Free Knitting Pattern for 18 Inch American Girl and Gotz Dolls Hoodie by Janet Longaphie, Detailed Step-by-Step Guide with Button Band and Hood Instructions

Hoodie for 18 inch American Girl and Gotz dolls

Suggested Yarns #3, DK, light worsted, or #4, worsted, aran (larger yarn makes a slouchier hoodie) Suggested Needles 4.5mm or 7US

Pattern illustration

Cast on 32 stitches Rows 1-4 Work 4 rows of K1P1(this ribbing may be K2P2 or seed stitch, as long as it is used throughout the pattern for the edging) Rows 5-20 Knit 16 rows in stocking stitch Row 21 Cast off 4 stitches, knit to end of row Row 22 Cast off 4 stitches, purl to end of row Rows 23-34 Continue in stocking stitch on 24 stitches Set up row for shoulders. Row35 Knit 8. Cast off 8 for neck edge. Knit 8. Your needle will have 2 groups of 8 st, with each group worked separately. Turning needle, work first group of 8 stitches. Row 36 Purl 8 st Row37 Knit 8 st Row 38 Purl 8 st Row 39 Cast off 8 stitches. This is the left shoulder section. At the back, join yarn to 8 remaining stitches for the right shoulder section. Row 36 Purl 8 st Row 37 Knit 8 st Row 38 Purl 8 st Row 39 Cast off.

Pattern illustration

The buttons and buttonholes will be placed in the 3 stitch front edge band. Reverse, depending whether you are knitting a sweater for a girl doll or a boy doll.

Pattern illustration

Button Band Side:

Cast on 16 stitches. 3 stitches will form the band on each front. Row 1 Rib 13 st. Knit 3 st Knit 2 Knit 3 st. Rib 13 st. Rows 3, 4 Repeat rows 1 and 2. Row 5 Knit 16 st. Row 6 Knit 3 st. Purl 13 st. Repeat Rows 5 and 6 until there are 20 rows from the beginning. Row 21 Cast off 4 stitches for the armhole. Knit to end of row. Row 22 Knit 3 st. Purl 9 st. Row 23 Knit. Row 24 Knit 3 Purl 9 st. Repeat Rows 23 and 24 until 31 rows from the beginning. Row 32 Cast off 4 stitches for neckband. Purl to end of row. Rows 33-38 Continue to knit the 8 st in stocking stitch. Row 39 Cast off.

Buttonhole Band:

Cast on 16 stitches Row 1 Knit 3. Rib 13 stitches. Row 2 Rib 13 stitches. Knit 3 st. Rows 3, 4 Repeat Rows 1 and 2.

Pattern illustration

(Buttonhole #1). Knit to end of row. Row 6 Purl 13 st. Knit last 3 st for band on the purl rows. Rows 7-12 Continue in stocking stitch keeping 3K for band. Row 13 Knit 1. Yarn over. Knit 2 together. (Buttonhole #2) Knit to end. Row 14 Purl 13 st. Knit 3 st. Rows 15-20 Continue in stocking stitch. Row 21 Knit 1. Yarn over. Knit 2 together. (Buttonhole #3). Knit to end. Row 22 Cast off 4 stitches for armhole. Purl 9 st. Knit 3 st. Rows 23-28 Continue in stocking stitch. Row 29 Knit 1. Yarn over. Knit 2 together. (Buttonhole #4) Knit to end. Row 30 Purl 9st. Knit 3 st. Row 31 Knit. Row 32 Purl 9 st. Knit 3 st. Row 33 Cast off 4 stitches for neck edge. Knit to end of row. Rows 34-38 Continue in stocking stitch on 8 st. Row 39 Cast off.


Sew fronts to back at shoulders. With wrong side facing pick up 26 stitches along the armhole edge (13 + 13). Rows 1-28 Knit 28 rows in stocking stitch. Decrease 2 stitches on Rows 9, 17, and 25 by knitting 2 together at each end of those rows. -20st Rows 29-32 Knit these 4 rows in K1P1. Row33 Cast off. Sew up side and underarm seams.


With wrong side facing pick up 28 st from the fronts, shoulders, and back to form neckband. (10st +8 cast off sts +10sts=28st) Knit 6 rows of K1P1 ribbing. In row 7 increase 1 stitch in every stitch except the last stitch which will be a Purl 1. (55 st on needle)


With the 55 stitches on the needle you now begin the hood. The hood will have a 3Knit stitches garter stitch band for the edge of the hood. Row1 Knit 3 for band. Knit 27 sts. Purl 1st. Knit 27 sts. Knit 3 sts for the band. Row2 K3. P27. K1. P 27. K3. Repeat these 2 rows until hood measures 34 rows. Row35 Cast off. To sew up the hood, fold in half and sew top seam. Sew in loose ends. Sew on 4 buttons to match button holes. Have fun! Janet Longaphie February 2012

Pattern illustration

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