yfwd, k2tog)to last 2sts, k2tog = 23sts 14th row. Knit Next Commencing with a knit row , work 15 rows in stocking stitch and working a buttonhole on the 5th and 6th rows as follows; 5th row . K2, cast off 2sts, Knit to end 6th row. Purl to last 2sts, cast on 2sts, knit 2 Shape Armhole by casting off 3 sts at beginning of next row = 20sts5th Next row . K2, cast off 2sts, Knit to end Next row. Purl to last 2sts, cast on 2sts, knit 2 Commence front V -neck shaping thus. Next row. K3, K2togTBL, knit to end of row. Next row. Purl to last 3 sts, K3 Repeat the last 2 rows till there are 11sts left on the needle. Next row. Knit Then with the wrong side facing, Cast off 8sts purlwise, K3 Work a further 10 rows in garter stitch on these remaining 3sts and cast off. Stitch the back to the fronts at shoulders Stitch the cast off rows of the front garter stitch border extensions together and then stitch the garter stitch row end to the center back 13 stitches between the placed markers.

Sleeves, work 2 the same

Cast on 28 sts and work 5 rows single rib Row 6. (Rib 4, m1k,) to last 4 sts, Rib 4. = 34 sts Commencing with a knit row work 26 rows in stocking stitch and cast off. With right sides facing, set in the sleeves and and join sleeve seams and side seams. Thread ribbon through the eyelet holes and attach buttons.


Cast on 71sts and work the first 10 rows pattern as given for the back. Then Knit 10 rows. Commence the crown shaping as follows:- 1st decrease row. Sl1, k7, k3tog, \* K9, k3tog, repeat from \* to end of row Knit 3 rows 2nd decrease row. Sl1, K6, K3tog, \* K7, K3tog.Repeatfrom \* to last9 sts,k7, K2tog Knit 3 rows 3"d decrease row. Sl1, K5, K3tog, \* K5, K3tog. Repeatfrom \*to last 7sts, K5, K2tog Knit 3 rows 4th decrease row. Sl1, K4, K3tog, \* K3, K3tog. Repeat from \* to last 5 sts, K3, K2tog Knit 1 row Next row. K2tog all across row Next row. Knit Next row. K1,\* k2tog, repeat from \* to end of row. Break yarn off and run it through the remaining 7 sts. Secure tightly and join seam. Attach looped ribbon and a button to finish off.

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