Giraffe Illusion Scarf Pattern: Knit Animal Print with Dynamic Stripe Effect

Giraffe Illusion Scarf

This scarf is a knitted animal print: it is done in the great illusion knitting technique, showing either stripes or almost natural looking giraffe spots.


Sport weight wool yarn, $100\mathrm{g}$ in dark yellow and $100\mathbf{g}$ in brown Pair of 3mm needles (US size $2\%$

Pattern illustration

Size about 15cm \* 190cm with 200g of yarn


Gauge is not important. You can make the scarf wider by using different yarn and/or bigger needles. Just make sure the fabric is very firm.


You will work 4 rows for each row of the pattern chart,two rows in each color. There is no color changing within rows, instead, the color pattern is achieved by alternating knit and purl stitches to create the illusion when viewed from the side.

Pattern illustration

Cast on 40 stitches in brown. Setup Row (WS): purl the yellow stitches from the first chart row, knit the brown stitches. \*\* Row 2 (RS): knit. Row 3 (WS): purl the brown stitches from the next chart row, knit the yellow stitches. Change to brown yarn. Row 4 (RS): knit. Row 5 (WS): purl the yellow stitches from the same chart row, knit the brown stitches. \*\* Repeat these 4 rows for each row of the chart. When you reach the end of the chart, you can simply start again with the first chart row. This way you can make the scarf as long as you want. When you reach your desired length, bind ofand weave in yarn ends. Block it, and wear it in the African savannah as camouflage.

Pattern illustration

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