Ohio State Block O Knitting Pattern for Sweaters and More by Dizzy Spinster Designs

Ohio State Block 0

I charted out this design for my young nephew, Ben (7), who told me he wanted an OSU sweater for Christmas with a big Block O on it. But, he said, it couldn't just be a boring Block O, it had to be the kind with the leaf in it. Well Ben - here you go! This sweater uses both intarsia and Fair Isle knitting techniques. I used one skein of red yarn throughout and just carried it behind when knitting with either green or grey yarn. This chart can be used for plenty of other projects as well - such as sweaters, blankets, towels, washcloths, etc. Heck - you can even use thinner yarn for a sock design if you'd like. For a blanket, you can easily knit two stitches per block rather than just one per block as I've done with Ben's sweater.


Reading charts

ยท Odd-numbered rows are worked from right to left Even-numbered rows are worked from left to right Use a ruler or other straight-edge to help keep your place on the chart I like to take a pen and block out the chart in 10x10 blocks to help my eyes separate it out into more easily read sections while I'm working. It just makes it easier to find my place.

Intarsia and Fair Isle knitting

When switching colors, wrap the color with which you're knitting around a color that you're just carrying through to avoid creating holes in your knitting. Be careful about pulling the yarn you're carrying through too tightly as it will pull and distort the design. When working a long stretch in one color, such as the grey section in the middle of the Block O, try to wrap the grey around the red yarn about every 4-5 stitches so you don't have one super long piece of red yarn going from one side of the \*"O"' to the other.

Pattern illustration

Good luck! And GO BUCKS! ? OSU Block O Chart by Heather M. Brown, Dizzy Spinster Designs. Nov 2009. Ravelry ID: DizzySpinster

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