Mermaid's Mesh Knitting Pattern for Sweater with Detailed Row-by-Row Instructions and Sizing for Various Fits

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Finished size: Sm, Med, Lg

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Finished Measurements: Chest: 381/2( 44, 491/)" Length: 26%( 27, 27%)


Tahki Stacy Charles Cotton Classic Lite 100% Mercerized Cotton, (146 yds/135 m, 50 gr/ 1.75 oz), #4002 Black, 11, 12, 13 skeins. One pair each size US 3 (3.25 mm) and US 5 (3.75mm) 24" circular needles Tapestry needle 2 stitch markers Waste yarn (or large stitch holders) Gauge: Using larger needles, 26 st/31r = 4" (10 cm) in st st. To save time, take time to checkgauge. Pattern Stitch: Multiple of 9 + 6

Mermaid's Mesh


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Pattern illustration

Mermaid's Mesh row-by-row instructions: Row 1 (RS): K2, yo, \*(ssk, yo) 3 times, k3tog,yo twice; rep from \*, end ssk, k2. Row 2 and all WS rows: p, working (k1,p1) into yo twice from previous row. Row 3: K1 \*k2tog, yo twice, (ssk, yo) twice, k3tog, yo; rep from \*, end k2tog, yo, k3. Row 5: K2, \*k2tog,yo twice, ssk, yo, k3tog, yo, k2tog, yo; rep from \*, end k2tog, yo, k2. Row 7: K1, k2tog, yo, \*k2tog, yo twice, sl 1, k2tog, psso, (yo, k2tog) twice, yo; rep from \* end k3. Row 9: K2, k2tog, yo, \*k2tog,yo twice, sl 1, k2tog, psso, (yo, k2tog) twice yo; rep from \* end k2. Row 11: K1, k2tog, yo, \*k2tog, yo twice, ssk,yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2tog,yo; rep from \* end k3. Row 13: K2, k2tog,\*yo twice, (ssk, yo) twice, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2tog; rep from \* end yo,k2. Row 15: K1, k2tog, \*yo twice, (ssk, yo) 3 times, k3tog; rep from \* end yo twice, ssk, k1. Row 16: Rep row 2.



Using smaller needle, CO 124(142, 160). Beginning with a WSR, work K2P2 rib for 4 rows ending with a RSR. Next row (ws): P across decreasing 1 stitch. (123, 141, 159) Begin Mermaid's Mesh chart. Work 3 repeats. Change to larger needle, k 32(37, 42), pm, k 59(67, 75), pm, k to end. Continue in St St until piece measures 12” from CO edge ending with a WSR. Decrease Row: \*K to 3 st before marker, ssk, k1, sm, k2tog, repeat from \* once, k to end (4 sts decreased). Repeat Decrease Row every 8 rows twice more. (12 sts decreased). Work even for 10 rows. Increase Row: \*K to 1 st before marker, M1, k2, sm, K1, M1, repeat from \* once, k to end. (4 sts increased). Repeat Increase Row every 10 rows twice more (12 sts increased) Work even until piece measures 18” from CO edge or desired length to underarm ending with a WSR.

Shape Armholes:

BO 8(11, 14) st at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side eor 9(10, 11) times. (89, 99, 109). Work even until armhole measures 81/2"(9", 91/2"). Break yarn, place all stitches on waste yarn.

Right Front:

With smaller needle, CO 53(71, 83). Row 1(ws): \*P2, k2; repeat from \* to last 3 st, p3. Row 2(rs): k3, p2, k2; repeat from \* to end. Repeat these 2 rows once more. Next row (ws): P across decreasing 1(0. 3) sts. (62, 71, 80) Begin Mermaid's Mesh pattern keeping first 2 front edge sts in St St. Work 3 repeats. Row 1 (rs): Change to larger needles, work 34 st in patt, pm, k to end. Row 2 (ws): P to marker, work in patt to end. Repeat these 2 rows until pieces meas 12" from CO edge. Decrease Row: Work in patt ot maker, sm, k1, k2tog, k to end. (1 st decreased). Repeat Decrease Row every 8 rows twice more (3 sts decreased). Work even for 10 rows ending WSR. Increase Row: Work in patt to marker, sm, k1, M1, k to end (1 st increased). Repeat Increase Row every 10 rows twice more (3 sts increased). Work even until piece measures 18" from CO edge or desired length to underarm ending with a RSR. Shape Armholes: BO 8(11, 14) st at beg of next row. Dec 1 st every right side row 9(10, 11) times. (45, 50, 55). Work even until armhole measures 81/2"(9", 9'/2"). Work in patt to marker, place remaining 6(10, 14) st on holder for 3-needle bind-off. At the same time shape front neck: Work in pattern until piece measures 19" from CO edge ending with a wsr. Next row (rs): work in patt to marker, sm, ssk, k to end (1 st decreased). Work dec row every 6 rows 4(5,6) more times. (5, 6, 7 sts decreased at neck edge).

Left Front:

Make to match right front, reversing all shaping.

Sleeves (make 2):

Pattern illustration

Using smaller needle, CO 50(58, 66). Work K2P2 rib for 4 rows ending RSR Next row (ws): P across increasing 1(2,3) st evenly across. Work 3 repeats of Mermaid's Mesh Pattern. Change to larger needles and begin St St increasing 5(6, 7) sts evenly across. (56, 66, 76) Inc 1 st each edge every 4th row 8 times, then every 6" row 7 times. (86, 96, 106) Work even until sleeve measures 17(17, 17/) from CO edge or desired length to underarm end wsr. Shape Cap: BO 8(11, 14) st at beg of next row. Dec 1 st each edge every rsr 18(20, 22) times. (34 st all sizes). P 1 row. BO 4 sts at beg of next 4 rows. BO remaining 18 sts.


Block pieces to measurements. Place back st onto needle for 3-needle bind-off. Place 6(10, 14 front shoulder sts on needle for 3 needle bind-off. With ws facing, join front to back, starting at right shoulder, continue binding-off across center back neck stitches to last 6(10, 14) st then join last 6(10, 14) left shoulder sts using 3 needle bind-off. Place 34 border stitches from right front collar onto needle. Continue in patt across these sts as established until collar reaches center back when stretched. Bind off loosely. Repeat for left front collar. Block collar extensions before joining. Sew center back collar together, then sew back collar to back neck edge. Set in sleeves. Seam underarm and body seams. Weave in all ends.

Pattern illustration

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