Cabled Stag Pattern Inspired by Cernunnos, the Horned God, with Customizable Antler Design for Knitting Enthusiasts

Cabled Stag - Cernunnos

by corvus corone corone

Pattern illustration

I wanted antlers or a cabled deer as a symbol for the Horned God/ Herne/ Cernunnos. Since I couldn't find any charts availabe, I sat down and created my own - trial and error-wise. I must have unravelled it about twelve times... But I am quite pleased with the outcome. If you find mistakes, do let me know, please! The leaf-border of the Yggdrasil Afghan has been of enormous help to get the antlers look right. ( Since丨amnewtocabling丨havenoideawhetherit's considered “proper" cabling. Also, I usually simply purl two together, instead of p2tog one side and ssp on the other, I do believe one can make it look neater, but each to their own! The pattern can also be changed accordingly so that the antlers don't look quite so huge towards the end by simply leaving out the last branching out to the middle and not make a third M1 series of the second antlers branching outwards, but a simple cabling outwards, so that only one row on cable points towards the end, the other strand branching outwards. The pattern is a written pattern, since I simply wrote along what I did. Since I really prefer charts, I'll try to get a chart written eventually... Unless someone else enjoys writing charts so much that they want to do it for me ;o) Have fun and blessed be )O( I cast on 40 stitches, 5 on each side to make a neater edge in simple garter stitch, I knitted ten rows at the beginning and at the end for neat edges again as well. If you want to insert the motif into something else, 30 stitches are enough. Obviously in stockinette stitch then :) written instructions: cast on 30 stitches stockinette stitch for a couple of rows (WS k, RS p) Row 1 (WS): k13 C2B(k1,k1) C2F(k1,k1) k13 R2 (RS): p13 k4 p13 R3 (WS) k13 p4 k13 R4 (RS): p13 k4 p13 R5 (WS) k13 p4 k13 R6 (RS): p13 k4 p13 R7 (WS) k13 p4 k13 R8 (RS): p13 k4 p13 R9 (WS) k13 p4 k13 R10 (RS): p11 C4B(k2p1k1) C4F(k1p1k2) p11 R11 (WS): k11 p2 k1 p2 k1 p2 k11 R12 (RS): p11 k2 p1 k2 p1 k2 p11 R13 (WS): k11 p2 k1 p2 k1 p2 k11 R14 (RS): p11 k2 p1 k2 p1 k2 p11 R15 (WS): k11 p2 k1 p2 k1 p2 k11 R16 (RS): p10 C2B(kik1) k1 C2B(k1k1) C2F(k1k1) k1 C2F(k1k1) p10 R17 (WS): k10 p10 k10 R18 (RS): p10 C4B(k2k2) k2 C4F(k2k2) p10 R19 (WS): K10 p2 k6 p2 k10 R20 (RS): p10 k2 p6 k2 p10 R21 (WS): k8 C4F(p2k2) k6 C4B(k2p2) k8 R22 (RS): p8 k2 p10 k2 p8 R23 (WS): k8 p2 k10 p2 k8 R24 (RS): p6 p2tog k1 M1 k1 p10 k1 M1 k1 p2tog p6 R25 (WS): k7 p3 k10 p3 k7 R26 (RS): p5 p2tog k1 M1 k2 p10 k2 M1 k1 p2tog p5 R27 (WS): k6 p1 k1 p2 k10 p2 k1 p1 k6 R28 (RS): p4 p2tog k1 M1 p1 k2 p10 k2 p1 M1 k1 p2tog p4 R29 (WS): k5 p1 k2 p2 k10 p2 k2 p1 k5 R30 (RS): p5 k1 p2 k1 M1 k1 p2tog p6 p2tog k1 M1 k1 p2 k1 p5 R31 (WS): k5 p1 k2 p3 k8 p3 k2 p1 k5 R32 (RS): p4 C2B(k1p1) p2 k2 M1 k1 p2tog p4 p2tog k1 M1 k2 p2 C2F(p1k1) p4 R33 (WS): k4 p1 k3 p2 k1 p1 k6 p1 k1 p2 k3 p1 k4 R34 (RS): p8 k2 p1 M1 k1 p2tog p2 p2tog k1 M1 p1 k2 p8 R35 (WS): k8 p2 k2 p1 k4 p1 k2 p2 k8 R36 (RS): p8 k2 p2 C2F(p1k1) p2 C2B(k1p1) p2 k2 p8 R37 (WS): k8 p2 k3 p1 k2 p1 k3 p2 k8 R38 (RS): p6 p2tog k1 M1 k1 p10 k1 M1 k1 p2tog p6 R39 (WS): k7 p3 k10 p3 k7 R40 (RS): p5 p2tog k1 M1 k2 p10 k2 M1 k1 p2tog p5 R41 (WS): k6 p1 k1 p2 k10 p2 k1 p1 k6 R42 (RS): p4 p2tog k1 M1 p1 k2 p10 k2 p1 M1 k1 p2tog p4 R43 (WS): k5 p1 k2 p2 k10 p2 k2 p1 k5 R44 (RS): p8 k1 C2F(p1k1) p8 C2B(k1p1) k1 p8 R45 (WS): k8 p1 k1 C2B(k1p1) k6 C2F(p1k1) k1 p1 k8 R46 (RS): p8 k1 p12 k1 p8 R47 (WS): k8 p1 k12 p1 k8 R48 (RS): p30

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