Snowoy Pines Stocking Pattern & Chart for Jennifer Hol's Falling Snow Design (Knitting Guide with Color & Symbol Key)

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Snowoy Pines Stocking. Chart

Tisisan alernatie leg chart ONLy for Jenifer Hol's Fallng Srow Stoeking. Tat pate isalaalaeasafreeRaveydd.isckart is6sti b53rondsiieadipatesaadesignipirdb Sow faling onteRokyMotansAll three olor were arred throghot the leg of the stocing to give it aditional body and shape. When made with balky weight yarn (as suggested in the original pattern) this stocking ends ap absolately HUGE! I woald recomend maling it with worsted weight for a normal'size stocking. Each chart i wored fro the boto, right coer ap, i the rond.Te finised stocking was embellished with star shaped buttons and Ckristmas light shaped jingle bells found at the local craft store. Enioy!

Color Chart

On thischart each color (inclding theblansguares represetsa difret color of gaTe originl was coletedsing a red for the backgrod hite for the snowflakes and scroll, and green for the pines and acents.

Pattern illustration

Symbol Chart

On thiaeetadtcfaidd Chart Rey.Tis page anbe printed epaatl to cons prite i

Chart Key

$\lvert=$ Main Color 区 $=$ Contrast Color 2

Pattern illustration

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