Cherry lossom Socks

2005 - 2007 Inspirations Yarn Designed by Tall Gal Knits, originally for Inspirations Yarns Sizes: Women's Small [Women's Medium, Women's Large] Yarn Requireme nts: Fingering Weight sock yarn 350-425 yards Original Yarn Used: 1 [1, 2]skein(s) Inspirations Yarn Classic sock ( $75\%$ Superwash wool, $25\%$ nylon, $100\mathrm{g}/$ 420 yds). Or 1 [1, 2] skein(s) Inspirations Yarn Green Tea ( $60\%$ Superwash, $30\%$ Bamboo, $10\%$ Nylon, $100\ \mathrm{g}/\,400$ yds). Needles: size $1\,-\,2.5\mathrm{mm}$ needles or size needed to obtain gauge. Other Supplies: stitch markers in needed, spare dpn or cable needle, darning needle Gauge: 32 st and 40 rows equal 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch. 33 st equal 4 inches in Pattern stitch. Stitches and Abbreviations Used: Front Cross(FC) - sl 1 st to spare dpn and hold to the front, p2, then k1 from dpn. Back Cross (BC) - sl 2 st to spare dpn and hold to back, ki, then p2 from dpn. (Sl 1) - slip 1 purlwise. (M1) - increase by 1 stitch, knit into the front and then back of the same stitch. (k2tog) - knit 2 stitches together, decreases I stitch. (p2tog) - purl 2 stitches together, decreases 1 stitch. (yo) - yarn over n move yarn to front of needeand wrapveopreateh & a hole. (RS) - right side of work. (WS) - wrong side of work. Instructions are written for Women's Small ize with other sizes showninIf only one number is given it applies to all sizes. Cast on: Cast on 54[72, 90] st and divide evenly around dpn (for 2 circs or ML 27[36, 45}st per side). Join being careful not to twist stitches and begin working in rounds. Cuff: Work in K2, P2 ribbing for 10 rounds (1 inch). On the last round work as follows: M1, $^{*}\mathrm{K}2$ ,7 $\mathrm{P}2^{*}$ repeat between \* to end. (55[73, 91] sts). Leg: Begin Pattern stitch. Rd 1: p1, $\ast_{\mathrm{k}6}$ , p5, k6, $\mathfrak{p}1^{*}$ , repeat between \* to end of round. Rd 2: p1, $\ast\mathbf{k}3$ ,BC, p5,FC,k3, p1\*, repeat between \* to end of round. Rd 3: p1, $\approx\!\mathrm{k}4$ , p9, k4, $\mathfrak{p}1^{*}$ , repeat between \*to end of round. Rd4: pl, \*FC, kl, p1, (yo, p2tog) 4 times,ki,C,pl\*,repeat between \* t end of round. Rd 5: p3, $\ast_{\mathrm{k}6}$ , k1, p6, $\mathbf{k}\,5^{*}$ , repeat between to end of round,end lat reeat . Rd 6: p3, \*FC, k3, p1, k3, BC, $\mathsf{p}^{5^{*}}$ , repeat between \* to end of round, end last repeat p3. Rd 7: p5, $\approx\!\mathrm{k}4$ , pl, k4, $\mathsf{p}^{9^{*}}$ , repeat between to endof round,end latrpat $_{\mathrm{k5}}$ . Rd 8: pl,\* (yo, p2tog) twice,k1, BC, pl, FC, k1, pl, (yo, p2tog) twice\*, repeat between \* to end of round. Repeat these 8 rounds until leg measures 5.5 [6, 6.5] inches, or desired length, from cast on edge, ending on either a Round 1 or a Round 5 of the pattern. Next round: K2tog, knit to end. Heel: The hee flap is worked on half the stitches, the other half (instep stitches) remain unworked for this section. With that in mind, knit to 13[18, 23] stitches past marker or beginning of round. Reposition work so that you have the 27[ 36, 45] sts of the heel with the marker in the middle. Turn work and begin working in rows as follows: Row 1: (WS) Sl 1 purlwise, purl to the end. (27[ 36,45] sts). Row 2: (RS) $^{*}{\mathrm{Sl~l~}}$ purlwise, k1,\* repeat between \* to end of row. Row 3: (WS) Sl 1 purlwise, purl to the end. Repeat rows 2 & 3 above 13[18, 22] times or until 27[37, 45] rows have been worked.
Turn heel:
Row 1: (RS) K14[17, 23], ssk, k1 turn. Row 2: (Ws) Sl 1, pl, p2tog, pl, turn. Row 3: (RS) Sl 1, k2, ssk, k1, turn. Row 4: Sl 1, p3, p2tog, p1, turn. Repeat rows 3 & 4 until all stitches have been worked across. For 2 Circs or ML only: Knit one row.
Heel Gusset:
For 2 circs or ML: reposition needles so that one half of the heel stitches and one half of the instep stitches are on each needle with yarn coming from end of heel stitches on front needle. Slip heel stitches to right (working) needle and begin picking up heel gusset as below. For DPN: work across heel flap stitches. All Methods: Now pick up and knit 29 [39, 47] stitches along flap edge. This includes picking up one stitch in the row below on the first instep stitch to prevent a hole from forming. Place marker. Knit across the instep stitches. Place marker. Now pick up and knit 29 [39, 47] stitches along flap edge. This includes picking up one stitch in the row below on the first instep stitch to prevent a hole from forming. Knit to the center of the heels st, k2tog, knit the remaining heel stitches. You are now in position to begin the gusset decreases.
Gusset Decreases:
Round 1: Knit to 3 stitches before marker (or 3 stitches before end of needle 1), k2tog, kl, sl marker, knit all instep stitches, sl m (or at beginning of needle 4), kl, ssk, knit to end of round. Round 2: Knit all stitches, slipping markers as you come to them. Repeat these two rounds until 54[72, 90] stitches remain. End of Gusset.
For 2 circs or ML reposition stitches so that the instep stitches (top of foot) are on one needle and the sole stitches (bottom of foot) are on the other needle. This means splitting the stitches where the markers are located during the gusset. All methods: Knit in rounds until foot measures 7 [7.75, 8.5] inches or desired length.
Shape Toe:
Round 1: Work until 3 heel side stitches remain (3 st. before first marker, or 3 st remaining on needle one) K2tog, k1 (sl m), k1, ssk, Knit to 3 st before next marker (end of instep stitches, or end of needle 3) k2tog, k1, (sl m), k1, ssk, knit to end of round. Round 2: Knit all stitches. Work these two rounds until 26 [36, 46] stitches remain. Then work round 2 only until 18[16, 18] stitches remain. Knit to the end of the sole stitches, end of needle one or first marker. Finishing: Graft stitches together using Kitchener stitch method. Weave in ends. Repeat all directions for second sock. This patten was originally designed by Tall Gal Knits for Inspirations Yarns in 2005. The patternhas been adjusted slightly for commercially available based yarns - Tall Gal, January 2010