Mermaid Shawl Knitting Pattern: Drapey Lace Shawl with Fish Scale Design

Mermaid Shawl

Be a sexy siren in this drapey shawl. Te main lace paten resembles fsh scales cascading down, with a spine down the center and water waves pooling at the bottm. Beware, this is true lace, and there isatnbothsidf theabicnflerasmt side, a thdf dol-deea frtefrnt,nd dule-oere salisit fm the centerouwardand theding is coninuuswith the shawou'haveon thebginin and cast-offends to weave in at the end! The lace pattern is adapted from Shower Stitcb,from Barbara Walker's First Treasury.

Pattern illustration

Size: Length down center back $24^{\circ}$ . Width across shoulders $50^{\circ}$ . This shawl can easily be made bigger by adding repeats of the main pattern. Each additional repeat of the main pattern means one additional repeat of the border pattern. Yarn: Knitpicks Shimmer ( $70\%$ alpaca, $30\%$ silk) in Cumulus colorway, 1 skein. For substitutions, you will need just under 400 yards of laceweight yarn. A silvery or glimmery yarn without much fuzz/halo works best. Needles: US size 5 $(3.75\mathrm{mm})$ circular needles, or as needed to obtain gauge Gauge: lace repeat (scaes charty ie 12 stches and $16\;\mathrm{rows}=2.5^{\circ}\mathrm{~x~}2.5^{\circ}$ Or...because this i loselace, gauge is not critical If you aere a verylose knitter, go down 1-2 needles sizes. Otherwise, use the recommended needle size, knit the frst couple lace repeats, and stretch out to measure. If you don't know whether you are alose knitter or not, this lace pattern is probabytoo advanced for you right now. Notin: sths lstryeeh st Abbreviations: $\mathsf{p}=$ purl; $\mathrm{k=knit}$ , $\mathrm{k}2\mathrm{tog}=\mathrm{knit}\:2$ stitches together; ssk $=$ sli, slip, knit, pm $=$ place marker; psm $=$ place special marker; $\mathtt{s m}=\mathtt{s l i p}$ marker; st $=$ stitch(es), $\mathrm{CDD=}$ centered double derease (see chart lgend) Copyright 2009 yoelknits. This pattern is for personal use only.

Main shawl

Cast on 17 stitches Row 1 (RS) is the set-up row: k 2 (garter edge), psm, k1, pm, k1, psm, next 9 st work row 1 of spine chart, psm, k1, pm, k1, psm, k2 (garter edge) Row 2 (WS): k2, sm, row 2 rightedge, sm, row 2 of leftedge, sm, row 2 spine, sm, row 2 rigbtedge, sm, row 2 leftedge, k2 Continue in established pattern for 15 more rows, through row 16 for rigbtedge and lefedge charts. Odd numbered rows of any chart are on the RS, even numbered rows are on the WS. Remember, on the RS, charts are read from right to left, and the leftedge chart will be knitted before the rigbtedge chart. On the WS, charts are read from left to right, and the rigbtedge chart will be knitted before the leftedge chart. Meanwhile, $\textrm{k}2$ St at both edges of the shawl, to produce a garter a edge. The center spine chart should be repeated over and over, 8 times for each repetition of the main pattern. After 16 rows of the edge charts, there will be two complete lace repeats added to the pattern. At this point these edge sections continue on in the scales pattern, and new leftedge and righbtedge patterns are added to either side. Next row (RS): k2, sm, yo for row 1 of leftedge chart, pm, work previous leftedge as row 1 of scales, sm, [work any existing scales row 1, sm,] work previous rigbtedge as row 1 of scales, pm, yo for row 1 of rigbtedge chart, sm, row 1 of spine, sm, yo for row 1 of leftedge chart, pm, work previous leftedge as row 1 of scales, sm, [work any existing scales row 1, sm,] work previous rigbtedge as row 1 of scales, pm, yo for row 1 of rigbtedge chart, sm, k2 leftedge, scales, and rigbtedge patterns. Continue shawl edges in 2 st of garter, and center of shawl in spine. Repeat prior 16 rows 4 more times. (Total 96 rows, excluding row 0)


Next row (RS): k2, sm, [k2tog, yo] until reach next special marker, sm, K1, yo, k1, yo,k1, CDD, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, sm, [yo, ssk] until next special marker, sm, k2 Next row (WS): k2, sm, p all until next special marker, sm, P5, yo, p6, sm, p all until next special marker, sm, k2 Next row (RS) is the border set-up row: row 1 of leftgarter, sm, [row 1 of waves while removing unnecessary marker, sm] until reach special marker, row 1 of centerwave, sm, row 1 of waves while removing unnecessary marker, sm] until reach special marker, row 1 of rigbtgarter Continue in established pattern through row 16 of lftgarter, waves, centerwave, rigbtgarter charts.


Bind off very loosely (recommend a suspended bind-off or other loose bind-off). Block as hard as you can, pinning center spine and shoulder edges first to measurements, then pinning out the waves along the diagonal edges and center point.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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