Handknit Bitty Twins Doll Soaker Pattern: Two Versions for American Girl Dolls & Teddy Bears

Bitty Twins Doll Soaker (handknit version)

Pattern illustration

Here's a doll soaker pattern that fits on the American Girl Bitty Twins $16^{\circ}$ dolls, and some teddy bears. It's knitted flat and then sewn together at the end. There are two versions. Version one (on the left) has simpler knitting instructions, but a crochet leg cuff is used at the end. Version two (on the right) has more increasing/decreasing, but no crochet is needed, other than the drawstring. A braided drawstring may be substituted. An I-cord drawstring may be too bulky since no drawstring holes are made. Materials: 55 yds. worsted weight yarn US #6 needles Size F crochet hook Gauge: 5 sts $=1$ ” $7\ \mathrm{rows}=1^{\,\mathrm{:}}$ Abbreviations: K: Knit P: Purl St st: Stockinette stitch (Knit one row, purl one row.) Sl - slip stitch. Move the stitch from the left needle to the right needle. SSK - Slip as if to knit, Slip as if to knit, Knit those 2 together K2tog - Knit 2 stitches together M1F: From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop. This twists the stitch and prevents a hole. M1B: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop. This twists the stitch and prevents a hole. sc: single crochet


Alternative finishing: If you leave a really long tail both at the beginning and the end, you can crochet the side seams together using a sl st, then continue using the yarn to crochet around the leg holes. Leaving a long tail for sewing the side seam, cast on 30 sts. Work st st for 3 inches. Bind off 2 sts each row until 10 sts left. Work st st for 4 rows. Cast on 2 sts each row until 30 sts. Work in st st for 3 inches ending on right side. Bind off on wrong side, leaving long tail for sewing seam. (When soaker is folded in half, there should be one long tail on each side.) Sew side seams. With F crochet hook, sc around the leg opening. Fasten off. Repeat for other side.


Using yarn and F crochet hook, crochet a chain twice the diameter of the soaker and fasten off leaving a tail. Thread the tail onto a yarn needle. Starting at the middle front of the soaker, weave the drawstring in and out around the soaker, trim drawstring tail, leaving $^{1\!}/\!\!_{2\!}-\,1$ inch.


Leaving a long tail for sewing the side seam, cast on 30 sts. Work in st st for $2\,\,\!^{1}\!/\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!^{1}\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\,\!\!\,\!\!^{2}$ inches. Decrease for leg: Right side: Sl 1, SSK, K until 3 from end, K2tog, K1. Wrong side: Sl 1, P across. Repeat last 2 rows until 12 sts left. Work st st for 4 rows even. Increase for leg: Right side: Sl 1, K1, M1F, K until 2 from end, M1B, K2. Wrong side: Sl 1, P across. Work last 2 rows until 30 sts, ending with wrong side. Work even in st st for $2\,\,\!^{1}\!/\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!^{1}\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\!\,\!\,\!\!\,\!\!^{2}$ inches, ending on right side. Bind off on wrong side, leaving long tail for sewing seam. (When soaker is folded in half, there should be one long tail on each side.) Sew side seams. Make drawstring the same as above.

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