A simple durable toy designed as a tribute to the Rat Terrier and enjoyed by any dog that loves to shake, fetch, and chew noisy things. Rugged one-piece construction. Use you scrap yarns or pick your favorite colors.
\*Full-color pattern with added tips and instructional photos \*Printable no-graphic pattern cheat sheet \*Printable instructions for changing the water bottle to include with the rat as a gift or donation. Designed by Jenna Wingate of A Dog In A Sweater Share your creations and find more patterns on Facebook and Ravelry Pattern Usage: For personal use, donation, gifts, and fund-raising. Please do not sell for personal gain or claim this pattern as your own.
Buck Rat

\*It's rough crocheting 2 strands tightly. Hook grips (either part of the hook or added on) are a must! I use a combo of the add-on grips made for crochet hooks + a pencil grip on top of that for double-stranding. \*Scrap balls are a great way to use up small amounts of yarn. I like to keep several balls going and add to them when I am bored and not ready to start a new project. I tend to keep 2 of each color-group just for dog toys. Color groups could be pastels, brights, earth colors, blacks and grays, or maybe all pinks or all blues. Just knot as you ball or wind and have fun with it! The best part is when making dog toys, you can hide all those knots inside! AND if you're balling from a knotted scrap box, you can just cut instead of trying to detangle. I can really see no downside to scrap balls. \*It's not easy getting the bottle into the rat when you take the top off, but I really do recommend that you remove those small parts if this is to be donated or gifted. Try twisting as you push to force the capless bottle inside.
Buck Rat

a dog toy
Skill Level: Easy Size: @10inches + tail
\*Worsted Weight Yarn in 2 colors (or 2 scrap balls) \*H/8 (5.0mm) hook \*Stitch Marker \*160z empty, clean water bottle (cap and ring removed)
Stitches Used:
(American Crochet Terms) Magic Circle SC = single crochet SCdec = single crochet decrease aka single crochet 2 tog CH = chain SL ST = slip stitch

\*Holding 2 strands together throughout. \*Working in rounds, do not join. Mark the last stitch of each round. \*Total number of stitches for each round given in (parentheses) \*\*It is useful to visualize that (for the most part) the belly of the rat should remainflat and all the shaping (increases and decreases) will be made evenly across the top of the head, shoulder, back, and rump. Round 1 - 3 SC in a magic circle. (3SC) Round 2-2SCin each stitch. (6SC) Round 3- SC in the first 2 stitches. 2SC in the next 2 stitches. SC in the last 2 stitches. (8SC) Round 4- SC in the first 2 stitches. (2SC in the next stitch, SC in the next 2 stitches) twice. (10SC) Round 5 - (1SC in next stitch, 2SC in next stitch) 5 times. (15SC) Stuff the tails into the nose to get them out of your way. Round 6 - SC in the first 3 stitches. (2SC in the next stitch, SC in the next) 5 times. SC in the last 2 stitches. (20SC) Rounds 7-9 - SC in each stitch. Round 10 - The Ear Round- SC in the first 7 stitches. CH5. SC in the next 6 stitches. CH5. SC in the last 7 stitches. (20 SC, 2 5CH ears)

On Round 11, fold the ears forward to the outside of your work. You do not stitch into these chains, only into the SC. Round 13 - SC in the first 7 stitches. (2SC in the next, SC in the next 2) 3 times. SC in the last 4 stitches. (23 SC) Round 14 - SC in each stitch around. Round 15-Front Feet RoundSC in first 2 stitches. Chain 8. SC in 2nd chain from hook and in next 2 chains. SL ST in next 4 chains. [Foot Made]. SC in next 10 stitches. 2SC in next stitch. SC in next 8 stitches. Make Foot. SC in last 2 stitches. (24SC, 2 feet)
Buck Rat pattern continued..
Round 16- SC in each stitch around, folding feet forward as ears and stitching only into the SC from previous round. (24 SC) Round 17 - SC in the next 8 stitches. (2SC in the next stitch, SC in the next 7 stitches) twice. (26SC) Round 18 - SC in each stitch around. Round 19 - SC in the first 9 stitches. (2SC in the next, SC in the next 3) 2 times. SC in the last 5 stitches. (29SC) Rounds 20-27 - SC in each stitch around. On round 27, continue to crochet to the center of the belly and place stitch marker. Round 28-BackFeet Round-SC in the next stitch. Make Foot. SC in the next 26 stitches. Make Foot. SC in the last 2 stitches. (29SC, 2 feet) Round 29 - SC in each stitch around, folding feet forward as ears and stitching only into the SC from previous round. (29SC) Round 30- SC in the next 6 stitches. (SCdec, SC in the next 2 stitches) 5 times. SC in the last 3 stitches. (24SC) Round 31- 35 - SC in each stitch around. FO leaving 18inch tail. Insert bottle. Cut a double strand 40 inches long. Weave through the end stitches as to form a drawstring. Tie knots in both ends so you can recognize them later. Cut 24 lengths of yarn 36 inches long. Pull one strand through the end of each stitch and match the ends (forming a double thickness). Locate the knotted ends. Pull these to tighten and tie once (Just to hold temporarily. You do not want a hard knot here you can't undo later) Divide all the yarn into 3 sections and braid tightly. (Ilt helps to hold the rat between your knees as you do this). When you get near the end, tie a thick knot, pulling and tightening to work it toward the ends, leaving at least 1 inch of fringe. Locate the two ends with the smaller knots and REknot them closer to the big knot (so they will not be cut off when you trim the fringe). Trim fringe as desired.

The following page is a printable pattern cheat sheet. Its purpose is to remind you of the rounds once you are already familiar with the pattern. Please limit all paper use for the sake of our
Buck Rat: a dog toy
Designed by Jenna Wingate of A Dog In A Sweater Printable pattern cheat sheet All shaping is made across the top in orientation with the ears. 1. 3SC 2. 6SC 3. 8 SC 4. 10 SC 5. 15 SC 6. 20 SC 7. - 9. SC around 10. SC around (make ears) 11. - 12. SC around 13.23 SC 14. SC around 15. 24 SC (make feet) 16. SC around 17.26 SC 18. SC around 19.29 SC 20.27- SC around 28. SC around (make feet) 29. SC around 30. 24 SC 31.- 35. SC around FO, 18inch tail Insert bottle 40 inch drawstring (24) 36inch fringe for tail Find A Dog In A Sweater on Facebook and Ravelry for more great patterns. Thanks for visiting us! Hope your dog enjoys their rat!
一一一一一一一一一一一-一 How to change thebottleinyourBUCK RAT toy: How to change thebottlein yourBUCK RATtoy: 一一一一一一一 | Untie the large knot at the end of thetail and unbraid. Untie thelarge knot at the end ofthetail andunbraid. Untie the large knot at the end ofthetail and unbraid. Howto change thebottlein yourBUCK RATtoy: | Theseareyour drawstring.Theywill betied looselyat forrecycling.Replacewith clean16ozbottle with cap the body.Spreadopen the end and removeoldbottle Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. the body.Spread open theend and removeold bottle forrecycling.Replacewithclean16ozbottlewithcap drawstringstoclose and tie once to hold.Separateinto Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. | and handmade especially foryou by: | We hope you enjoy! | 一一一一一一一一一一一一 一- | Untie thelarge knot at the end ofthetail and unbraid. How to change thebotle in your BUCK RATtoy. | and handmade especially for you by: We hope you enjoy! | the body.Spread open the end and removeold bottle forrecycling.Replacewithclean16ozbotlewithcap drawstringsto closeand tie once to hold.Separateinto Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. three sections and braid, tying a big knot at the end. and ring removed.Twist and push to insert.Pull | ||||
drawstrings toclose and tie once to hold.Separateinto three sections and braid tying a big knot at the end. | ||||||||||||
three sections and braid, tying a big knot at the end. and handmade especially for you by: We hope you enjoy! | Untie the large knot at the end ofthetail andunbraid. Howto change thebotle in your BUCK RAT toy: | Theseareyour drawstring.Theywill be tied looselyat the body.Spread open the end and removeoldbottle drawstringsto closeandtieoncetohold.Separateinto three sections and braid, tying a big knot at the end. Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. | and handmade especially for you by: | We hope you enjoy! | ||||||||
drawstringstocloseandtie once to hold.Separate into three sections and braid, tying a big knot at the end. | ||||||||||||
and ring removed Twist and push to insert.Pull | ||||||||||||
and handmade especially for you by: Wehope you enjoy! | These areyour drawstring.Theywillbetied looselyat Untie thelarge knot at the end ofthetail and unbraid. the body.Spread open the end andremoveoldbottle Locate the two strings with small knots at the end. | and handmade especially for you by: Wehope you enjoy! | ||||||||||
the body.Spread open theend and removeold bottle forrecycling.Replacewithclean16ozbottlewithcap drawstringsto closeandtie onceto hold.Separate into three sections and braid, tying a big knot at the end. | How to change thebottle in your BUCK RAT toy ! 一 I |