Cable Neck Warner Knitting Pattern by Llinda Lou Design - Detailed Instructions for Eclipse Yarn


A Llinda Lou Design

Pattern illustration

Cable Neck Warner

Mateas:eeaenedsbweshsin f Eclipse from Trendsetter Yarns) Cast on 40 sts, work in pattern as given below until the piece measures I8". Bind off all sts and sew ends together to form a circe. Pattern: Row 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19: K3, \*Pl, K8, Pl, K2, repeat form \* one more time, ending with K3 instead ofk2. Row Z and allwrong side rows: Work sts as they oppear. Row 5 and ll: K3, \*PI, slip 4 sts to cable needle and hold in front, K4, K4 from cn, Pl, K2, repeat from \* two more times ending with K3 instead of k2.

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