Customizable Constellation Pattern for Cross Stitch and Duplicate Stitch with French Knots and Personal Use License

Pattern illustration

I made a constellation for you..

Perfect for duplicate stitch, cross stitch...etc. I was having a hard time getting the chart I was working to be centered in the middle of my work, so I decide I would mark the center of the design chart with an X which is also representative of the center of your project.find the center of your project and center your chart to it = perfect stitch placement. I used french knots for the stars, they are made with #3 crochet thread or any lace wt yarn wouldworktoo. (I wrapped 2 times around the needle when making the knots to get them a little bigger than an average french knot & I worked them over a bar of my knitting so that when I pulled the knot together it didn't pull through my project & stayed ontop) I used # 10 crochet thread for the lines that connect the stars & form the constellation shapes. I also stitched on little random x stars for a celestial feel & are totally optiona \*You could stitch on beads or sequins for the stars \*This looks excellent on a black or blue background..but really any color would look awesome!

2011 Amanda Ochocki (chalklegs) this pattern is for personal use, pattern & items made using it are not to be sold.GEMINI 2011chalklegsOAMANDAOCHOCKIOAMANDAOCHOCKICANCER 2011chalklegs For-profit & commercial use is prohibitedOAMANDAOCHOCKICAMANDAOCHOCKI 2011 chalklegs2011chalklegs LEOCAPRICORN

LIBRA2011 chalklegs
2011 Amanda Ochocki (chalklegs) this pattern is for personal use,pattern & items made using it are not to be sold. For-profit&commercialuseisprohibited2011chalklegs TAURUS 2011chalklegsOAMANDAOCHOCKISCORPIO OAMANDAOCHOCKI OAMANDAOCHOCKI2011chalklegs VIRGO 2011chalklegs

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

① 2011 Amanda Ochocki (chalklegs) this pattern is for personal use, pattern & items made using it are not to be sold. For-profit & commercial use is prohibited.

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