Arden Hat Knitting Pattern: Match Your Hand Warmers with This Fun, Fast Cable Design

Pattern illustration


A fun, fast knit to match your Arden hand warmers, this hat uses the same cable motif and is shaped at the top by decreasing the pattern into a lxl rib. The smaller cables can be worked without a cable needle, which makes this hat knit up quickly.

Gauge and Measurements.

Gauge is approximately 20sts = 4" / 10 cm in stockinette. Sizes: S (to fit a 2l" inch head), L (to fit a 23" head or larger). In-between sizes can be accommodated by switching to smaller or larger needles.


2l0 yards worsted weight yarn. (Large sized hat pictured used one skein of Malabrigo Worsted in Tortuga) · Stitch marker, cable needle, tapestry needle. ·Size US 7 circular needle and DPNs or size needed to achieve gauge. Thispatmisafree Ravelryladfrperoalue gitsrchartale dnation ease dnt redistrute elthis pat itht misin. @ mikka tokuda-hall 2010 all rights reserved


This hat uses a repeat of 28 (35) stitches worked three times - work either the rounds written below, or follow the chart on the next page; the large size repeats the final seven stitches of the chart a second time. CO 84 (105), place EOR marker and join in the round, being careful not to twist stitches. Rnd I: [K2, P2, Kl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Kl, P2, K2, P2, Kl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Kl, P2)] three times. Rnd 2: [K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 3 and all subsequent odd-numbered rnds: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Rnd 4: [C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 6: [K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, T3F, P3, T3B, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 8: [C2B, P2, Ktbl, P3, T3F, P1, T3B, P3, Ktbl, P2, C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 10: [K2, P2, Ktbl, P4, C5B, P4, Ktbl, P2, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 12: [C2B, P2, Ktbl, P3, T3B, Pl, T3F, P3, Ktbl, P2, C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 14: [K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, T3B, P3, T3F, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 16: [C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2 (Large size only: C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2)] three times. Rnd 17: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Work Rnds 6 - 17 two more times, and then work Rnds 6 - 7, ending with Rnd 7 of the Cable Chart.

CO - Cast OnSSSK - slip 3 stitches knitwise to right needle, insert
EOR - end of roundleft needle into the slipped stitches and knit together. C2B - Cross two to back (worked every 4th rnd).
CN - Cable Needle K -knitTo do this without a cable needle, knit the second
P - purl Ktbl - knit through the back loop to twist stitchstitch on the left needle, then knit the first stitch, then slip both stitches off the left needle.
(worked on every single K rib on every even rnd throughout the pattern).T3F - slip two stitches to the CN and hold to the front, Pl from left needle, K2 from CN. T3B - slip I stitch to the CN and hold to the back,
P2tog - purl two together, decreasing by one. K2tog - knit two stitches together. SSK - slip 2 stitches knitwise to right needle, insert left needle into the slipped stitches and knit together. K3tog - knit three stitches togetherK2 from left needle, Pl from CN. C5B - slip 3 stitches to CN and hold to the back, K2 from left needle, slip third stitch on CN back on to left needle, then Pl from left needle, K2 from CN.

Crown Decreases

Switch to DPNs when necessary. Rnd 44: [C2B, P2tog, Ktbl,P2tog, P1, K1, SK, Pl, K2tog, Kl, Pl, P2tog, Ktbl, P2tog, CB2, P2tog, Ktbl, P2tog. (Largesize only: C2B, P2tog, Ktbl, P2tog)] three times. Rnd 45, 47, 49: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Rnd 50: K2tog across. Remove EOR marker and continue to K2tog until only 6 stitches remain on needles. Break yarn, and thread through the remaining stitches and pull tight. Sew in all ends and block to desired measurements.

Pattern illustration

★ work the stitches shaded in yellow one time for the small size, two times for the large size. ★

Stitch Key

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