Free Knitting Pattern: Minion Creme Egg Cosy - Detailed Instructions and Materials List

Minion Creme Egg Cosy

Pattern illustration

A free pattern from Dormouse Handknits

You will need: 3mm needles Oddments of DK yarn in blue, yellow, black, white, grey and brown Glossary: K: knit P: purl sts: stitches st-st: stocking stitch K2tog:Knit 2 sts together m1: make 1 by knitting into the horizontal strand of yarn between the st you have just knitted and the next B&T: Break thread and draw it through the remaining stitches. Pull tight and fasten off. Cast on using thumb method unless otherwise stated. Begin at lower hem edge of the egg cosy and cast on 20 sts loosely in blue. P 1 row. Next row: K4, (m1, K4) to end - 24 sts. Next row: K, for base edge of hem. This completes the hem section. Beginning with a K row, st-st 6 rows.

Create bib of dungarees

Break off blue and join on yellow. Carry yellow wool loosely across blue sts. Row 1: K8 yellow, join on blue. (P1, K6, P1) in blue. K8 yellow. Row 2: P8 yellow, (K1, P6, K1 blue), P8 yellow. Row3:Asrow1 Row 4: P8 yellow, K8 blue, break off blue, P8 yellow. Beginning with a K row, st-st 6 rows. Join on black. K 2 rows for strap of goggles. Break off black and continue in yellow. Beginning with a K row, st-st 4 rows. Shape top of head Row 1: (K1, K2tog) to end - 16sts. Row 2: P Row 3: (K2tog) to end - 8 sts. B&T tightly. For one-eyed Minion: Using grey, cast on 24 sts. K 1 row. Break off grey and join on white. Next row: (K2tog) to end - 12 sts. P 1 row. Break off white and join on brown. Next row: (K2tog) to end - 6 sts. B&T tightly. For two-eyed Minion (make two): Using grey, cast on 20 sts using the needle method. Break off grey and join on white. Next row: (P2tog) to end - 10 sts K 1 row. Break off white and join on brown. Next row: (P2tog) to end - 5 sts. B&T tightly.

To make up:

Join row ends on wrong side, then with P side outside, fold the hem section up at the K row and catch cast on edge in place. Turn right side out. The double thickness hem acts to hold the egg securely in place. Add one large or two smaller eyes as required. Embroider small diamond on front of dungarees, smiling mouth and hair as required. Fasten all loose ends securely.

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