Leaves and Cables Hat Pattern by Agnes Duncan - Knitting Instructions and Guide

Leaves and Cables Hat

designed by Agnes Duncan Ravelry ID: agnesd Email: knitsforbrains@yahoo.com

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Materials Needed

Size Us 7 needles (or size needed to obtain gauge) - circular or DPNs Brown Sheep Lanaloft worsted weight yarn - one skein Gauge: 4 stitches/inch in stockinette stitch

Instructions for the Hat Band

Cast on 80 stitches using backwards loop cast on. Knit one row, then join in the round, careful not to twist. Knit 6 rows in the round or until piece measures one inch. Purl one round. Continue to knit in the round until the piece is approximately 2 inches. When folded at the purl row, the live end should be even with the cast on end for the next step. Options for joining the band: 1. Pick up stitches from cast on edge as you go, knitting two together with the live stitches until the entire band is folded and joined. 2. Pick up stitches using an extra needle (circular or DPN) and knit two together until the entire band is folded and joined. 3. Skip this, and sew it together later. Knit increase row: (K3, M1, K3, M1, K2, M1) x 10 repeats. 110 stitches total.

Body of Hat

Follow chart or written instructions - the pattern is 22 stitches wide, and repeats 5 times each round. Place a stitch marker after every repeat. Note: On row 33, shift all markers one stitch to the left.


p2tog tbl

Pattern illustration

RS: Purl two stitches together in back loops, inserting needle from the left, behind and into the backs of the 2nd & 1st stitches in that order WS: Slip one stitch as if to knit, Slip another stitch as if to knit. Insert left-hand needle into front of these 2 stitches and knit them together

Pattern illustration

p2tog RS: Purl 2 stitches together WS: Knit 2 stitches together k2tog RS: Knit two stitches together as one stitch WS: Purl 2 stitches together


RS: Slip one stitch as if to knit, Slip another stitch as if to knit. Insert left-hand needle into front of these 2 stitches and knit them together WS: Purl two stitches together in back loops, inserting needle from the left, behind and into the backs of the 2nd & 1st stitches in that order

Pattern illustration

purl RS: purl stitch WS: knit stitch knit RS: knit stitch WS: purl stitch Created in KnitVisualizer (www.knitfoundry.com) After completion of chart, leave a tail and break the yarn. Sew the end through the last 5 live stitches on the needle, pulling tight to cinch the hole.Weave in the ends and enjoy!

Pattern illustration

Written Instructions

Instructions for each row are for one pattern repeat - there are 5 repeats for each round. R1 (Rs): pl, kl, p2, k3, p2, k4, p2, k3, p2, kl, pl R2: pl, Leaf Inc to 3, p2, c2 over 1 right, p2, c2 over 2 left, p2, c2 over 1 left, p2, k1, p1 R3: pl, K3, p2, k3, p2, k4, p2, k3, p2, kl, pl R4: pl, Leaf Inc to 5, pl, c2 over 1 right P, Left Twist PB, pl, k4, pl, Right Twist PB, c2 over 1 left P, p1, kl, pl R5: pl, K5, pl, k2, p2, kl, pl, k4, pl, kl, p2, k2, pl, kl, pl R6: pl, K5, pl, k2, p2, Left Twist PB, c2 over 2 left, Right Twist PB, p2, k2, pl, k1, p1 R7: pl, K5, p1, k2, p3, k6, p3, k2, pl, kl, pl R8: pl, Leaf Dec to 3, pl, k2, p3, c2 over 1 right, c2 over 1 left, p3, k2, pl, Leaf Inc to 3, p1 R9: p1, K3, pl, k2, p3, k6, p3, k2, pl, K3, p1 R10: pl, Leaf Dec to 1, pl, c2 over 1 left P, c2 over 2 right P, k2, c2 over 2 left P, c2 over 1 right P, pl, Leaf Inc to 5, p1 R1l: pl, kl, p2, k4, p2, k2, p2, k4, p2, K5, pl R12: pl, kl, p2, c2 over 2 left, p2, k2, p2, c2 over 2 right, p2, K5, p1 R13: pl, kl, p2, k4, p2, k2, p2, k4, p2, K5, p1l R14: pl, Leaf Inc to 3, pl, c2 over 1 right P, c2 over 2 left P, k2, c2 over 2 right P, c2 over 1 left P, pl, Leaf Dec to 3, p1 R15: pl, K3, pl, k2, p3, k6, p3, k2, pl, K3, pl R16: pl, Leaf Inc to 5, pl, k2, p3, c2 over 1 left P, c2 over 1 right P, p3, k2, pl, Leaf Dec to 1, p1 R17: pl, K5, pl, k2, p4, k4, p4, k2, pl, kl, p1 R18: pl, K5, pl, k2, p4, c2 over 2 left, p4, k2, pl, kl, pl R19: pl, K5, pl, k2, p4, k4, p4, k2, pl, kl, p1 R20: pl, Leaf Dec to 3, p1, c2 over 2 left P, c2 over 2 right P, c2 over 2 left P, c2 over 2 right P, pl, Leaf Inc to 3, p1 R21: pl, K3, pl, p2tog, k4, p4, k4, p2tog tbl, pl, K3, pl R22: pl, Leaf Dec to 1, p2, c2 over 2 left P, p4, c2 over 2 right P, p2, Leaf Inc to 5, p1 R23: pl, kl, pl, p2tog, pl, k2, p4, k2, pl, p2tog tbl, pl, K5, p1 R24: pl, kl, p3, c2 over 2 left P, c2 over 2 right P, p3, K5, pl R25: pl, k1, pl, p2tog, p2, k4, p2, p2tog tbl, pl, K5, pl R26: p1, Leaf Inc to 3, p4, c2 over 2 left, p4, Leaf Dec to 3, p1 R27: p1, K3, pl, p2tog, pl, k4, pl, p2tog tbl, pl, K3, pl R28: p1, Leaf Inc to 5, p3, k4, p3, Leaf Dec to 1, pl R29: pl, K5, pl, p2tog, k4, p2tog tbl, p3 R30: pl, K5, p2, c2 over 2 left, p4 R31: pl, K5, p2, k2tog, ssk, p4 R32: p1, Leaf Dec to 3, p2, k2, p4 R33: pl, K3, p2, k2, p2tog, pl, p2tog tbl R34: Leaf Dec to 1, p2, ssk, p3 R35: pl, p2tog, k1, p2tog, pl R36: p2tog, k1, p2tog R37: dbl dec

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