Arden Unisex Elbow-Length Hand-Warmer Knitting Pattern with Detailed Cable Instructions

Pattern illustration


Arden is unisex elbow-length hand-warmer that uses a single skein of Malabrigo Worsted. One large cable is accented by single ribbing and smaller twisted cables, which can be easily knit without a cable needle, making Arden a fast, engaging project. Gauge and Measurements. Gauge is approximately 20sts = 4" / l10 cm in stockinette. Arden is available in two sizes, to fit an average woman's (man's) hand; the smaller size has a hand circumference of 7" and the larger size has a hand circumference of 7.5". Both sizes of hand-warmer measures 7" around the arm, and are 15"/ 38 cm long when lying flat and un-stretched. Smaller or in between sizes can be accommodated by knitting at a tighter gauge.


2l0 yards worsted weight yarn. (Large sized hand-warmer pictured used one skein of Malabrigo Worsted in Paris Night) 3 stitch markers (recommended), cable needle, scrap yarn, tapestry needle. · Size US 7 DPNs or size needed to achieve gauge. This pattem is a free Ravelry download for personal use, gifts or charitable donations. Please do not redistribute or selthis pattem without pemission. @ mikka tokuda-hall 2010 all rights reserved CO 42 stitches and join in the round, being careful not to twist stitches. Place EOR marker.

Right Wrists

Left Wrists

Rnd I: work Rnd I of Right Hand Cable from chart or as follows: K2, P2, K1, P2,K2, P5, K2, P2, Kl, P2, K2; then (P2, Kl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Kl, P2. Rnd 2: work Rnd 2 of Right Hand Cable from chart or as follows: K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 3 and all subsequent odd-numbered rnds: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Rnd 4: work Rnd 4 of Right Hand Cable from chart or as follows: C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2,K2,P5,K2, P2,Ktbl, P2, C2B; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 6: work Rnd 6 of Right Hand Cable Chart , or as follows: K2,P2, Ktbl, P2,T3F, P3,T3B,P2,Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 8: work Rnd 8 of Right Hand Cable chart or as follows: C2B, P2,Ktbl, P3,T3F, Pl,T3B,P3, Ktbl, P2, C2B; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 10: work Rnd 10 of Right Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: K2, P2, Ktbl, P4, C5B, P4, Ktbl, P2,K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 12: work Rnd 12 of Right Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: C2B, P2,Ktbl, P3,T3B, Pl,T3F, P3,Ktbl, P2, C2B; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd I4: work Rnd 14 of Right Hand Cable Chart ,or as follows: K2, P2,Ktbl, P2,T3B,P3,T3F, P2,Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 16: work Rnd 16 of Right Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: C2B, P2, Ktbl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2B) two times, Ktbl, P2. Rnd 17: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Work Rnds 6 - 17 four more times, then work Rnds 6 - 9, ending at Rnd 69 (Rnd 9 of Right Hand Cable Chart). Rnd I: work Rnd I of Left Hand Cable from chart or as follows: K2, P2, Kl, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, Kl,P2, K2; then (P2, KI, P2, K2) two times, P2 Kl, P2. Rnd 2: work Rnd 2 of Left Hand Cable from chart or as follows: K2, P2,Ktbl, P2,K2,P5,K2,P2,Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 3 and all subsequent odd-numbered rnds: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Rnd 4: work Rnd 4 of Left Hand Cable from chart or as follows: C2F,P2,Ktbl, P2, K2, P5,K2,P2,Ktbl, P2, C2F; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2F) two times, Ktbl, P2. Rnd 6: work Rnd 6 of Left Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: K2,P2,Ktbl, P2,T3F, P3,T3B,P2,Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 8: work Rnd 8 of Left Hand Cable chart or as follows: C2F, P2,Ktbl, P3,T3F, Pl,T3B,P3,Ktbl, P2, C2F; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2F ) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd IO: work Rnd 1O of Left Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: K2, P2, Ktbl, P4, C5F, P4, Ktbl, P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 12: work Rnd 12 of Left Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: C2F,P2,Ktbl, P3,T3B, Pl,T3F,P3,Ktbl, P2, C2F; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2F) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd I4: work Rnd 14 of Left Hand Cable Chart,or as follows:K2,P2,Ktbl,P2,T3B,P3,T3F,P2,Ktbl,P2, K2; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, K2) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd I6: work Rnd 16 of Left Hand Cable Chart, or as follows: C2F, P2,Ktbl, P2, K2,P4,K2,P2,Ktbl, P2, C2F; then (P2, Ktbl, P2, C2F) two times, P2 Ktbl, P2. Rnd 17: work all stitches in pattern as they appear. Work Rnds 6 - 17 four more times, then work Rnds 6 - 9, ending at Rnd 69 (Rnd 9 of Left Hand Cable Chart).

Pattern illustration

Right Thumb Gusset

Continue to work the big cable pattern from the Right Hand Cable Chart, or from written instructions, while making increases for the thumb at the same time. The increases begin immediately after the cable chart, and the palm of the hand is now worked in stockinette. For the smaller size, one less set of increases will be worked. Rnd 70: work Rnd 10 of Right Hand Cable Chart, then PFB, Pl, K to two stitches before end of round, P2. (43 stitches total) Rnd 7l: work Rnd Il of Right Hand Cable Chart, P3, K to two stitches before end of round, P2. Rnd 72: work Rnd 12 of Right Hand Cable Chart, then PFB, PI, PFB, K to two stitches before end of round, P2. (45 stitches total) Rnd 74: work Rnd I4 of Right Hand Cable Chart, then PI, PM, PFB, PI,PFB, PM, PI,Kto two stitches before end of round, P2. (47 stitches total) Rnd 76: work Rnd 16 of Right Hand Cable Chart, then Pl, SM, PFB, P to one stitch before next marker, PFB, SM, Pl, K to two stitches before end of round, P2. (49 stitches total) Repeat these increases as in Rnd 76 three (four) more times on even-numbered rnds while continuing to work in patt until you have I3 (l5) stitches between the markers, 55 (57) in total. Work Rnd 83 (85) as normal, and then on Rnd 84 (Rnd 86), slip all thumb stitches between markers onto scrap yarn, and CO 0 (3) more stitches using backwards loop.

Larger hand-warmer only:

Rnd 87 - work all stitches in pattern, and Pl Kl Pl the newly CO stitches. Knit the new K stitch through the back loop every even rnd.

Left Thumb Gusset

The left hand-warmer is worked the same as the right hand, except the increases begin immediately before the cable chart. Rnd 70: work Rnd 10 of Left Hand Cable Chart, then P2, K to two stitches before the end of the round, PFB, Pl. (43 stitches total) Rnd 7l: work Rnd Il of Left Hand Cable Chart, P2. K to three stitches before end of round,P3. Rnd 72: work Rnd 12 of Left Hand Cable Chart, then P2, work to three stitches before the end of the round, PFB, Pl, PFB. (45 stitches total) Rnd 74: work Rnd 14 of Left Hand Cable Chart, then P2, work to five stitches before the end of the round PI,PM, PFB, PI,PFB, PM, PI.(47 stitches total) Rnd 76: work Rnd I6 of Left Hand Cable Chart, then P2, work to I before Ist thumb gusset marker, Pl, SM, PFB, P to one stitch before next marker, PFB, SM, Pl.(49 stitches total) Repeat these increases as in Rnd 76 three (four) more times on even-numbered rnds while continuing to work in patt until you have I3 (15) stitches between the markers, 55 (57) in total. Work Rnd 83 (85) as normal, and then on Rnd 84 (Rnd 86), slip all thumb stitches between markers onto scrap yarn, and CO 0 (3) more stitches using backwards loop.

Larger hand-warmer only:

Rnd 87 - work all stitches in pattern, and Pl Kl Pl the newly CO stitches. Knit the new K stitch through the back loop every even rnd.

Right and Left Hands

For both hand-warmers, continue to work in patt through Rnd Ioo (Rnd 16 on the Cable Pattern Chart). Starting in Rnd I01, the plain stockinette section of the back of the hand is knit in a KlPl rib. Smaller hand-warmer only: Rnd IOl: work Rnd l of Right or Left Hand Chart, then P2, \*Kl Pl\*\*; rep from \* to two stitches before end of round, P2. Larger hand-warmers only: maintain the pattern of the CO stitches from the thumb throughout the rest of the mitten. Right Hand Rnd Iol: work Rnd I of Right Hand Chart, P2 Kl P2, then P2, \*KI P|\*\*; rep from \* to two stitches before end of round, P2. Left Hand Rnd IOl:work Rnd I of Left Hand Chart, P2, \*Kl P|\*\*; rep from \* to five stitches before end of round, P2, Kl, P2. Rnd 102 - I05: work Rnds 2 -5 from Right or Left Hand Chart, (maintain the P2 Kl P2 pattern from the thumb gusset, if knitting larger size) and the knit ribbing in patt. Ktbl on all Kl stitches on even numbered rnds. BO loosely in pattern.

Right and Left Thumbs

Transfer held stitches to DPNS and purl across. Pick up and knit 2 stitches over gap. Rnd I: P across to the two stitches before end of round, P2tog. 14 (l6) stitches remain. Purl across all stitches for three (four) more rnds, then work four (five) rnds of KlPl rib. Ktbl on all Kl stitches on even numbered rnds. BO loosely in pattern.


Sew in all ends. Block using preferred method.

Pattern illustration


CO - Cast On BO - Bind off EOR - end of round CN - Cable Needle K -knit P - purl Ktbl - knit through the back loop to twist stitch (worked on every single K rib on every even rnd throughout the pattern). PFB - purl into the front and the back of the same stitch, creating one new stitch. C2F - Cross two to front (worked every 4th rnd on the left hand-warmer) To do this without a cable needle, knit through the back loop of the second stitch on the left needle, then knit through the back loop of the first stitch, then slip both stitches off the left needle. C2B - Cross two to back (worked every 4th rnd on the right hand-warmer). To do this without a cable needle, knit through the front loop of the second stitch on the left needle, then knit through the front loop of the first stitch, then slip both stitches off the left needle. T3F - slip two stitches to the CN and hold to the front, PI from left needle, K2 from CN. T3B - slip I stitch to the CN and hold to the back, K2 from left needle, PI from CN. C5F - slip 3 stitches to CN and hold to the front, K2 from left needle, slip third stitch on CN back on to left needle, then Pl from left needle, K2 from CN. C5B - slip 3 stitches to CN and hold to the back, K2 from left needle, slip third stitch on CN back on to left needle, then Pl from left needle, K2 from CN.

Pattern illustration

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