Russian Style Kerchief Crochet Pattern for Average Lady's Size by Headwater Wool Inc.

-or any questions about this pattern do not hesitate to email Please provide with catalog code: PATT-KERC-004-C @Headwater Wool Inc.2009

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Size | Fits average size lady


A: arch; dc: double crochet, slst: slip stitch; sk: skip

Pattern illustration

Russian Style Kerchief

Pattern illustration

Work Description:

You have to be familiar with basic construction of tape lace. Tape laceis made of double-crochet stitches (always 4dc along the entire tape) and a chain of 7 loops built at the end of each row. This chain of 7 loops (we callit ARCH) maybe connected in the midle with other arch withslip stitch. These connections between arches shape the entire look of the pattern. This type of crochet lace was usedin Russia to substitute tedious work of making a tatting lace. How to read this description: A1 Arch #1: 4dc, 7ch, turn. A2 Arch #2: 4dc, 7ch, turn. A3...A4: the same as above for each next arch. ${\mathsf{A}}{5}{\leftrightarrow}{\mathsf{A}}{3}$ Arch $\#5$ is connected with Arch #3: 4dc, 3ch, slst into middle of 7ch of Arch #3, 3ch, 4dc, 7ch, turn. To follow pattern visually mark each $10^{\mathtt{t h}}$ arch (it is shown in bold). Do not turn, 5ch, slst into middle of A362. Work along the even edge. Row 1: \* (5ch, sist into middle of next arch) repeat 3 times, 5ch, treble between 2 arches; repeat from \* to last 4 arches, (5ch, slst into middle of next arch) repeat 4 times, 20ch, turn. Row 2: dc into $10^{\mathtt{t h}}$ loop from hook, \* 2ch, sk2, 1dc into next loop; repeat from to $^*$ end of row. Insert stitch markerinto the loop on the hook to keep safe from unraveling. With spare yarn make a chain 15 loops into base on this stitch with the marker. Cut off the yarn and pull through last loop. Take out the stitch marker and work into this 15ch as \* 2ch, sk2, 1dc into next loop; repeat from to \* last loop, 5ch, turn. Row 3: 1dc into 2nd dc, $^{\ast}2c_{1}$ $^*$ last dc, in last 3 loops: 2ch, sk2, 1dc, 5ch, turn. Row 4: as Row 3.

Pattern illustration

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