Lilac Blossom Egg Cosy Pattern by Wicked Woollens - Knitting Project for Personal Use, Charity, or Licensed Sales

Wicked Woollens

Lilac Blossom Egg Cosy

This little lilac blossom is worked in a richly textured daisy stitch in 4ply! fingering weight yarn. Just perfect for protecting a nice boiled egg, but why not consider lightly padding it and making a brooch as an alternative use. Supplies: 4ply/fingering or sock weight yarn in a suitable lilac shade, slight variegations should work well, small amount in green for the leaves. This is great for using up scraps. 2.75mm needles- this is worked in the flat but is so small two dpns shouldn't be awkward if that is all you have to hand. Needle to sew up afterwards

Pattern illustration

Gauge: Not specified and variations shouldn't be a problem as long as you are getting a pleasing effect. Take care not to knit too tightly though, the daisy stitch needs a little room for manipulation. Note: The daisy stitch may seem a little confusing and slow at first, but I promise that by the end of the first row of it you will find it very straightforward. If you find it hard to work, ease off on your tension when you work the next knit row and that should help immensely. This stitch is worked over a multiple of 4 stitches plus one, if you need to alter the pattern size for another purpose, just make sure you have that starting point and it should work out fine.

Pattern illustration

Second picture @cherryred Wicked Woollens is a trading name of Sally Pointer For any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at For more about my designs, visit My Ravelry username is sallyinwales

Copyright Notice:

This design is copyright Sally Pointer 2009 You may make items from this for personal use, gifting, and charitable donation, but you may not make them for general sale without first contacting me for written permission. You may not circulate this pattern, but please feel free to point people at it directly by way of links so they can download it directly. Special licensing note on this particular pattern. You may sell items made to this pattern without contacting me first if at least $50\%$ of the retail price goes directly to a charity involved in Alzheimer's research. Please credit me as the source of the pattern though. Lilac blossom: Using main colour Cast on 4lst by any relatively stretchy method, I quite like backwards loop but any stretchy cast on isfine. Rows one, three and all odd rows: knit- remember to keep that tension a little loose Row two: kl, \*p3tog but don't drop the three stitches off the left needle, yo, purl the same three stitches together again and complete the stitch, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{I}^{*}$ repeat \* - \* Row four: kl, pl, kl, \*p3tog but don't drop, yo, p3tog,. $\bigstar\bigstar$ to last two stitches then pl,kl Repeat these four rows three more times Row seventeen: We need to decrease 4 stitches by k2tog across this row, the exact placement is unimportant, just space them out a bit. Row eighteen: kl, \*p3tog but don't drop the three stitches off the left needle, yo, purl the same three stitches together again and complete the stitch, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{I}^{*}$ repeat \*\* Row twenty: kl, pl, kl,\*p3tog but don't drop, yo, p3tog, kI\* to last two stitches then pl,kl Repeat rows 17-20 until you are down to 9 stitches then: Kl, k2tog each row until you are down to three stitches Draw yarn through the loops and secure, Sew up the cosy and weave in ends.

Leaves: Using green yarn

Cast on 3 stitches. Work icord for the stalk, length can vary to suit your taste. Row one: kl, yo, kl, yo kl (5st) Row two: knit Row three: k2, yo, kl, yo, k2 (7st) Row four: knit Row five: k3, yo, kl, yo, k3 (9st) Row six: knit Row seven: k3tog, kl, yo, kl, yo, kl, k3tog (7st) Row eight: knit Row nine: k2tog, kl, yo, kl, yo, kl, k2tog (7st) Row ten: knit Repeat row nine and ten once more Row thirteen: k3tog, yo, kl, yo, k3tog (5st) Row fourteen: knit Row fifteen: k2tog, kl, k2tog (3st) Row sixteen: knit Row seventeen: k3tog, draw ends through and secure Make two or more leaves and sew to lilac blossom. This makes an egg cosy,bt you could alsolightlystufthe blosm, seup thebase, andmake a lilac brooch with it.

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