>ne Tat BvVan Neel
http://inahappycamper.eponym.com/blog This design is not quite my original. I have adapted this pattern from a vintage knitting and crochet booklet that I collected years ago called “Hats, Hats, Hats" Star Book No. 168 by American Thread Co. (there is no copyright or date that I can find). I made the original for my husband in a yarn substitute with a larger gauge (but without a pompon) and it turned out huge. Since there was the need for hats at a local Children's Hospital I decided to bring the scale down and make it bright and fun.

Lion Brand Cotton Ease - ! skein in 3 colors (there will be enough for several hats) I O0 gm (3 /2 0z.) 207 yds (188 mm) $(50\%$ cotton 50% acrylic) US #4 (3.5 mm) set of 4 dpns Stitch markers Tapestry needle Gauge: 20 sts x 28 rows $=$ 4" in stockinette stitch Finished size: 15 V4" circumference at bottom edge. 17" from bottom edge to top (slightly stretched 丰 bottom edge unrolled)
$\kappa=\mathsf{K}_{\mathsf{M}\mathsf{L}}$ $\mathsf{P}=\mathsf{P}\mathsf{u}\mathsf{r}|$ $55\mathsf{K}=\mathsf{s l i p},$ . sllp, knit these 2 sts together ${\mathsf{S}}{\mathsf{S}}{\mathsf{P}}\,=\,{\mathsf{s}}{\mathsf{I}}{\mathsf{I}}{\mathsf{p}}$ , $511p$ , purl these 2 sts together Inc $=$ increase $\mathsf{D}e c=$ decrease ${\cal C}{\cal O}=$ cast on St $=$ stitch RS $=$ rlght side WS $=$ wrong side
Coney Tat
By Vyvyan Neel
Note I :
First color will be MC, $2^{n d}$ color will be CI and $3^{r d}$ Color will be C2.
Note 2:
Hat may be knitted flat but add 2 extra stitches when casting on. End with 9 sts and cut yarn tail about 36". Using yarn tal, sew seam neatly. If hat Is knitted flat the seam will show when bottom edge IS curled up and the yarn used for seaming will be of contrasting color. Instructions: With MC, cast on 70 sts. Place 24 sts on 1st needle, 22 sts on $2^{n d}$ needle and 24 sts on $3^{r d}$ needle. Join being careful not to twist. Place marker at beginning of row and knit for 2". Begin Striping: Stripe I: With Cl, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 2: With C2, knit 5 rows. Stripe 3: With MC, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 4: With C1, \*K8, SSK\*, rep across row (63 sts), Knit 4 rows. Stripe 5: With C2, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 6: With MC, knit 4 rows. \*K7, SSK\*, rep across row (56 sts). Stripe 7: With Cl, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 8: With C2, knit 5 rows. Stripe 9: With MC, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 1O: With Cl, \*K6, SSK\*, rep across row (49 sts), Knit 4 rows. Stripe Il: With C2, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 12: Wth MC, knit 4 rows. \*K5,SSK\*, rep across row (42 sts). Stripe 13: With Cl, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 14: With C2, knit 5 rows. Stripe 15: With MC, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 16: With C1, \*K4, SSK\*, rep across row (35 sts), Knit 4 rows. Stripe 17: With C2, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 18: With MC, knit 4 rows. \*K3, SSK", rep across row (28 sts). Stripe 19: With Cl, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 20: With C2, knit 5 rows. Stripe 2l: With MC, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Stripe 22: With Cl, \*K2, SSK\*, rep across row (2I sts), Knit 4 rows. Stripe 23: With C2, knit one row. Purl next 4 rows. Cut yarn leaving about l8". Thread this yarn tail on tapestry needle and pull through remaining sts. Take yarn through top center of hat and weave in on wrong side. If you have any problems or find errors with the instructions please notify me and I'll try to get them worked out as soon as I can. Emall me at: vyvneellatjsbcglobal.net

Pattern 丰 Images $\circledcirc$ 2007 Vyvyan Neel All rights reserved. Pattern is for personal use only. It is not to be sold or used to produce garments for resale. It may not be reprinted on the web or otherwise without permission. http://nahappycamper.eponym.com/blog