Sapphire Seas Cowl Knitting Pattern by Maria Do Souto Designs: A Moonlit Beach Inspiration

Sapphire Seas Cowl

Pattern Designed by Maria Do Souto Designs AllRightsReserved I remember moon-lit summer nights sitting on the rocky beaches of the west coast, watching the waves crash toward the shore... Fairies had dusted the ocean with blue Sapphires of enchantment that twinkled in the light from the moon and stars...

Pattern illustration


A - 1 Skein GGH Suri Alpaka - color 2501(divided into two balls and held double for edging) B-1 SkeinNoroSilk GardenSockYarn-Color S369 C - 2 Skeins Debbie Bliss Angel Mohair/Silk - color 02 (optional) this yarn is held together with yarn B to enhance the softness and colors of Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn US 7 (4.5 mm) 32"- Circular Knitting Needles 16 Stitch Markers - 8 markers color A, and 8 markers color B


20 Stitches = 4" or 10 cm Measurements Finished Measurements are approximately 42" long and 11" wide. You can make this cowl wider or longer, but you would require more yarn. \*\*Please note: Measurements mentioned at any time in the written pattern, are measured from the last stitch of a row to the cast on edge of your project. Abbreviations K - Knit K2tog - Knit 2 stitches together P-Purl K1f&b - Knit 1 front and back PM - Place Marker SSK - Slip 1 stitch knit wise from left needle to right SM - Slip Marker needle, and slip one stitch purl wise to the right needle. CO - Cast On Knit both slipped stitches together through the back BO- Bind Off loop. LH - Left Hand RH - Right Hand

Garter Stitch Border:

CO 208 Stitches holding yarn double with Yarn A. PM (marker color A) at end of row and join in the round. Work set up row as follows: \*K25, PM (color B), K1, PM (color B), K25, PM (color A), K1, PM (color A).\* Repeat from \* to \* to last stitch of row, PM (color A) K1, SM. Row 2 - Purl all stitches, slipping markers as you come to them. Row3-Knit Row 4- Purl

Main Color:

Row 5 - Change to yarn color B & C, knit all stitches holding both yarns together throughout. Row 6 - Continuing with yarn B&C \*K2tog, K22, K1f&b, SM, K1, SM, K1f&b, K22, SSK, SM, K1, SM\* Repeat from \* to \* until you reach the last 3 stitches of the row. SSK, SM, K1, SM. Make sure to tighten your stitches before and after markers in order to prevent any gaps. Row 7-Knit Row8- Repeat Row 6 Row9-RepeatRow7 Continue to alternate Row 6 and 7 until piece measures 8" (20 cm) to cast on edge or desired width. \*\*See Measurement tip above.

Work Decrease Rows as follows:

Row 1- \*K2tog, K21, K2tog, SM, K1, SM, SSK, K21, SSK, SM, K1, SM\* Repeat from \* to \* around until last 3 stitches. SSK, SM, K1, SM Row2-Knit Row 3 - \*K2tog, K19, K2tog, SM, K1, SM, SSK, K19, SSK, SM, K1, SM\* Repeat from \* to\* around until last 3 stitches. SSK, SM, K1, SM Row4-Knit Continue to knit all stitches until piece measures 9" (23cm) to cast on edge, purling last stitch of row.


Change knitting direction as follows: Bring working yarn to back of work between your needles. Slip first stitch of next row purl wise to your RH needle. Bring working yarn to the front of work between your needles. Slip unworked stitch back to your LH needle. Turn your work making sure your working yarn is now at the back of your work. Your next stitch is now the new 1't stitch of every row. Row1& 2-Knit Row 3 - \*K1, SM, K1f&b, K18, SSK, SM, K1, SM, K2tog, K18, K1f&b, SM\* Repeat from \* to \* until last stitch.K1f&b, SM Row4-Knit Repeat Rows 3 & 4 until entire piece measures 11.5" (29 cm) to cast on edge, or desired width, ending with a knit row. CollarBorder: Change yarn color to color A. Holding yarn double, work collar border as follows: Row 1 - Knit. Remove markers as you come to them Row 2-Purl Row3-Knit Row4-Purl BO loosely. Weave in ends with a darning needle. Block.

Pattern illustration

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